Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3474: Flying fairy snow lion

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Chapter 3474 The Flying Fairy Snow Lion "It is so powerful that she dares to face the black wind demon king who is anti-humane and first-class!" Wang, while admiring him, he couldn't help but beat up the drums. This little girl is so powerful and she has so much silence, won't she give it to herself? Chen Jiu, of course, knows it. Of course, the main reason why he behaves this way is to paralyze his opponents so that he can pit them at the appropriate time. Three shots are a good example! "Sheng Xianxian, really let me wait and see!" Wang Geji, as a man, this extremely beautiful woman, naturally gave birth to full love. Please search! The newest and fastest novel ‘Boom——’ jade palm waved gently, the battle was not over, it was a blow, and the huge Batu Caves stopped working. The power of the flying fairy is extraordinary. "Ah, the maiden saves us ..." The hurricane is close at hand, and the hurricanes are gripped on the two big hands of the black wind old demon and held up in the sky, which is really great hope. "Sin barrier, let go of the humans in your hands!" Feixian Shengjiao drank, just like the golden words of a bodhisattva, and she struck out again. ‘Boom——’ The third strike, the jade palm Guanghua flashed, penetrated into the Batu Caves, and it was forcibly defeated. ‘桀…’ The Heifeng Demon King is also angry, which makes people unexpected. He actually took the hurricane and the flying ruler in his hand and patted him fiercely. "What's this for?" Even the Flying Fairy stunned at this moment, let alone the others, none of them understood the intention of Heifeng Yaowang's move. ‘Floating fluttering! ‘Two sounds of meat make people unbearable and ca n’t help but feel relieved. The scale and hurricane were actually inserted into the abdominal wound by the Black Wind Demon King, temporarily blocking them. "Nausea, stinky, stinky ..." Xiang ruler and the hurricane turned white and vomited, but seemed to be suppressed by any force, and could not escape at all. "Haha ... the dignified flying ruler and hurricane, the two were proud on the first day, and they were actually treated as gauze seals. If they went out, they would be told a good story!" Shi even laughed without scruples. "This ..." Unlike Chen Jiu and theirs, Bing Jing Junzi and Mu Yuchun are hard to look at their faces! "Bold, the evil beast is looking for death!" The flying fairy madly responded, and Yuzhang slaps a palm shadow, hitting the chest of Heifeng Demon King directly. ‘Oh! ’The black wind demon king waved his hand and stopped, but with a loud noise, it was still beaten out, stumbled, and the wound was bleeding. "Hmm ..." He was baptized with **** blood, and the two people, Xiang ruler and Hurricane, were even more indignant. ‘桀桀…’ The black wind demon king's eyes are gloomy. It is full of hatred and stares at the flying fairy maiden. The raised hands shake back and forth, and a powerful and evil black wind beast appears in front of it. The black weathered beast, needless to say, is also a strong presence. Chen Jiu and them face it, even if they are far away, their heart trembles and trembles from their own fear. "I know you are not easy to deal with, Feixian Snow Lion!" The Feixian Shengdian cautiously summoned a white lion with a whole body, like a snow sculpture. ‘Roar…’ When the lion wheezed, the world shook in space and time, which was quite mighty and overbearing! "It's terrible. How does this flying fairy snow lion look like the real thing, and the energy contained in it is so shocking!" Chen Jiu was amazed again, because this is the first time he has faced the strong one of humanity. Great power. "Chen Jiu, don't you know the true power of the Humane One?" Although lonely Chunqiu was equally shocked, she asked in amazement. "Uh, I know a little, but it's not very clear!" Chen Jiu answered embarrassedly. "No wonder you dare to risk it again and again. This is our maiden who is good-tempered and unwilling to care about you. If you come over with another person, you have long died and don't know how many times!" Ironically, it's not easy to be able to find such an opportunity to suppress Chen Jiu. "Cold beauty, if you really know, then you say it and let us open our eyes?" Chen Jiu said indignantly. "Hum, just talk, lest you think our sage is a deceitful name!" Such a good opportunity, the cold cold girl was unwilling to waste, and she immediately preached with high spirits: "The so-called humanity is one. It is the Taoist consciousness of the avenue, and finally condenses the essence of the entire avenue, perfectly combining with his spirit and spirit to create his own avenue life! "" Oh? Belongs to his own avenue life? " Living whispered, if happy phoenix is ​​regarded as his life on the avenue, then what would Asian male be? Chen Jiu ’s situation is a bit special. He does n’t tell it. Everyone naturally does n’t know it. The cold and cold girl finally pressed Chen Jiuyi's head and explained with pride: “Yes, this life is generally a Tao beast. But there are some plants that are not the same. What they form specifically depends on their perceptions and attributes of the avenue! "" Oh, that's it! "Chen Jiu nodded silently, which was a clear understanding. The road is open a lot. "Ignorant boy, now you understand the power of our maiden, if you kneel down and apologize to me, I can consider not telling the maiden your innocence. Shame!" Leng Lengtian thought she had the upper hand, Began to threaten Chen Jiu. "I understand, I understand, but I never intended to apologize to you, you think too much!" Chen Jiubai replied with a look, and the look of contempt made the cold madness on the spot. "What? You don't know what to do. Believe me or not, tell the maiden, that flying fairy snow lion can tear you off right away!" The air was extremely cold, and Chen Jiu finally said to the disc. "Unless you can prove that there are no holes underneath, otherwise, why should I apologize?" Chen Jiu's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, but he played a rogue and nothing. Shame up. "You ... you go down. Stream, no. Shame, why do you say ..." Leng Liantian was so angry. The body trembled, and the hand holding the fairy lamp was unstable. "It was you who forced me, but I didn't want to talk about it!" Chen Jiu said innocently. "You ... you ..." The air-conditioner was insane, and the psychological advantage just disappeared! "Cold, ignore him, Feifei was right just now, these men are better not to care about them!" Meimei and Qiaoqiao hurriedly persuaded. ‘Roar…’ At this moment, the Feixian Snow Lion pounced on the Black Wind Beast, took a chance to snort, and ignored Chen Jiu's attention to the battlefield. This book comes from / book / html / 2/2873 /

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