Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 3561: Don't drop the chain

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Fuck, don't show me the good things that broke me. Otherwise, I'll kill you ten thousand times!" Chen Jiu cursed extremely hard, but the murderous murder that was easily created was destroyed by no one. Now, how can he not hate it?

Hate his teeth and bite his teeth, but when the situation is unknown, Chen Jiu dare not act rashly, but observantly watched.

"Ah, you're saved, run away ..." When they saw the cage was broken, Xiang ruler desperately turned into a mist of blood and wanted to escape.

'squeak! ‘Unfortunately, at this time, the eight-eared macaque was photographed from the sky by Zhang Shoujian, and the blood mist was shot back to the ground unceasingly, which cut off their vitality.

"No ... don't kill us, save us ..." The three roared tragically. If they had just started, they might still be able to survive, but now they are seriously injured and have long lost their former edge. Trying to escape from the eight-eared macaques has become an almost impossible task.

"Nie Barrier, Hugh is too fierce!" Just as the three were about to die, they saw a white shadow, suddenly descended from the sky, and Ruoxian hit the eight-eared macaque like a dust.

'boom! ‘The eight-eared macaque slaps in the palm of its hand, and the huge body is snoring and backs away, staring at this jade shadow, it did n’t attack for a while.

If Bai Ying is immortal, she is pure and immaculate. She has a stupid, high, and tall figure, as if she is a fairy walking down from the heavenly palace. She is dazzling and beautiful!

"Sir, save your life, save your life ..." The three mists of blood splattered in front of this white shadow, and it was a moving scream.

"What? Well, it would be a good thing that she ruined herself!" After looking at the jade figure, Chen Jiu couldn't help but be in trouble. "What to do? But I said I would kill this person ten thousand times ago." Everywhere, if this is a cricket, how can you succeed? "

"No, you ca n’t count the words you have said. Although this is a slapstick, she has ruined her good deeds. She still has to" make "her 10,000 times!" He really intends to seduce flowers and kill the killer?

"What about Chen Jiu?" I didn't know that Chen Jiu was going to kill himself. He just stood still and asked him first.

"Sir, Chen Jiu, he may be dead ..." Chen Jiu was almost angry, and the three corpses even talked nonsense.

"What? How could he die? Did I come one step too late?" I was shocked, and I couldn't bear it a few times.

"Sir, Chen Jiuqing made every effort to use the finger of Fei Xian to break the soul of Zhishan Crystal, I am afraid that there are not many lives!" Xiang ruler explained them reasonably.

"In that case, he didn't get hit hard by the eight-eared macaque, but hid first?" Aunt's face suddenly eased a lot.

"Yes, but Fei Xian's finger might have drained his life ..." The hurricanes returned with extreme pessimism, hoping that the maiden would be completely disheartened by Chen Jiu.

"Okay, I know!" I just nodded slightly, it doesn't seem so sad anymore.

"Sir, are they all right? What about Chen Jiu?" At this time, the four celestial ladies and the hurricane finally followed up and asked with concern.

"Chen Jiu is okay for the time being, you retreat first, I will deal with it!" He explained, facing the eight-eared macaque alone.

‘Hoo ...’ The eight-eared macaque was angry. He was smoky, and rushed to the figure of Na.

A giant, a delicate and delicate, this woman and an orangutan-like monster have a strong sense of contrast.

‘Boom Boom ...’ Do n’t look at their contrasts very much, but the one who is not weak is the one who fights with the eight-eared macaque.

‘Gulu Gulu’ The eight-eared macaque pinpointed an empty place, and actually took out a gourd and drank it in large quantities.

‘Zi! ‘The spirit of wine is soaring, which undoubtedly adds to the strength and speed of the eight-eared macaque, which makes it suppress the crickets and defeat her.

"No, the maiden won't lose? Otherwise, let's run away first, don't mess up the maiden here!" The three corpses were shocked, and they were afraid to escape.

"No, Chen Jiu hasn't found it yet, how can we escape alone!" Wang Geji and Lonely Spring and Autumn preached them.

"The maiden should have played against it before, it seemed to be hurt at that time!" The four celestial girls sighed with anxiety, and even made the three corpses scared.

"You guys, we still have something, so let's take a step!" The three corpses looked at each other and decided not to accompany a few people to take a risk, and decided to escape, what Chen Jiu is not Chen Jiu, they wish he had died Here it is!

"Hey, you ungrateful things, the maiden just saved you, but you are going to abandon her?" Mu Wan really couldn't stand it anymore.

"Muteng, speak carefully, the virgin is so kind to us, we will respect her and love her, but this is by no means to make her mess here!" Xiang ruler glared with an expression of righteousness.

"Forget it, let them go!" The four celestial women scorned, but did not stay.

"There will be a period later!" Pretending to be, the three were leaving before leaving, but after taking a few steps, they immediately returned.

"Hey, why don't you leave?" Wang Ge asked, incomprehensible.

"Oh, we think about this, we still decide to live with the maiden together!" The three corpses just said embarrassingly, and saw nine golden retriever macaques approaching from all directions.

"Grass, I know you are not so kind!" Lonely Chunqiu scolded and grunted, "Three corpses, if you are still men, then protect the heavenly girl with us!"

"No problem!" The three corpses were helpless, and had to stand around the four celestial girls, guarding against the golden-haired macaque's attack.

'squeak! ‘In fact very quickly, nine golden retriever macaques rushed towards Wang Geji within a few breaths. The steel knife flooded and could not be resisted.

‘Boom! ‘It ’s too powerful. Even if they are doing everything they can, Wang Geji is not an opponent yet, and they are taken off in no time.

"Ah ..." The four celestial beings can't help but feel a little scared at this time. The three golden-headed macaques are particularly powerful, and they are almost spikes against them!

"What to do? Feifei, I don't want to die yet ..." Meimei was a little desperate, but she still had nostalgia for life.

"Fight with them!" She gritted her teeth coldly, and although she was afraid of death, she had no choice.

"Well, it would be nice if I could meet Chen Jiu again!" Qiaoqiao sighed, and the extravagant hope in those eyes had undoubtedly gained their cold approval.

"Come here, prepare for defense!" Feifei reminded, she could not help but have a look in her strong eyes. Such a chance for a hero to save the beauty, Chen Jiu, don't drop the chain!

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