Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3560: Eight eared macaque

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Papa! ’With the sound of shattering porcelain glass, the three corpses did not care about despising Chen Jiu anymore, but were extremely surprised.

Pointing at the mountain crystal soul, making the three corpses hardly helpless, but at this moment, under the finger of Fei Xian, which was sent out by Chen Jiuquan, the layers were shattered, and a big mouth was soon cracked!

"Success!" When Chen Jiu saw this, he couldn't help sighing with relief.

"Chen Jiu, you are really good. You are exhausted and tired. You are here to rest, and we go in to take your treasure!" The three corpses cared for Chen Jiu and went to Jinghun Cave very actively.

"Okay, then I'll rest for a while!" Chen Jiu agreed, and he couldn't help cursing a few people without shame.

Did you give up on your own initiative? Or Chen Jiu is really tired, these are not of course. Just when he pointed out just now, he felt that there was a powerful presence inside!

This powerful existence made Chen Jiudu frightened again and again. As soon as the three corpses entered them, he fled decisively.

"Ah ..." Sure enough, as soon as this fled, the screams of the three corpses and the three of them came behind, which was really a creepy one, like a ghost asking for life!

The three corpses, the flying ruler, and the hurricane. They wanted to say that they wanted to swallow the baby one step ahead, but they never thought they had just encountered a tall eight-eared macaque when they walked into the crystal soul cave.

This eight-eared macaque has no golden hair. At first, they thought it was an old monkey. They didn't care too much. They just killed it!

However, such a shot has irritated the eight-eared macaque, and its large fan-like hand swept over it, it was devastating and swept away.

‘Bang Bang! ‘Three corpses’ proud Tianjiao Taoism, under this big hand, is almost paper-like, bursting into echoes and turning into a few blood mists, so they barely escaped from the cave!

Escaped? The only sense of luck had just spawned, and the three corpses were completely desperate.

"Zizi ..." Guanghua flowed, and Jinghun Mountain shot a light, which made the nine finger mountains outside it become a whole, which became a huge cage.

"Ah, break, break for us ..." Unbeatable, this made the three corpses completely unmotivated and wanted to escape quickly.

‘Booming…’ The powerful tricks hit the light curtain cage, but it was unbreakable and showed no signs of damage.

"No, we're trapped. What can we do?" The three quickly realized a serious problem, but they couldn't help it.

‘Bang Bang! ’Just in the midst of the trio's dilemma, the eight-eared macaque shot again, blasting the trio again, blooming all over the sky.

"Ah, Chen Jiu, where did Chen Jiu go? If he was here, we might break through the defense and escape from birth!" The three finally thought of Chen Jiu, but they could not find him Already.

"Damn, this **** must have felt wrong in advance, and ran away first. This fear of the dead, my ancestors, we were killed by him ..." Then, the three corpses, they are endless cursing, responsible for everything All blame Chen Jiu's head.

"Good tight defense, we still can't do it alone!" Chen Jiu ignored these curses, he looked at it from a distance, even without intending to shoot.

There is danger in the macaque mountain. This is a fact that Chen Jiu has known for a long time, so he has always been full of vigilance and always on guard against possible crises!

Finally, the crisis still appeared, but he was avoided by his wit. The three corpses and the three of them turned into dead ghosts. Now it is at stake and life is at stake.

"Mum, fight with it ..." One after another, the blood of the three corpses broke out, and they began to leapfrog and use all their means.

Dao Qi, Da Dao, and the power of magical skills are being interpreted. These methods used to be the trio who arrogantly immortalized the sky.

However, now these powerful means have made their opponents timid, but they have become playful and can not touch the fundamentals of the eight-eared macaque.

‘Bang bang…’ On the contrary, the eight-eared macaque ’s unremarkable attack was a life-saving sign, causing the three to explode continuously and shed blood, and their vitality plummeted!

"Okay, okay, a few of you are mixed, so it's good to die!" Chen Jiu clapped his hands, naturally, he would not sympathize with these bad-hearted opponents.

"Quickly, throw away the macaque immortal wine, fight for time!" The three big Tianjiao, obviously not willing to die here, are also planning countermeasures.

"Old monkey, give you a drink and let us go!" The three corpses gritted their teeth, opened the gourd very reluctantly, and dumped the immortal wine when empty.

‘Wowa…’ The appearance of immortal wine really attracted the attention of the eight-eared macaque. It sucked in with its mouth open, and calmed down.

"It really works!" When the three corpses were timid, thinking that there was a vitality, they were suddenly dumbfounded again.

'vomit! ‘The eight-eared macaque vomited, and it even spewed out the immortal wine that it had just drank, and the three eyes were even more angry when they stared at the gloomy.

"What's going on? Is there immortal liquor? We have been Chen Jiukeng?" The three corpses had to think so, because if it is real immortal liquor, it is the original of the macaque monkey. It has no reason to spit out. !!

"Ah ... grass, Chen Jiu, this bastard, we don't share the sky with you in this life ..." Next, the three corpses suffered the anger of the macaques, and they fell into a weak state. It was another round of scolding. .

"Fuck, it was discovered so quickly?" Chen Jiu smirked with disappointment at the result. "But you are dying. Why should I care about some dead people?"

‘Boom ...’ The three corpses are again divided into three, but the three bodies, without exception, were blasted by the eight-eared macaque, so he did n’t condense for a long time.

Next, the sky ruler of the ruler was broken, and the doomsday rain of Hurricane Junko was waved away, and the bodies that the two had barely supported, once again burst into blood mist!

"Chen Jiu, you, his mother, don't hide, you won't be able to survive when we die ... Come and save ... Ah ..." Although they hate, the three corpses undoubtedly want to survive.

"Go, you are dying, do me shit? I won't save you, save you is a big fool!" Chen Jiuyi sniffed, gloating.

"Om!" But when Chen Jiu thought that the three corpses were bound to die, he heard only a scream, accompanied by a powerful tearing force, and the cage mainly composed of the spirit of the mountain crystal was torn apart. It's up!

"My grass, which letter ball fool is bad for me?" Chen Jiu jumped anxiously, but he did not act lightly.

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