Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3486: Punish me

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Chen Jiu, did you sleep in my bed yesterday? Do you know?" Coldly reprimanded, and began to explode, this man is not so ridiculous, he must learn a lesson.

"I don't know, I just came here feeling fragrant and soft, where do I know it is cold in your place, if I knew it early, I would not be able to sleep without your consent!" Chen Jiu Innocently explained, as if I really didn't know it.

"Then you know now!" Gritted his teeth coldly.

"Sorry, cold, or I'll make it for you today, how about you come to sleep?" Chen Jiu apologized immediately.

"What? The bed you just slept with, let me sleep again, who do you think I am?" Cold cooling was unacceptable.

"Cold, I've slept after I slept. Why didn't you tell me earlier, and why didn't you call me yesterday?" Chen Jiu complained helplessly.

"I call you ..." In a cold pant, there was no face to tell him what he called his hatchback, so he had to preach: "You are a man sleeping, how can I call you!"

"That's it, then forget it, I'll sleep here for the time being!" Chen Jiu made the decision first.

"Sleep for you? You want to be beautiful, do you think that you can take care of my bed?" Cold cooling is extremely unwilling to investigate.

"Isn't it just a bed? I haven't slept you yet, aren't you finished?" Chen Jiu felt cold and a little bit of a big deal.

"You bastard, who is going to sleep with you, and if you talk like this again, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"Cold, angry, isn't it just a bed thing, big deal let him go to sleep with me today, don't you noisy?" Feifei quickly started to be a co-op, and willingly gave up Beds.

"How can this be, Feifei, you can't get used to this man too. If not for him, how could the maiden ..." Mei Mei didn't say anything, but no doubt she also counted the misunderstanding into Chen Jiu On his head, who made him put up a villain well?

"Chen Jiu, obviously you did something wrong, don't you admit your mistake?" Qiao Qiao rebuked Chen Jiu.

"I admit that I was wrong. It seems that the heavenly ladies don't let me go?" Chen Jiu also complained grievously.

"This ..." Qiaoqiao they thought about it, Chen Jiu didn't seem to do it on purpose, but it was cold and overly entangled. In fact, a bed is not a big deal, so it is necessary to care about it so much. ?

"You blasphemed my bed, did you just want to forget it?" Leng Leng was still a bit stubborn, and couldn't swallow this breath, did his bed let him sleep for nothing?

"Cold, you're just making trouble out of no reason. According to your logic, it's blasphemous if you walk across the road before me. It's blasphemous? The scent floating out of your body is sucked into my nostrils, even if it's dirty. And there is a bubble of urine in front of you, and I followed it again, does this not count as me forcibly annihilating you? According to your thoughts, women all over the world simply don't live! "Chen Jiu Sensual and trembling, immediately pointed at the cold crusade, this little girl did not give her a little color to see, she did not know how many pounds or two!

"You ... you're talking nonsense, anyway, you slept in my bed, this won't work!" Cold and anxious flushed, but still clinging to Chen Jiu.

"Then what do you say? You can't condemn me to rob you?" Chen Jiu asked silently.

"I ... this ..." I stuttered coldly, because she was thinking of teaching Chen Jiu, but she didn't have a precise method of how to teach him.

"Cold, don't forget it!" Coincidentally, they didn't want the incident to be too loud, and it would be bad if the maid was alarmed.

"It can't be counted!" When Feifei pleaded for Chen Jiu, he yelled abnormally, which was really confusing.

"I figured it out, I did something wrong and needed to get the punishment I deserved!" Chen Jiuyi changed his demeanor and turned into a sincere confession.

"What punishment do you want to be punished?" Feifei asked in confusion, and the girls naturally looked at him with curiosity.

"I will punish me for a battle with Hurricane Junko!" Chen Jiu said with a grotesque smile. The reason for choosing the hurricane is that there is room for him because his doomsday rain is relatively scattered and under the control of power, This is safer.

"Chen Jiu, are you crazy? You have to know that they were almost killed last time!" Fei Fei stared incomprehensible, disapproving.

"I'm not crazy. I have the confidence to defeat him, but this battle will be a hard fight. I think it's enough to punish me like this, what do you think?" Chen Jiu said with confidence.

"Uh, this is what you have to fight by yourself. If the maiden asks in the future, it won't matter to us!" Coldly warned, no doubt agreed.

"I really want to fight, this maiden has just left, but don't make any troubles!" Qiaoqiao and Meimei were worried, but there was nothing they could do.

"Several maidens, the battle is easy to say, but before that, I still have something to ask you to promise!" Chen Jiu asked again, and that was his true intention.

"What's the matter?" Leng Leng asked defensively.

"I fought the hurricane. This is not a good point. I want you to find a chance to bring me the beast stone to win me. I bet against the hurricane. The beast stone that I won in the future will be 70% of me! Made his own request.

"What if you lose?" Leng Leng was naturally not a fool.

"If you lose, I will give you my beast stone. How do you win this battle?" Chen Jiu said with a blank check.

"That's five or five!" Leng Leng still moved.

"I said, I want 70%!" Chen Jiu seemed to discuss, but there was no room for compromise at all.

"You ..." Coldly they stared, but they were really afraid of Chen Jiu's remorse and said, "Forget it, it's up to you to fight for the Beast Stone for us, and we'll let you do it again!"

"Thank you for your kindness!" Chen Jiu pretended to be grateful.

"Okay, let's say you have the skills to win the battle. We have no confidence in you!" Coldly pouting, she promised Chen Jiu, in fact, she just wanted to take the opportunity to punish him. Of course, if you can get some benefits If she did, she wouldn't mind.

"I won't let a few saints disappoint!" Chen Jiu grinned. The decision was so casual, in fact, he was well thought out, and once the move was successful, it would reap the benefits of three birds with one stone. Strange effect.

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