Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 559: Xuanhuang Revenge

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"What? In a large Mao country, there are actually three third-order sage masters? How is this possible?" Qin He stared, also shocked and wondering: "I look at the three breaths, they are old and long, and they have a familiar feeling. Which old man did you change? "

"The world is big, and there are some similar ones, isn't that normal?" The three old yoyos didn't admit anything.

"Oh? Then dare to ask your three surnames? If you can reach this level, you can't be an unknown person!" Qin He asked again.

"Sorry, we are too old, the name has been forgotten!" San Lao refused to answer.

"Huh, I do n’t even dare to report the name, it must be some cockroaches and dog thieves. Today, my Qin family is fighting on behalf of the dragon blood fighters. The big Mao country is bound to win. Do you want to let or not?" Qin He faced the three saints. In other words, they are not afraid at all, and their performance is even stronger.

"With us here, we can't tolerate the arrogance of your Qin family!"

"That being the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Qin He didn't dare to carelessly, and immediately held a holy shrine in one hand, and a wolf tooth stick in the other, and two holy artifacts added. At the same time, the atmosphere is intertwined, such as the collapse of yin and yang, chaos and chaos, and it is extremely powerful!

"There are us!" The two saints of the two realms also urged their holy soldiers to dominate the heavens and earth and overwhelm the heavens and earth. They formed three holy pillars of destruction with Qin He. .

"Ah, it seems that it can't be hidden at all!" Seeing the other person's great power, the three old men also sighed helplessly, enviously dead.

The top holy soldiers of the other side make them want to hide and not dare, because one can't make it, they all have to be seriously injured. At this time, they can't be overwhelmed!

"The heavens and earth are yellow, the **** of war is back!" San Lao Ling drank, and the ancient black yellow breath breeded out, urging the holy soldiers, the breath was absolutely exuberant, but also very strong.

"Xuanwu has no regrets. I have thought of you. Your Xuanhuang clan's men defeated us, and our faces came to block us. If our young master knew that, he would severely punish you!" Qin He reprimanded, extremely Indignant.

"Well, the rise of your Dragon Blood family has actually killed us at the doorstep of our Xuanhuang Divine Kingdom. If we don't move anymore, wouldn't it make the world think we are bullying?" Since he couldn't hide it, the three old men were also outspoken. Refuted: "Don't mention Chen Jiu's bastard, if his kid dares to come, we will fight his father and mother to deny it!"

"Xuanwu has no regrets, you can't help it, you were taken away by the lord, pressed against, with no light on your face, and want to take revenge, you will say clearly, what doorway is this your territory? At this time you Appearance is the biggest provocation to our family. Don't you know that this will really offend our young master? "Qin He shouted again.

"Yes, we just want to get revenge, so what?" Xuan Wuguo shouted without hesitation: "Chen Jiu's anger doesn't care about our farts, we just don't want to make him happy, why do you want us?"

"Well, you guys, it seems that it will not work today, kill!" Qin He no longer talked nonsense, holding two holy soldiers, left and right, and passed by one enemy and two.

The four saints from the two realms followed closely and fought against the three old masters of the Xuan family with him!

‘Booming…’ The holy soldiers fought, and this battle naturally broke down and the sea dried up.

"Retreat, quickly retreat!" Qin He commanded below, striving to minimize the casualties in the family. His holy soldiers had already lent to his ancestor Qin He, who was the strongest of the three, and had a bit of dessert. The power exerted is much stronger than him!

"One mind and two uses, the soul is divided!" Although Qin He was a single person, at this time he was like two people. The movements of his left and right bodies were extremely inconsistent, but they were very coordinated.

‘Boom bang ...’ He used the right and left to fight against each other with no regrets and no bounds, but the two were extremely regretful.

"Qin He, you old thing, the recent progress is really horrible!" Xuan Wugui used to press Qin He to fight. The grievances between the two have a long history. At this time, he was oppressed by him. He was extremely upset. !!

"I have to meet the Lord, give me great benefits, I will do my best, fight with death!" Qin and his face of piety, no fear of life and death, his will and conviction, infinite firmness, relying on this persistence He is indomitable and almost impossible to be defeated.

"Dragon Blood Family, there really is no easy generation!" Xuan Wugui suddenly changed color: "Second Brother, I will die for a while, you go to cooperate with the Master to suppress the four, and win their holy soldiers, we quickly fight quick decision!"

"Okay!" Although Xuan Wubian was full of the Buddhist atmosphere, at this time, he was killed, extremely hot, and shattered, it was also extremely mighty.

"Don't want to leave ..." Qin He Yi rushed to the ground, breaking the sky and the moon.

"Xuanhuang blood sacrifice!" Xuan had no regrets, and the blood-spraying sacrifice gun made the holy gun in his hand swept the sky and swept the sky.

"Killing life is suffering, fighting is a disaster, turning back is the shore, kindness and kindness!" Xuan boundlessly knocked on the wooden fish, a peaceful, comfortable Buddhist atmosphere came down, and in a moment eroded the four saints of the two realms. Soul, let them fight hard, and then eased down!

"Get out of me!" Xuan couldn't swept away, and finally swept out the four people who were like corroding, and was shocked with a look: "How the people in the Dragon Blood family feel like they are irritated. Su grew up, why? Grow so fast? I am afraid that these four are only one step away from the Three Realms! "

"People's heart is good, they want nothing, Buddhism is blessed!" Xuan boundlessly continued to beat the wooden fish, affecting the fighting spirit of the four, and letting their spirits start to languish.

"Good opportunity!" Seizing the opportunity, Xuan couldn't help but neglect, waved a large knife, cut it down again and again, divided the heavens and the earth, annihilated the sun and the moon, and suddenly caused four of them to fall seriously, and fell into the barren land. In!

"Ah, kill!" The serious injuries inspired the war-fighting of the four, causing them to rise into the sky again, but at this time, the advent of a Buddhist atmosphere once again affected their bodies and minds, making their fighting spirit, Quickly subsided.

"Get off!" Xuan couldn't fight the sword again, and even more aggressively beat the three men back to the ground, expressing his spirits. "But it's just some brutal beasts that have been beaten with chicken blood. What qualifications are there to fight with our Xuanhuang family?" ? "

"Go, go down and take their holy soldiers, the third child can't hold it!" Xuan boundlessly reminded that the two descended strongly and wanted to take the holy soldiers!

Once the holy soldiers were captured, the Qin family would be defeated. Looking at the distant battle, Qin Shi's brows were also tightened.

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