Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 545: Ferocious

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Abominable, kill me!" The four elders, who were in shock, were even more sinister. They destroyed the holy soldiers with all their strength, stirred up a chaotic, and then attacked Chen Jiu.

"Huh, rubbish!" Chen Jiu relentlessly reprimanded. Then, he was cut off with a sword that pervaded the heavens, the world was silent, and time and space were almost suspended!

"Boom ..." A bang rang, shocking everyone in the audience, all embarrassed, dazzling sky rope, broken and broken, and could not bear the power of Chen Jiu's sword.

"No ..." He vomited blood and roared, an elder shouted madly, his face sorrowful and endless.

"Oh my god, that ’s the Twisted Sky Rope. How could it be broken?" Countless people sighed in shock and disappointment. "It is said that this evil strong cable, the hanged hero, is no less than hundreds of thousands, and today it is destroyed It's up! "

‘Boom ...’ Between the shocks, the huge earthquake in the sky once again made everyone stare.

Chen Jiu, his figure, placed under the cloud of blood, is simply a peerless mad monster alive, a sword waved, the sky shakes, the sea is full of rivers, the sky is broken, and everything is destroyed.

Hengjian everything, the heavens and the earth at a glance, the powerful hanging ladder was cut off one after another, broken layer by layer, all power was lost.

‘Oh! ’One sword pointed directly at the sky and was stabbing the rooftop. He pierced the platform on the spot and shattered it. The power of Chen Jiu was irresistible.

‘Boom bang’ is another blow. The powerful Sky Sword ca n’t even bear the edge of the Dragon Blood Sword. It is cut off on the spot and crashes into the sky.

"No ... this is impossible, how could you be so powerful?" Zhu Lao was shocked and glared, staring at the demon-like Chen Jiu, really terrified.

"Huh, I battled the world, overthrown mysteries, broke the floods, didn't you think it was misinformation? Today, you provoked me, it is a crime to die!" Chen Jiu faced the old men and had no intention to show mercy He was pressing hard, murderous, terribly scared and regressed.

"Chen Jiu, do n’t come here. We tell you that we are the five-knight veteran of Qiankun, who holds the criminal law hall of Qiankun Academy. You have broken up our holy soldiers today. The college must discuss with you. Fortunately, returning to confess our sins with us now may be able to mitigate the punishment! "In the old man's instinct, he was unwilling to bow to Chen Jiu, and threatened him again.

As everyone knows, this will only accelerate their deaths. Chen Jiu smiled ruthlessly, saying, "Even you and I will kill. I want to see. How can the college help me?"

"What? You, demon, you are infidelity, you better not be reckless, otherwise, Qiankun College will avenge us!" The five old men reprimanded, full of anxiety.

"Revenge? What is the revenge? My dragon blood empire is on the rise. How dare you come here to resist each other? That is simply seeking the way to death. I would like to see, who dares to avenge you?" Chen Jiuqi Throughout the heavens, he slashed forward with a sword.

"No ..." An elder screamed, but couldn't compete with the Xeon sword. The aged bone was split in half on the spot, and the corpse was extremely miserable on the spot!

"You ... you really dare to kill, Chen Jiu, you are deceiving your teacher and destroying your ancestors, and you are rebellious!" The other four elders were frightened.

"Don't worry about you, you deserve to die!" Chen Jiu cut off with one sword, cut the world, bloodthirsty and horrible!

"Ah!" A scream, another elder, died at the sound, shocked the other three elders, and even lost all courage and did not react together.

"There will be a period later, you wait for my revenge!" An elder yelled at Chen Jiu, the body bone had just turned over, and a sword was cut across, and that was his life immediately!

"No, don't kill me, Chen Jiu, I'm wrong, I'm willing to be your slave, please, don't kill me!" Another elder, who no longer cares about the so-called dignity, started to face Chen Jiu pleaded.

"I'm not a rare old dog like you!" Chen Jiu still showed no mercy, and the sword was cut out to let the old man die on the spot.

"Chen Jiu, you demon incarnation, if you dare to kill me today, all the people in the world will not let you go!" The last elder, holding a batch of heavenly orders, shouted: "You don't think you bully your aunt No one will say anything about it. I tell you, if you are not obsessed with it, you will have to stink for thousands of years! "

"Look for death!" Chen Jiu's face changed, and between the shots, a sword cut through the sky, making the clouds of blood burst open and extremely powerful.

"Ah ..." Unwilling. Although the elder resisted the order by hand, he was commanded by Chen Jiuyi sword without any resistance.

‘Boom’ With a blast, the last old man also turned into a mist of blood and disappeared!

In the sky, blood clouds rolled, and Chen Jiuyi stood up, just like the advent of the demon world, and he cleared his breath for a long time. The fiercely-famous five-pension veteran, looking at his glorious figure, everyone was in awe. .

"The dragon blood emperor has immense power, and the dragon blood empire is about to rise ..." The slogans of the old men evoked a resonance and boiling.

"I am the dragon blood family, our ancestors are also relatives of the dragon blood family ..." Numerous shouts rang and looked at Chen Jiu overwhelming. Many people, yes or no, wanted to climb relatives and get in touch. Light of the Dragon Blood Empire in the future!

"The people of the Meke Empire have listened to the orders. As long as I fight with the Quartet to build an immortal empire, future empires will also have your glory and blessing!" Chen Jiuyi's order infected many people.

No longer verifying your identity, as long as you are willing to fight with him, you can enjoy the future glory. Such a good opportunity is a rare event. Everyone cries for a moment, and wants to join the team to conquer the US Empire.

The blood is boiling, and those who are at the bottom of life can't get rid of their own destiny. Now the opportunity comes, even if it is dangerous, but it is also worth fighting for, because they don't want to be under the pressure of the corrupt officials and do not want to be social. Slaves.

Stand up, follow the dragon blood warrior's instructions, pick up the butcher knife, kill the corrupt officials, kill the ** empire, and re-establish a savvy order!

History is such that it is changed alternately, and every time there are many young people who are willing to throw their heads and sprinkle blood.

"Kill ..." For a time, countless people followed the large army and killed them far away, while Chen Jiu succeeded in the First World War and disappeared into the Meke Empire.

Since the first battle, Chen Jiu has become famous all over the world. His fierce, fierce, and domineering frightened the courage of countless forces, so that those who want to stop him, enough to weigh it!

"We surrender ..." Many small forces did not dare to fight at all, and surrendered directly.

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