Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3478: How to divide

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Chapter 3478 How to Divide "Several heavenly women can be counted according to the achievements of a black wind old demon, so the head office!" Naturally they did not dare to divide the heavenly women into beast stones, and then shouted. Please search! The newest novel "No ... No, you didn't understand me at all, I mean, it's extremely inappropriate to divide according to the number of killing the black wind old demon!" Chen Jiu continued Then, it really made them cold and irritated again, this person is simply owed. "Then what do you mean?" The three corpses also couldn't bear Chen Jiu even more. "The reason why we all get these beast stones is that the person with the most credit is the saint-in-law, can we not deny it?" Chen Jiu sold a key and preached again. "Natural!" Everyone nodded, there was no meaning. "Since the person who has the most credit is 囡囡, she should have received the most, but now she doesn't need it, so when we divide up, should we use her as the center and divide according to the contribution to her!" Preaching. "Uh, that's right!" Everyone thought for a while, and couldn't find any reason. They were also very confident. We killed the black wind old demon, which was a great contribution! "Very well, since everyone agrees with me, then think carefully again. When the maiden chose the followers, who had the most stone fruit and who was the first follower!" Chen Jiu said proudly. Get up, that look is just who to give up! "You ... we don't agree with this, you didn't kill a black wind old demon, and this time the death of the black wind demon king did not use half a stone fruit. Why did you get the biggest share!" Hurricane They stared, and finally came to understand, seriously opposed. "Bold, you are contemptuous of the maiden!" Chen Jiu took a big hat in the past. "I am the first follower of the maiden. What the maiden does not want, I should be the first to divide it. Now you But it is against such an approach. You are simply trying to oppose it, right? "" This ... No, sir, I have no intention of rebellion, but we do not accept it! " I also do not agree to let Chen Jiu get a big head. "Sir, what is your original intention of choosing the first follower? Moreover, we contribute your stone fruit, which is like investing. Of course, the larger the investment, the more benefits should be distributed. Otherwise, who will dare in the future? Looking for your investment? "Chen Jiu was also a maiden, because the real division must be decided by her! Uh, this kid even threatened to threaten himself, but he did make a lot of sense, and he couldn't refute himself. The Fairy Lady thought about it, and finally had to endorse Chen Jiu's suggestion and preach: "Chen Jiu was right. I chose followers based on the number of stone fruits. Since you donated stone fruits to me, this is equivalent to trusting me. Now I divide up the beast stones, and it should be based on the number of stone fruits. It's fair to divide it into several parts! "" This ... "They were all dumbfounded by the three corpses and jade bones, and they were still very unwilling to" Hurricane Xiang ruler. "Do n’t we count the killing of the black wind demon?" "Joke, This is the sage to give you a chance to practice. Do you really think that without you, those black wind old demon can block the sage? "Chen Jiu retorted harshly. "Sir, though we have said so, our subordinates have no credit or hard work ..." Hurricanes could not argue with Chen Jiu and had to pretend to be pathetic. "Really, can't you give them some of your share?" Chen Jiu said in an opinion again. "Yes, there are a lot of each of these beast stones. After you get them, you can share them evenly. After all, they mainly follow you. It has nothing to do with me!" The maiden agreed with Chen Jiu. "Sir, what about us?" The family had a beast stone to divide, and coldly could not help but made a request. "You ..." The maiden was embarrassed at the moment, because she was afraid that everyone would say that she was falsely seeking for personal gain, so she had to ask: "In your opinion, how should they divide?" " Uh, well, I have to think about ... "Chen Jiu frowned. "Chen Jiu, although we did not kill the Heifeng Lao Yao, it was also very hard to accompany you to fight the night, didn't we?" Meimei had to tell Chen Jiu good things, because it was about a huge distribution of benefits . "That's, Meimei Feifei, you accompany me to pick the lights and fight in the night, naturally I can't lose you!" Unlike the selfless lady, Chen Jiuquan is a selfish villain. "Chen Jiu, as well as me, I will accompany you to pick the lantern and fight at night!" Qiao Qiaoji was pulled down, and he quickly shook the fairy lantern shaking his hand to tell the sermon. "Oh, Qiaoqiao, I won't forget you!" Chen Jiu added. "Chen Jiu, what about me?" Leng Leng couldn't bear anxious. "What happened to you?" Chen Jiu asked, pretending not to know. "I'll accompany you 'night fight' too!" Leng Leng was anxious, and made his speech short. "Hmm ..." This was too shy. Ambiguous, everyone can't help but exclaim, Jiu here blatantly plays a flying fairy, they are naturally not very taste, envy and envy. "Hey, cold girl, you can speak clearly. I don't know what I thought of you!" Chen Jiu got cheap and sold well, and put up another thirteen. "I ..." Leng Leng's face rose. Red, then quickly shook the fairy lantern in his hand and added: "I mean picking a lantern for a night fight, picking this lantern!" "Okay, okay, the more you talk, the more chaotic I will not lose you!" Chen Jiu Finally, I gave a happy word, which made Leng Leng better. "My lord lady, Chen Jiu publicly play. It's really a crime to sacrifice the heavens and fake public welfare!" Hurricane Junko they are so upset. Is it your family's beast stone? Give it to whomever you say? How can there be such a cheap thing? "Just, in front of the eyes, how could I play a trick. Do you think you are a fool on the day of the day? I clearly don't want to divide the day and the beast stone, intentionally say this?" Chen Jiu blamed them again. "Master, we haven't been teased. Make fun!" The four heavenly girls came out one by one to testify for Chen Jiu. "As for what they call fake public welfare, it's pure nonsense!" "I've already made things clear, Chen Nine, according to your opinion, how many beast stones should they get? "The fairy maiden was naturally standing on the side of Chen Jiu at this time, and her mood was a little weird. This guy is obviously very unruly, but it still makes people feel bad. I can't pick it out, but it has also been jointly defended by several heavenly women, which is really incredible. This book comes from / book / html / 2/2873 /

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