Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 546: Fight over

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"The treason is against the law, bullying the teacher to destroy the ancestors. This son cannot stay. Dean, please expel Chen Jiu, the chaos son, out of the college!" In Qiankun College, many elders were aroused by the death of the five-penalty veteran. Resentment, they came to Qing'e one after another and complained.

"The Dragon Blood Family is destined to rise, and this battle is unavoidable. Although Chen Jiu has done too much, he has been forced to helplessly, and he ordered me to order any elders who want to participate in the war, strangling to death!" Qing E's face was dignified, but she did not intend to hold Chen Jiu accountable.

"What? Dean ..." This time, many elders were even cold.

"There is no need to discuss it any more. It is also a blessing for us to have another emperor in our academy!" Qing E said positively: "You should be proud of this, and not kill our elite! "

"This ..." The elders were ashamed, and they felt a little helpless, yes, two emperors in the same courtyard, that was such a glorious thing.

However, there are different opinions preaching: "Dean, have we really given up on the Merck Empire?"

"Let's go with it, we can lead the academy!" Waving his hand, Qing'e didn't care so much.

"Yes!" The inaction of Qiankun College even made the army of the US Empire and the Empire defeated the army, and was captured by most of the territory in one day.

The Dragon Blood family has a long history and its blood spread is extremely extensive. Of course, this is inseparable from the Dragon Blood family. Sena is inseparable.

Although there are only nine authentic ones, the number of blood lines beside them is billions of counts, which is uncountable!

The whirlwind of riots and the news of successive victories made these family members eager to get mad. When it started, a bigger storm was dormant, and once it appeared, it would surely make another sensation in the world.

'Booming Long ...' The vast Qiankun Mountains were forcibly opened and leveled, and the dragon blood army was pushed across. The evil abyss Sun family, everyone is a powerful warrior. They pointed at Sun South Korea and beat Huang. Dragon directly. !!

On the continent, in addition to the ten empires, there are countless small empires and small forces. This South Korea is one of them, and they are undoubtedly the ones closest to the Sun family.

Destroyed, there are holy soldiers to open the way, the other's tens of millions of troops, is basically a matter of child drama, can not resist the front of the Sun family!

"Stop ..." On the battlefield of iron blood, ten elderly elders came down suddenly. They are all Korean ancestors of all ages.

"Kill!" Elders such as Sun Da, Sun Xiao, and Sun Tiandao, holding the holy soldiers to push horizontally, the gods are shining all over the nine continents and ten powerful elders, which were crushed in an instant and couldn't resist!

"Ah, the Emperor is dead ..." Morale was reduced to the lowest level, and Sun Korea completely lost his fighting spirit. He was defeated in one day and the power was taken away.

On the edge of the mythical kingdom of God, the army of the Longgu family left the country, pushing 30,000 miles across, occupying the three empires and countless forces. Its sword pointed directly at the kingdom of Muxing God, which made the Muxing God kingdom restless.

Mu Daiyu, originally a proud son of Muxing Academy, enjoys the highest glory of Muxing Deity, and now she has been pushed to the throne of the emperor. She should have enjoyed it, and happiness is boundless!

However, after the mythological kingdom of God and his party, he is now frowning, full of thoughts and gloomy.

Too high emperor Ji Ji went to assassinate Chen Jiu and failed. He never returned. It was expected that he was unexpectedly motivated to continue his revenge, but Mu Daiyu's strength was really not on the stage!

Listening to the battle reports of the Longgu family, this is about to hit the edge of his kingdom. He can't sit still anymore, suddenly rises, and walks into the deep palace.

Although Muxing College was established, its national politics and college teaching were conducted separately. At this time, Mu Daiyu visited the dean.

Among the luxurious deep palaces, a middle-aged person sat side by side and was generally settled. The exquisite and beautiful little girl was waiting beside him. Waiting, that was an envy to others.

"Master Dean, Dai Yu, please see him!" Despite being an emperor, Mu Daiyu did not dare to pretend to be in the presence of the dean at all.

"Daiyu, why are you here?" The middle-aged man opened his eyes and was full of vitality, giving a baby-like feeling, which was very strange. He was the director of Muxing Academy, Mudao De!

"Master Dean, now the Dragon Blood family is rioting, and it is impossible to be lawless. The Long Gu family is pointing at the Kingdom of Muxing God with a bad intention. The Dean is also asked to quickly suppress their pride!" Mu Daiyu Obituary immediately.

"I already know this. The Longgu family is too daring. The last time I looked down on them, I didn't expect them to be a branch of the Dragonblood family. I was ashamed of it. I am ashamed!" Tokushima was slightly injured.

"The dean does not have to blame himself. Once this matter is exposed, presumably the mythical kingdom of God will not allow them anymore!" Mu Daiyu could not help proudly for a while: "The four bloodlines, born are enemies, this mythical family Will definitely turn his face with Chen Jiu! "

"That's right, you can help the matter a little bit, let the old things of the myth family come out a few, and suppress their arrogance is the best!" Tokushima nodded immediately and praised.

"The dean, the things of the mythical family, we can't control, for the time being, it is still curbing the Long Gu family's continued march!" Mu Daiyu asked again.

"Okay, rest assured, I let Elder Miki pass by and slaughter the Longgu family to march first, giving them enough deterrence!" Mudao De also looked vicious.

"Thank you, Dean, then I will arrange people to enter the mythical empire, and spread rumors!" Mu Daiyu retreated in surprise and quickly set up!

On the frontier grasslands of the Kingdom of Muxing God, iron armours confronted each other. Although their numbers were large, their morale was low, while their numbers were limited, but they were rustic and high, overwhelming each other's millions of troops.

"Brothers, work harder to defeat them and capture the King of Dian alive, and we can successfully occupy the country of Dian!" The Longgu family, the streamlined iron armor, is beautiful and durable, and fully used their Artistic, on the battlefield, looks extremely dazzling.

"Abominable, kill, kill me!" On the other side of the heavy, airtight Iron Armored Legion, a panicked emperor, who was deceitful and unwilling to be surrendered.

The dying struggle has aroused the dissatisfaction of many soldiers below. "Your Majesty, the other side has a peerless soldier, swept over, we can't resist it at all?"

"Waste, you waste, kill me. Hear no, who dares to surrender, who do I want!" King Dian fainted, but the emperor's order, dare not listen, the soldiers will not even, but Still unable to resist his orders.

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