Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3485: Finally woke up

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Madam, what have we done wrong?" Suddenly being reprimanded by the saint maiden of Feixian, they were completely stunned.

"Well, aren't you still mistaken?" Fei Xiansheng said with a grim expression.

"Sir, Chen Jiuba occupied my bedroom. We just watched him here. Is it wrong?" Leng Leng complained aggrieved.

"Is there anything I ca n’t wait for him to wake up? What does a man look good about, so you guys have to keep staring here, I see you go on like this, then they must lose their minds!" The flying fairy sacred teaching.

"Sir, it's important to say that, how could a sleeping man lose our mind?" Mei Mei argued incomprehensibly.

"Did you forget the tenth warning of the canon?" Fei Xiannv reminded gloomily.

"Warning Article 10? Don't approach the man's underneath, there is a villain there, with magical magic, if we are not careful, we will fall for it ..." Coldly remembered, still unwilling "But sir, we are not close to him?"

"Lying, you are clearly attracted to him, Feifei is cold, charming, and ingenious. Some curiosity is right, but do n’t be curious about everything, otherwise it will put you in danger. ? "But the fairy maiden does not recognize it, it is so big there, you dare to say that you have not seen it?

"Is this ... is it so serious?" Coldly they doubted, but also looked down at Chen Jiu involuntarily, at this moment they couldn't help exclaiming, "So big, what's that?"

"Stupid, come out with me!" The maiden Feixian ordered strictly, and led the women out with blushing faces. They wanted to explain something, but the maiden did not give them a chance to order: "This man Before you wake up, you are not allowed to go in and disturb him again, understand? "

"Yes ..." Although a little reconciled, they did not dare to disagree with the order of the flying fairy.

"Well, I'm leaving now, you guys can do it for yourself!" The maiden of the fairy once warned, and disappeared into a breeze.

"Damn, when did Chen Jiu put up a villain under him, it was really abominable, that caused us to be misunderstood by the maiden, and this time jumping into the Nechi can't be washed out!" Leng Leng followed with a grudge on her face.

"Yeah, we just didn't look at him just now!" Qiao Qiao shouted.

"Hey, our four celestial ladies did not wake him up, but did they wake up his villain?" Feifei also pouted and laughed.

"Hey, you find no, this man's villain is so big, we'd better obey the sage, don't be too close!" Qiao Qiao looked afraid and had a guilty consternation.

"I haven't seen it, how do you know it's big?" Feifei asked again intentionally.

"That back is so big, can't it be big?" Qiaoqiao explained.

"Oh, what does this man's villain look like, has anyone of you ever seen it?" Feifei shook his head with curiosity. "I don't believe that this thing can have any magical magic. Does it surrender? "

"No, how have we met!" The women shook their heads and said they didn't know, Jiao.

"Uh, I haven't seen it ..." Although Feifei didn't say it clearly, it undoubtedly aroused the curiosity of a few women, but they were all embarrassed to speak up. How could this man stand up as a villain? How about it? He didn't wake up?

The girls did not understand. In fact, the reason why Jiu Jiu stood upright in the room was not intentional. It had nothing to do with the attention of the girls.

Cut the Tao heart, use time and space to speed up the digestion of the Tao Stone. After digesting nearly 80%, the dragon is also unable to persist, and returns this happy Tao heart!

'Boom ...' The powerful joyful Daoxin returned to its place, and in an instant it accumulated, Chen Jiu was enveloped by that huge humane breath. At this moment, his blood suddenly boiled, and he felt like he had become a whole. A boulevard of joy, a strong sense of power, and an irresistible desire. Hope filled his body and mind.

So strong, so wanted, these are the only two thoughts in Chen Jiu's heart now. He wants to fight, and wants women to be happy!

"Roar, master, that's all I can do for you now. You need to hurry up to find the beast stone for me, so that I can help you more!" The dragon couldn't help but show some fatigue at this time.

"Rest assured, I'll find it for you, but how can I be so full of energy now? Can you help me stabilize and repair?" Chen Jiu couldn't stand it.

"Master, your strength has skyrocketed all of a sudden, and some of the sequelae are normal, but I believe this little thing can't stump you, don't you?" The dragon explained, and had no intention of shooting.

"Small thing? I can't even control the suppression right now, and there is a crisis of self-explosion at any time. Can this be called a small thing?" Chen Jiuji extremely glared in disapproval.

"Master, there are a few chicks outside the house. If you cheat in, hey, you can easily control the new power. Does this still use me to teach you?" The dragon could not help but scorn.

"What? You let me pick up girls again, you are so outrageous!" Chen Jiuyi almost exploded, who did he treat himself as? Are you the kind of person who just looks for a woman?

"Master, I'm tired!" The dragon simply said no more, closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

"You ..." Chen Jiu stared, hoping that the dragon would help him fear it would be impossible, so he had to calm his mind, and then returned to the body, feeling the hardness underneath it. He really had a hard time saying no Come out, my wife is not around, can this be tidy?

"Forget it, let's put on clothes first, then let's talk about it. If this state is seen by them, then how could they go crazy!" Goddess, even the maiden found it.

With a squeak, Chen Jiu opened the door of the room as soon as she was dressed, which surprised him. The four heavenly girls were waiting outside his door, and seeing how they looked, Bailitou. Red, I really want to take a bite, "Feifei, are you all there? See you all night, you are so beautiful again!"

"Huh, you pig, did you finally wake up?" Coldly and angrily returned to Chen Jiu, a few heavenly girls took the opportunity to sneak a glance under Chen Jiu. A little relieved.

"Sorry, it was too hard to fight yesterday!" When Chen Jiu explained, it even made the cold and hate itchy. This **** has to make you look so bad today!

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