Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3477: Beast Treasure

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

Damn, this Chen Jiu clearly opened us deliberately, wanting to swallow our treasure, there is no way, you do n’t give us a chance, otherwise, we will surely kill you, Hurricane Junko and Xiang ruler Boy, gritted his teeth at this time, irritable.

"Treasure? We didn't find the treasure at all, what did you divide up!" Leng Lengtiannu raised her opinion seriously, and did not miss any chance to hit Chen Jiu.

"Hey, cold beauty, if you don't find it, it doesn't mean that others can't find it, right?" Chen Jiu said politely.

"Did you find it?" Leng Leng was very skeptical, and she was angry at the incident.

"Of course, if it is not unexpected, the entrance to the treasure is under this seat!" Chen Jiu pointed to the central stone seat and preached. Although it was a whole here, he still saw some clues.

"Uh, there is indeed a problem here!" Fei Xiannv took a closer look, and also found that the jade hand where the problem was located overturned the huge stone seat of the Black Wind Demon King.

'boom! ’The stone seat flew over, a huge underground hole was revealed, Baohua flickered, and the beast hissed, and it was extremely amazing.

"What is this place, is it really a treasure cave? Why is there a beast sound and there is no terrible existence?" Surprised, the scale and the hurricane came to the front again.

"Two shit, whoever made you approach us, leave quickly, or you go in advance, anyway, can't you be so close to us, haven't you noticed that the maiden has been smoked?" Chen Jiu yelled at the two directly. , Don't give any face at all.

Poor two heavenly pride, that is the first existence in the martial arts, who does not look up to their faces, at this time was directly scolded into two shit, if it is not for the reason of the flying fairy maiden, they would have been It's booming!

Forbearance, looking at everyone's disgust, especially the strange eyes of the fairy maiden, the two combined their own situation, instinctively thought that this was rejected, so they could not bear any more anger. , Looking for opportunities in the future, together with Chen Jiu liquidation.

I do n’t dare to take the initiative to enter. After all, I have lost a once. If there is any peerless creature in them, they will be saddened to death. Therefore, despite the reluctance, the hurricane and the distance are slowly backed away.〗 ∽ ∽ ∽ ∽ ∽ ∽ ∽, before leaving, annoyed and provoked: "If you have the skills, go ahead!"

"I go in and I go in. Do you think I'm as brave as you?" Chen Jiu answered, and he was really arrogant and walked to the front.

The ground. The cave is deep and large. The flashing of the light is not dazzling, but the roar of the wild beast is not dangerous. So under the leadership of Chen Jiu, everyone came to an empty place, and on the ground here , There are many huge stones like eggs, it is they emit a magical treasure and roar.

"Wow, this is a combination of beast stones, a lot of beast stones, this time we sent ..." There are not a few people who know the goods, and there are many happy shouts on the spot.

"What? He beast stone, brother, let's hurry up!" Listening to the cry of the crowd in front, Bingjing Junzi they can't wait any longer.

"What's the matter? We are all followers of the Virgin. Do you still worry about who can swallow the treasure alone?" Despite all that, it can be seen from their faces on the hurricane how aggrieved they are now.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Between the ecstasy of everyone, the fairy Fairy suddenly came to the beast stone.

"Sir maiden ..." The people calmed down, but looked at the maiden of Fei Xian with twinkling eyes, really worried that she would swallow these beast stone treasures alone.

"You, I don't take any of these treasures, but I have a condition, and I hope you will agree, how about it?" The Fairy Maid then said surprisingly.

"No matter what? No matter what, what do you have to say, sir, you can take most of these beast stones, just leave us some!" Lonely Spring and Autumn, they are not unreasonable. The reason why Obtaining these beast stones, in fact, the maiden's credit is greater, and she should deserve more points.

"No, Heshou Stone is useless to me. What I want is Heshou Stone, so I hope that all Heshou Stones that I get in the future will be taken by me, and Heshou Hedao Stones, you can share them equally!" Fei Xian The maiden shook her head, but she also knew her purpose.

"Sir, wouldn't you be too bad for this?" The people are still a little unbelievable, but they absolutely agree with such a condition because they are still young and Heshou Shi is of little use.

"No, if you don't have an opinion, this thing is settled!" The fairy with a sincere look on her face really makes people doubtful.

"Thank you maiden for grace, please trouble maiden to divide the beast stones for us!"

"Did you evenly divide it?" The Flying Fairy Lady hesitantly looked at everyone. It seems that it is not appropriate to divide the people equally.

"Madam, you can't divide it equally. We recommend taking the beast stone according to the contribution!" The hurricane and the ruler were far away, but the first one couldn't help screaming.

"We are in favor of such a division!" Yu Yu's three corpses affixed a drink and said, "If you divide according to the number of killing the black wind old demon, it is more appropriate!"

"This division ..." Wang Geji and Lonely Spring and Autumn could not help but look at Chen Jiu. Can you agree with him if you pit him like this?

"Bold, the maiden gives you faces, you are really shameless!" Of course, Chen Jiu was very unhappy, so he was very polite and reprimanded the Tianjiao.

"Chen Jiu, who are you shameless!" The three corpses of Jade Bone were a little angry.

"Just you, who else can you?" Chen Jiu pointed at the three bones of Jade Bone and preached directly to them.

"Miscellaneous account, you are looking for death ..." The four of them were so annoyed that they all couldn't help but push Chen Jiuwei to the past.

"Hey, where is the maiden, do you still want to be murdered?" Fei Fei Tian Fei uttered several people's anger at the critical moment.

"Son, you're waiting!" With a rude remark, several people stopped looking at Chen Jiu and looked at the maiden. "Please tell the maiden!"

"Chen Jiu, according to your meaning, how should this beast stone be divided?" The fairy maiden followed Chen Jiu for comments.

"According to them, that would definitely not work. The four celestial beings fought against us for a night fight, and that was extremely hard. How could they not be divided into beasts and stones!" Chen Jiu shook his head, and actually made some grievances for the celestial beings .

"We are not too hard ..." Coldly they rarely saw Chen Jiushun glanced, but this sounded awkward, but when I think about it, I can't find anything wrong!

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