Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 598: Imperialism

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"This ... this matter is Satan's words, it is likely that he collusion with the thief, can't be trusted!" Tianzi's heart was plain and immediately refuted.

"Oh? You haven't come into contact with that Satan, and there may be some misunderstandings. Maybe I think Satan, although he is a generation of devil, is still a bright and clear generation, at least much better than some chickens and dogs! Jiu shook his head, but pretended to preach.

"Really?" Tianzi asked, his lips were trembling, **** Chen Jiu, are you sarcastic me?

"Of course, I think this is likely to be the real truth!" Chen Jiu nodded and asked, "I don't know your Qiankun Empire. Has any woman disappeared recently?"

"No, no, we are the gods and gods, Guotai Min'an, nothing happened to the woman!" Tianzi quickly shook his head and refused to admit it.

"Yellow mouth, heavenly son, how can you, as your majesty, be full of nonsense?" Chen Jiu's expression suddenly suddenly turned, and he reprimanded Tianzi sharply.

"I ..." Tianzi is really drunk. What the **** is your kid doing? If you want to fight, you can have a happy one!

I was so embarrassed that Tianzi couldn't take it anymore, and there was a lot of stance that I wanted to tear my face directly with Chen Jiu. Damn, it was too easy to talk like that.

"Heaven, don't be sad. Although a fire has burned through your thousand-mile palace, and your countless princesses have all turned to ashes, but this is the end, you should still face it!" Persuade in harmony.

"Ah, hey ... my life is so hard, I killed them!" Speaking of this matter, the emperor immediately expressed anguish.

"Heaven, mourn!" Chen Jiuwei persuaded, "Since you have a great funeral, then I will not delay your business. The deceased is the biggest, so you go back quickly and hold a funeral for them. Come on! "

"Uh, you really let me go?" Tianzi was suspicious, some unbelievable.

"Don't you want to leave?" Chen Jiu stared, questioning again and again.

"No ... no, let's go, let's go!" Many elders of Qiankun, quickly got up, one by one with a smile, and followed the emperor like a moon, leaving arrogantly.

This time, Chen Jiu did not stop again, and left Tianzi to leave, and when he left, he waved his hands friendly to him, saying that sometimes they get together again!

He smiled awkwardly and embarrassedly. Tianzi did not dare to answer, but quickly took the old men and left without looking back.

"Haha ... It's so fucking, it's so **** so good, look at the elder Qiankun's shit, really **** good!" As soon as Zhu Lao left, there was a burst of laughter on the city, all felt That's great.

"Heavenly, forgive you for the time being, I hope you don't let me down!" Chen Jiu smiled softly, and naturally feels more comfortable. He was guilty of revenge on that day, and today is finally half paid!

Eagle City, surrendering the city, did not dare to have any further objection, just as Chen Jiu and they received the city, they returned to the kingdom of gods.

"Ah ..." As soon as he came back, the emperor was crazy and smashed, and that was to kill his own palace and leave it alone!

"Chen Jiu, I want you to die, what the **** are you doing, dare to humiliate me, die hard!" Tianzi roared, exaggerated. He let out the depression in his heart, and finally ‘噗! ’A sip, a spit of essence and blood, then stopped slowly.

"Your Majesty is so angry, it is a blessing to be able to escape this time!"

"Yes, the eldest husband can bend and stretch, as long as he has a life, one day in the future, they will have nowhere to be buried!" Zhu Lao persuaded, all sighed.

"Huh, do you know why Chen Jiu didn't kill us?" Tianzi sipped his blood on his lips and stared at the old men cruelly, "He doesn't kill us, he doesn't have pity on us, but he hasn't humiliated me enough, The Chen Jiu was arrogant and thought that he would be invincible from now on, but he would never know that once I opened the treasure house of Qiankun, his end was coming! "

"Your Majesty, do you know what happened to the treasure house of Qiankun, did you detect it?" Zhu Lao asked, it was really anxious.

"I already know the general direction, but I'm still wondering about the real entrance. Within a year, I can find it out!" Tianzi was ambitious again, and he arrogantly said, "When I get this treasure house , I will be the first to slaughter their Dragon Blood Empire, and use the head of Chen Jiu as a toilet! "

"Your Majesty Shengming, you can be successful!" Zhu Lao complimented and gave Tianzi infinite support.

Qiankun Calendar On June 16, 2014, Ju Luzhen gave a sensation to Qiankun. On this day, the dragon blood empire conquered the city and for the first time stopped!

Crossing the north and the south, connecting east and west, like a real dragon, enclose the ten empires of the Qiankun continent, and their territories are completely lost.

The beginning of the Dragon Blood Emperor's career calmed down all the small forces, and unified the world, becoming the eleventh largest empire besides the ten empires. Its majesty, surpassing the kingdom of Qiankun, may become the first force!

It took only ten days. The dragon blood empire rose up perfectly and gorgeously. This is simply a miracle, a miracle that everyone can't believe.

Not only has destroyed the ancient gods and temples on the continent, but it has also regained all the small forces, and the entire dragon's blood is like a real dragon, circling Qiankun, so that all great empires, good friends, dare not have The slightest sign of neglect!

Xuanhuang Divine Kingdom and Mythical Divine Kingdom have sent messengers in public and presented them with great gifts, talking about the trade between the two sides.

The Dragon Blood Empire has now wrapped up all the Empires. They want to communicate with each other without the consent of the Dragon Blood Empire. That is absolutely impossible!

Even if nothing is done, only tolls will be enough for the Dragon Blood Empire to make a fortune.

Those countries who dare not neglect, send out messengers one after another, offering heavy gifts, imitating Xuanhuang and myths, in order to make friends with the dragon blood and coexist in peace.

But at this time, a message suddenly broke out in the Dragon Blood Empire, which shocked the whole world and shocked E!

The messenger of the Kingdom of Muxing was killed when he met the Dragon Blood Emperor, without asking much.

It ’s terrible. You know, a terrible storm is about to rise again. The eyes are watching. Everyone has a cold sweat for the country of Muxing God. Is the Dragon Blood Empire going to attack them?

The kingdom of Muxing God, therefore everyone is in danger. Among them, countless ministers in the court, actively offered their resignation, willing to give up their official titles, and go home to care for the elderly!

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