Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 551: Six Legends of Myth

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"You guys, can we talk about it?" Emperor Chen Jiu stepped on his eyes, staring at each other, staring at the old, domineering and irreversible.

"Asshole, our mythical family, passed down from generation to generation, are you able to show off your strength?" The old patriarch yelled frantically, "Give me away the essence and open the ancient memory of the emperor!"

‘Zla la la…’ The holy blood burned and sacrificed to the heavens, as if a tunnel from ancient times had been opened, the light of the **** descended, and it hit the forehead of Zhenjin the Great.

‘Oh! ‘The emperor glared suddenly, majestic, infinitely powerful, and extremely honorable!

'Booming ...' This will completely awaken the emperor's body. The huge emperor, as if it were a true mythical emperor, came in and pushed Chen Jiu between his hands. He stood up again and stood upright. , Dominate the Eight Wildlands, and its sultry breath, deter all eternity.

"The clock is coming!" This great emperor opened his hand, and the mythical clock that was originally in the waist of God Power flew straight into his hand.

"Chuantian!" The emperor stared at Chen Jiu fiercely, as if he had no consciousness, but possessed his own will. The mythical clock in his hands became very big, like a heavenly clock, without swinging.

‘Dang ...’ A clear, melodious sound like water waves, swaying to Chen Jiu, wherever you go, the sky is broken, time is paused, and sound waves destroy everything!

"It's okay?" Chen Jiu stared, but without any fear, he did not expect that he still indirectly engaged with the mythical emperor of the year.

Since all are emperors, they can only be countered with the majesty of the emperor. After the sound wave approached, Chen Jiu suddenly yelled, "As soon as Tenglong comes out, the world travels!"

‘Wow! ‘Chen Jiu did n’t turn into a blood dragon, but on his body, the dragon ’s wings spread out, and the time lapsed. Ren Na ’s voice of the sky sounded again, but it could n’t hurt him.

"Transfer the earth!" The mythical emperor did not stay, but another bell rang, smashing the Eight Wastelands, and the power was even stronger!

"The dragon is changing and breaking the borders!" Chen Jiu once again gave birth to the claws of the dragon, grasping the sound waves, with unparalleled temperament.

"Let's pass on all beings!" The emperor struck with his hand, and the sound of the mythical bell sounded once again. The sound wave deterred the soul and soul and reached the core. If he was not strong, he would be directly enslaved by the sound wave.

"Go heaven and earth, only I have exclusive respect!" Chen Jiu's body was sublimated to the fullest extent, and dragon scales appeared. He believed in himself and was not affected by any influence!

"Transfer the Three Realms!" The mythical emperor was not slow, and then rang the mythical bell again, and a more long-lasting sound wave seemed to penetrate the resistance of the Three Realms.

"Dinglong and dragon change!" Chen Jiu continued to transform into a dragon. That powerful bloodline ability awakened, and set himself, Zong Rong I, as if he was beyond the Three Realms, and was not affected by the changes of time, space and history.

Zhongbo yoyo, cutting souls and eroding bones, annihilating all living creatures virtually, but Chen Jiu stood in front of him, flashing golden brilliance throughout his body, like a god, not into reincarnation, not falling into time and space, always full of glory.

"Good powerful Dragon Blood Warrior, if this son does not die, it will be our first enemy in the future!" The old patriarch watched Chen Jiuli's waking mythical emperor, and he admired for a while.

"Patriarch, I ca n’t see enough. What do you say if we ca n’t beat him?" The first glance of the canon was also in my heart, but I did n’t see it for a few days. The growth of Chen Jiu was really beyond a thousand miles, leaving him a little too far behind. .

Alas, isn't your vision so good?

"If you jerk, it's not your trouble, if we lose, take you out to sacrifice the emperor!" The old patriarch cursed resentfully.

"I ..." The canon could not help but mumbled: "Such a powerful dragon blood warrior, I think the dragon blood emperor of the year was just that, if it is not possible, I will marry Mi Er to him! "

"Bold, sacred scriptures, you can't stop talking nonsense. The sixth pass of the emperor is the essence of the last two strokes. Once used, Chen Jiu will lose!" The old man reprimanded and reprimanded him with dissatisfaction.

"All right!" Shendian shut up in time, but couldn't help but think, I don't think so.

"Legend!" Finally, after a long attack, the mythical emperor once again changed his moves. As soon as the big bell rang, the world began to evolve suddenly, time changed, and the mainland went up and down, but one of the sound waves, instead of dying with time, In the evolution of heaven and earth, they are getting stronger and stronger.

"Dang ..." The bell rang, terrifying, because it seemed to have accumulated the power of all ages, and worked together to exert the destructive power, enough to cause the world to sink and the universe to collapse.

"Legends, myths and legends, in the change of time and space in heaven and earth, are spreading louder and louder, up to the height of the gods ... I finally had the honor to see this trick, not to mention this life!" The old patriarch and others sighed, their faces firm, extremely In awe!

The mythical emperor, that is the **** in their hearts, has spread today. In their hearts, they are immortal and more and more revered.

"What an eternal attack, the dragon and the dragon change!" Chen Jiu changed his face and responded cautiously. Under his head, the inverse scales emerged, and he defeated all eternity, the mouth of the dragon was wide, the fangs grew, and a roar , Dominate all spirits and subject the world!

‘Boom rumbling…’ In the middle of the two, the space world shattered, the avenues became gray, and chaos spewed. After the yin and yang crossed, the world finally returned to peace.

‘Pedal…’ The aftermath of the war, the stunned saints, have been regressing endlessly, and ca n’t withstand this powerful coercion!

"Chen Jiu has completed the dragon transformation. Unless he has a universal dragon tripod, otherwise, this last move will definitely take his life!" The old patriarch stared at the battlefield without blinking, which was a hundredfold increase in confidence.

"Do you really want to fight to the point where you can't turn around?" Shendian doubted, and could not bear it anymore.

In truth, he can't see any more genius than Chen Jiu. If such a hero is killed, it will be a great regret for heaven and earth.

However, the battle at this time is no longer what he can dominate!

"Kill, the Dragon Blood family has come to us, and only by killing him can we show the majesty of my family of myths!" The old woman groaned with resentment and resolute decision.

"Don't ..." Shenmi cried and interceded, but to no avail.

"Handed down!" The mythical king still made his last move, the mythical handed down!

‘Dang…’ As a distant bell wave rang again, it was crisp and melodious, and everyone felt that it was comfortable and quiet and did not have any attacking force.

However, Chen Jiu's face changed suddenly, and the whole body's scale armor stood upside down, as if he was very scared and waiting for it!

"What's wrong?" Most of the elders have never seen the trick of the mythical emperor. At this time, they are also confused.

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