Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3475: The tragic death of the demon king

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Chapter 3475 The Demon King's Miserable Feixian Snow Lion, White Hair Oily, Fierce and Overbearing, It Is a Divine Beast, In fact, the consciousness is still dominated by the Feixian Saint, which belongs to the Tao beast that she has condensed, and is also the result of her humanity Where. A snow lion almost contained the power of her entire avenue. At this moment, when she attacked, the power was to make the whole world like the sea and surging! ‘Wowa la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la — at this tide, Chen Jiu ’s arrogance these days is almost like a mortal coming to the sea, physically and mentally shaking, small and humble. "So powerful, so terrible, so beautiful ..." Under the continual shaking of the mind, the image of the flying fairy lady in the hearts of everyone is undoubtedly more unattainable, at least this is not the woman they can control now! ‘桀桀 桀…’ The black wind is strange, with evil powers like the wind, and its power is endless. It can actually resist the attack of the Feixian Snow Lion. It also wants to take the opportunity to corrode it, which is quite a change. state. ‘Booming…’ The next battle is exactly a battle between these two avenue-level gods and beasts. You and we are attacking each other. Although every one of them, each strike contains a great avenue, which is not trivial! "Is the maiden defeated?" Bingjing Junzi could not help but whispered, because she felt the power of the Black Wind Demon King. If she failed, then Hurricane Junko would be dead. "I don't know, it shouldn't!" The battle situation is unknown, and even the lonely Spring and Autumn are afraid to make a conclusion. ‘Hou…’ Feixian Snow Lion did not disappoint everyone. It became stronger and stronger, after all, a tiger fluttered down the Black Wind Monster completely, and bit it up fiercely. ‘桀…’ The black wind monster howled and screamed, his body was torn, and the remaining power returned to the body of the black wind demon king, and he turned and fled. "Nie Barrier, Hugh escape ..." Fei Xian Sheng Nian Jiao drank, Fei Xian Snow Lion pounced on it for the first time, a sharp claw pressed it to the ground, and bite again. '桀桀 ...' The Heifeng Demon King, a powerful and unparalleled murderer, although his name is not as advanced as the Jiumu Sanjiao snake, but it is also extremely powerful. In previous years, I do n’t know how many days died in it. Under the black wind, at this moment, it is finally regarded as retribution. Piece by piece, the Black Wind Demon King was torn by Feixian Snow Lion. When the last two complete flesh were left, it suddenly stepped into the void and disappeared! "This ... the powerful Black Wind Demon King, let me wait for a murderous creature with no resistance at all, and was killed ..." Wang Geji still did not recover from the regret. "Huh, is the power of our maiden to be able to peep. See, pay attention to the words after recognition, otherwise the maiden will be angry, and the Snow Lion will tear you!" Lengtiantian proudly said, It was just that Chen Jiu was faintly looking away, more like speaking to him alone. "I have to!" Chen Jiu suddenly answered, but pointed to the front battlefield and said, "You, Snow Lion and two pieces of meat are not torn up, but the strength is just that!" "This ... how can this be?" Leng Lengtian's eyes suddenly widened, some unbelievable. "Okay, everyone, come here, the Black Wind Demon King is dead, there is no danger here!" At this moment, the fairy Fairy called to everyone. "Yes ..." Leng Lengtian, the girl holding a fairy lantern, followed the crowd to the mottled battlefield, and even the aftermath of the war left them deeply touched. "Let's find the treasure of the Black Wind Demon King together. Let me adjust my breath first!" Before and after, the Flying Fairy screamed at you, then closed her eyes silently. ‘Zi ...’ Jade. Ti Ling. Long, Xianhua flashing around her body, even if she closed her eyes, she is still as beautiful as a goddess, making people dare not invade. Guilty heart! "Treasures, let's find them soon ..." Chen Jiu shouted, many Tianjiao's eyes became red, and they scattered to find them. Heifeng Demon King is so powerful that his treasure will be very rich, right? The stench around was special, and the treasure of the Black Wind Demon King was not so easy to find. Everyone wandered around like this for a while and found nothing. "Cold, what are you doing?" Suddenly, the flying fairy samurai repelled, once again attracting everyone's eyes. "Ah, I ..." The cold-cold woman holding a fairy sword, her sword stained with blood, seemed a little nervous at the moment, but she calmly preached: "Sir, I found that there is a Heifeng demon king here Some pieces of minced meat, worried that it is not dead, so make up a few more swords! "" Black Wind Demon King? "Fei Xian Sheng Yu Yumei frowned tightly, and her face was a bit difficult. Kandao: "Hello, what's the matter?" "Isn't this the Black Wind Demon King? It's stinky and smelly, Snow Lion didn't tear it off ..." I looked at it coldly and couldn't help but stab After a few clicks, the flying fairy could not bear it. "Stop it, cold!" The Flying Fairy swiftly stopped. "Stop, is there anything wrong with this?" Leng Leng didn't respond until then. "Brother, brother ... are you okay?" Bingjing Junzi waved people, Mu Yuchun and they waved again. The two waves seemed to realize something, and suddenly they came to call in front of two pieces of residual meat. . 'Wowa ...' After the residual meat was washed away, although their faces were still yellow and black, and they were smelly, they were completely recognizable, not exactly Hurricane Junko and Xiang who had just been put into the wound by the Black Wind Demon King. Are the ruler boys two Tianjiao sons? "This ... how could it be them, how did I forget this ..." Leng Leng was unknown from the beginning. So now, the awakening to the present is also remorse. I ca n’t wait for time to go back and live a lifetime, how can I do it What a tragedy is such a shame! "Leng Lengtian, let's ask our brother and you for any resentment, let you take the opportunity to harm them ..." The blood caves on the human body, Bingjing Junzi, they forced Leng Leng on the spot, if this was to die The king's hands were all right, but he was stabbed a few times by his own people, so it was necessary to give an explanation. "I ... I didn't. I didn't mean it. You must listen to me ..." She was crying coldly, and she felt that she was the one who was most aggrieved. "Cold, you need to explain it well. I have instructed you to look for treasures. Why are you doing this more?" The Fairy Lady also needs to give everyone an explanation at this time. "I ... I ..." I was cold and nervous for a long time, and finally pointed at Chen Jiu and resentfully shouted: "He, he misled me. All the culprits in this capital must be his. Overhead! "This book comes from / book / html / 2/2873 /

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