Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 552: Shock Myth

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

‘Mi. Mi Ma roar ...’ Soon, the elders learned the horror of this trick. The universe is born, and all kinds of creatures manifest. They regardless of humans and beasts, but they have the same frequency in their mouths.

This frequency is nothing else. It is the crisp and melodious bell. From the very beginning, it is pleasing to the heart, and the moisturizing is silent. After the lawsuit of all spirits, it has become vast and regrettable!

‘Boom rumbling…’ Bells have gone through all ages and came from the mouth of the universe. They converged into an indescribable attack, surrounding Chen Jiu, a **, alternating generations, seems to be able to smash everything, terrifying to the extreme.

"Oh my gosh, this is how it passed down. As long as Chen Jiu isn't extinguished, all souls will be replaced forever, and one day will destroy him. This trick is almost impeccable enough to kill the gods!" The old patriarch was amazed and looked forward to it even more.

"Chen Jiu will die, the Dragon Blood Warrior must sacrifice blood in our mythical family!" Lao Zhe's hatred was obvious.

"Oh!" Shen Dian sighed in a complex mood.

Ganesha human body, ghost-faced monster, cannibal giant flower ... Countless images have changed alternately, and they have been pressed around Chen Jiu layer by layer. In their mouths, the only bell sounded. With respect Yao!

'Longlong ...' In the end, it seemed as if they had become the voices of gods. The sound wave oscillated through space, shattered time, and shattered samsara. It shook Chen Jiu's body with an irresistible smashing attack. He has scaled armor, only spitting blood.

"Chen Jiu, immediately admit your conspiracy, we will spare you, otherwise, you will wait to be caught in a state of utter danger!" The old patriarch roared and arrogant.

"Abominable, since you are so unreasonable, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Chen Jiu's expression grew darker.

The last point of reasoning was obviously torn, and a divine crown emerged from his head. Ling Ran yelled, "Ten drops of blood, all-powerful change!"

"What? You don't have a universal dragon tripod, how can you make a universal dragon change, and take a bravado ..." Just when the old men were shocked and mocked, the change of Chen Jiu was just letting their hearts beat.

‘Boom ...’ A breath, transcending, honoring, and overriding, is simply not a holy one. The gods came to the world, the masters of creation, and Chen Jiu wore a crown, like a **** from the earth, deter everything.

Burning the blood of God, fading at the extreme, Chen Jiu at this time is almost the Lord God alive, fearless of everything, he stared sharply, swept his hands, and the images of the spirits of all the people in the air were broken and unable to reunite. .

"Go to death!" With a wave of Chen Jiu's fist, shattering the everlasting heavens and earth, annihilating the world of heaven and earth, swallowing on the mythical bell like a dragon.

'clang! ‘A sharp tweet, the great bell trembled, shattered the world of famine, everything in the universe, and the mythical ancient array was destroyed in one hit, and the people once again appeared in the palace of the mythological palace.

‘Bang bang…’ The powerful mythical emperor lost his support, and his body quickly cracked open, disappearing in the world, the mythical bell and jingle fell to the ground, and the aftermath returned.

"Failed, this is impossible!" With the fall of more than a dozen holy soldiers, the old men of the myth family are all unacceptable.

"You guys, can you talk about it?" Chen Jiu looked sullen, forbearing anger and shouting.

"Junior, I'm fighting with you!" The old man was soaring, unwilling to admit such a fact, that was to pick up the holy soldiers and go against Chen Jiu.

"It's so courageous!" Chen Jiu sneered, as soon as he stepped out, the sky collapsed, and everything shook.

"My mercy!" Shen Dian drank quickly, and he was extremely worried. At this time, Chen Jiu was simply a living emperor. Who dares to disobey his majesty, that is not much to die for!

‘Boom ...’ The world was stunned, and the hall was also stepped out of a deep pit. The old uncle who had not yet lived, was physically ruined and fell into it, dying, very terrible.

"Bold, dare to deceive my mythical family, fight with him!" For a time, the old men drove violently, and it was a swarm of bees. Chen Jiu.

"No coffin, no tears!" Chen Jiubo drank, his body, punching and kicking, just like hitting a fly grave, with a sound of impact, knocked the ground out of a dozen large pits, that arrogant myth family The elders, each with a pit, were beaten and maimed in it, temporarily unable to escape!

"Release Mi Er immediately, otherwise, I will directly bury the funeral for them!" Chen Jiuli glanced, letting God break them and scared the soul, and never dared to stop the action of Shen Mi.

"Chen Jiu ..." Shen Mi was moved, and the surprise suddenly fell into Chen Jiu's arms. He hugged him tightly and murmured the truth: "Take me away, for you, I am willing Get out of this family! "

"What? No, Mier, you must not be impulsive. Is it that you have been raising your relationship for many years for a man?" The old patriarch cried out hard, but he really couldn't accept the choice of Shenmi.

"In your eyes, there is only interest and power. What emotions are there to speak of?" Shenmi retorted, filled with anger: "Chen Jiu has won you today, and you can still get away with it if you do the opposite. Isn't my Chen Jiu, my love, going to be killed in front of you by your own brutality? "

"This ..." Zhu Lao was extremely ashamed and speechless in the face of this situation.

"Chen Jiu, let's go. There's nothing worth remembering here!" Sadly, tears fell, but Shen Mi resolutely chose to fly with Chen Jiu Shuang Su.

"Don't ... Mier, can you listen to me?" Shendian climbed out of the pit and looked at Shenmi with great begging.

"What more can you say?" Shen Mi stared at the scriptures, also very disappointed.

"Mi Er, although the patriarch is wrong, it is also to maintain the honor of our family. As a member of the family, you should understand it. You must understand that we are not ordinary families, but families inherited by myths. You are like this As soon as we walk away, why are these old things so embarrassing to us? How can we face each other and face the fathers and ancestors? "

"Let's lose the hope of inheritance, what else does it mean for us to be alive? Mi Er, if you really want to follow him today, then I will die first in front of you!" The old lady said firmly, with a firm meaning.

"Since he's leaving, let him kill us!" Zhu Lao said, all begging to die, his face was generous.

"You ... how can you be so unreasonable!" God repelled, and for a time it was helpless.

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