Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 560: Forcibly grab

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"Haha, this sword has been my favorite for a long time ... you can get away!" Grabbed his hands, Xuan could not kick the flying man alone, snatched his sword, and forced to change hands on the spot. (Www.)

"Donation, don't worry, peace is a blessing!" Xuan Boundless didn't move at this time, but knocked on the wooden fish to calm down the anger of the crowd and not let them fight for the wrong thing.

The sword has a master. It is not easy to change hands, but Xuan cannot be the saint of the Three Realms. He is much stronger than the Qin parents. Give him some time. He may be able to succeed. After all, the weapon is dead. Things, feeling the vast yellowish atmosphere, maybe they will surrender!

Moreover, at this time, the sky was broken, the vitality of the sword was also damaged, and the resistance of the spirit was greatly reduced.

‘噗…’ The strong idea settled into conflict with the elder Qin, and shocked him, spurting blood on the spot.

"No ... Hugh has to grab my heavenly sword!" The elder shouted and screamed, but to no avail!

"Well, if I don't want to kill, I can regain this sword!" Xuan couldn't look disdainfully. "Our Xuanhuang breath, born with a fatal attraction to the device, regained the magic weapon, It doesn't matter at all! "

"Ah!" With a scream, the elder of the Qin family fell to the ground with a pale face, and was severely damaged in spirit.

"Okay, finally succeeded in annihilating the other party's will, heaven sky sword, surrender!" Frowning, Xuan couldn't breathe, suddenly a great spit of blood spewed out, and the water was poured over the sword, and it was Shining, bloody, extremely eerie!

"Old thief, go crazy!" Qin He exploded, his body suddenly turned into a dragon, and his combat power doubled. The two holy soldiers were suppressed with no regrets. They were in danger and could be destroyed at any time.

"Boss, hurry up, I'm going to die!" Under the anxiety of Xuan Wugui, Xuan couldn't or couldn't rescue in time. A mace's stick attacked his body into a blood mist and filled it. The sky.

"Boss!" At this time, Xuan couldn't also red-eyed quickly, flicked the sword, cut it out with a single stroke, the sky broke, and chaos spewed. Its real power was more than ten times stronger than just now!

‘Boom rumbling…’ Xuan was unable to start a war with Qin and the two men, and they were evenly matched. Duan was defeated by the sky, and he did not decide the outcome.

"Hey, the top holy soldiers are really powerful, and I will also have one!" At this time, the unrepentant behind the reorganized flesh could not help staring at the evil eyes of the other three Qin parents.

"Don't even think about it!" Although the three elders were unwilling, but their will was suppressed by the mysterious, it was too powerful to resist and could not resist!

"Well, this King of Shooters is a good weapon, so I can barely ask for it!" It's not the same as Xuan, Xuan has no regrets and wins, and he robbed a top holy soldier. .

"It's my turn. I don't like killing lives. Then this holy bell that protects the law!" In the end, Xuan boundless didn't hold back and won a holy bell.

The top holy soldiers changed hands, directly making the three Qin parents old, vomiting blood and falling to the ground, life and death are unknown, and the situation of the war has turned sharply. It can be seen that Qin Shi was so anxious!

"One left? Take it back as a booty, and you will be able to be told by Your Majesty's Majesty!" Looking at the last holy soldier, Xuan Wugui didn't hold back, and took another shot.

The four soldiers of the Qin Family Elders completely changed hands, their physical and mental damage, and their fighting power completely disappeared!

"Kill, kill these miscellaneous pieces, the National Teacher is invincible, Long live the National Teacher!" The Dao Mao Middle School was boiling, and they had no idea that the three National Teachers were so powerful.

At this time, morale rose, and it was exactly when the other party was killed that Da Mao didn't hesitate. He immediately ordered the army to open the gates and counter the Qin army!

"Tongtong gave me the truth!" One shot swept out, and Xuanwu ransacked 10,000 people, creating a bottomless ditch in front of Da Mao Kingdom, effectively preventing the Da Mao legion's impact.

"Guo Shi, what do you mean?" One shot swept to the chill of Da Maoguo, and his monarch looked at the Guo Shi dumbfoundedly, really wondering if they were scanning in the wrong direction?

"It's not your business, go back!" Xuan Wugui glared coldly, but let the Great Mao monarch retreat with extreme pain.

The masters of their own country, it is good to fight for themselves, but they do not let themselves go out to kill people. What kind of drama is this?

Staying on the line and meeting each other in the future, Xuan has no regrets. Although they hate Chen Jiu, they do not dare to do anything. If today, they killed the Qin Army and captured the other soldiers, this will definitely cause trouble. If Chen Jiu had been with them forever, there was a kind of intimidation in the instinct for the young man who had once pressed Xuanhuang!

However, because of the fear in their hearts, they are very dissatisfied, isn't it just a Chen Jiu? Now that we have the top holy soldiers, let's try one more and see if we don't beat you to find teeth all over the place.

"Qin Lao Gui, you old and immortal, see how long you can hold on!" No longer hesitating, Xuan Wugui and Xuan Boundless, soon holding the top holy soldiers, joined the battle group, and launched Qin He Siege.

'Booming ...' Three sages of Xuanhuang, holding three top-level sages, the power they exerted was absolutely terrifying, even though Qin Hegong was high in the world, but his two fists were hard to beat in his four hands, and some attacks. No defense at all!

Every time, under the siege of the three old men, none of them were beaten down. Qin He was already proud.

"Abominable, you three old things, you dare to grab our holy soldiers, you wait, our young master will rule the world and punish your crimes!" Unwillingly called and cursed, Qin He's war will, Unyielding.

"Old things that don't die, don't believe that you are iron, Holy Pillar, Critical Strike!" Xuan Boundless They can not fight for a long time, but they are also irritable. Talk to Qin He Pinyuan.

The result of three people fighting for one person is undoubtedly obvious. After the explosion of the sky, and the chaos exploded, Qin He's tyrannosaurus body was also blown up with a lot of scars.

"Haha, once again, this old immortal is caught!" Laughing proudly, Xuanwu regretted that they attacked again and again.

"Young Master, the old slave is dead today and won't embarrass you!" Qin He's face was full of determination to die.

"Do n’t call it. It ’s useless to break your throat. It ’s just that stinky boy. If he does n’t come, we will beat his father and uncle. He will urinate with his tail **** and finally kneel at us. Called Grandpa in front of me! "Xuan Wuren regretted their arrogance, Zhang Kuang was extremely extreme!

"Really?" Just then, a sneer shook the audience.

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