Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 599: Kill corruption

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

In the wooden shrine, the magnificent palace, with both power and majesty, is a sacred place where countless people break their heads and want to squeeze in.

But now, this sacred place is shrouded in gloom, and countless ministers have actively submitted their resignations, making Mu Daiyu extremely angry!

"Master Prime Minister, you have a high weight and good welfare. How can you go away?" Mu Daiyu stared at an old man with a sullen expression, hoping he could get lost.

"His Majesty, the old minister is old, and his eyes are faint. It is no longer possible to serve the empire. Will your Majesty please let me go back to the field!" The old man begged, infinitely sad, as if it was really miserable. Sorry.

"Really? Then the punishment department Shangshu, the ceremony department Shangshu ... but are young, why do you want to quit?" Mu Daiyu stared at the other officials with a cold eye.

"Your Majesty forgive me. I didn't want to work for the empire, but there was an accident in my home, and my body and mind were severely hit for a while. It was all day long. I do n’t know, it really takes some time to go home and rest. "The ministers asked helplessly.

"Oh? What happened to all of you?" Mu Daiyu asked in detail.

"Your Majesty, my favorite little sister is dead!"

"Sir, my wife is crazy!"

"Your Majesty, my dad is demented ..." Countless officials, although the reasons are different, have the same meaning, their mental effort is really impossible.

"Well, what about you? Do you have incurable diseases for a while?" Mu Daiyu glanced away and glared at Baiguan!

"Your Majesty, I will wait for the old one to recur, and the serious illness will die ..." Numerous officials have countless reasons, and their sole purpose is to resign.

"Enough!" In the face of the constant demands of Baiguan, Mu Daiyu finally got soared. He was polite, and he spit out the blood. "Why do you say so much nonsense? You might as well say that you are afraid of the majesty of the Dragon Blood Empire." That ’s why I wanted to resign, did n’t I? ”

"Your Majesty, I'm willing to swear to be with the Kingdom of God, but it's really hard work and I can't help it ..." It sounds good, but the approach is chilling!

"Shit, you hypocritical bastards, since you're ruthless, don't blame them for being meaningless!" Mu Daiyu said suddenly, coldly: "Aren't you leaving? OK, I won't stop you, but leave Before, you have to clear your accounts before leaving! "

"Your Majesty, while I was in office, I worked hard and kept my integrity ..." The officials immediately complained of grievances.

"Shit, Lord Prime Minister, I'm afraid you're not old-fashioned, but you've done too much bed work lately? Your little sister-in-law is very beautiful. Take her away and spend a lot of time and money, right?" Mu Daiyu frowned. Yes, the prime minister suddenly drank and mumbled.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is guilty!" The old man was so frightened that he knelt on the ground on the spot, shivering and his old face was colorless.

"Shang Shu, you've got a lot of greed these days. Look, are these bills right?" Mu Daiyu once again threw out a bill, seeing you Shang Shu, immediately fell on her knees with a dumbfounded expression. Difficult.

"And you, your affairs, these are all clearly recorded. You are greedy and stubborn, and you regard human life as grass, and you use power to profit, and you mess with the world. Do you really think that you don't know?" Throwing out a lot of guilt, they forced Baiguanqian and generals to kneel to the ground, crying for mercy.

Seemingly faint, the solid wood Daiyu's private affairs of the Minister of the Manchao Dynasty are all mirror-like in his mind. In normal times, he does not mention them, it is a move to **, he is really unable to rectify it!

"Ah ..." Looking at the Ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, Mu Daiyu finally sighed helplessly and sighed: "Tochigi has been a god, but it has only been a few months. Look at it, you've put it down. What kind of state has the country achieved? "

"Your Majesty, I'll wait for your knowledge, please His Majesty for life!" Officials bowed down and begged, full of remorse.

"It's late!" Mu Daiyu glared coldly: "I couldn't make up my mind to wash a **** blood in the empire, but you are ashamed of this kind of ungrateful cultivation. I won't kill you today. It ’s not enough for civilians to be angry, it ’s not enough to secure the world! ”

"Your Majesty, don't, I can't wait to resign, and please His Majesty spare me my life!" A group of ministers begged again and again.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, your imperial empire is about to be gone. What are you terrible about?" Mu Daiyu smiled bleakly, also showing the fear in her heart: "In fact, not only are you afraid of the dragon blood empire, oh I'm also afraid. I'm afraid that Chen Jiu will bring his army to kill and kill his life. But as an emperor, where can he flee? "

"Your Majesty ..." The Baiguans looked at Mu Daiyu's face with sincerity and horror, and for a time they were extremely sympathetic.

"It's true that you have been abandoned by Muxing College. Although you are expensive for Muxing, it is only a tool they use. Now, I have offended Chen Jiu, and they dare not fight him. Come out and take on all this! "Mu Daiyu said sadly with a sad face.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to accompany you to live and die together!" Baiguan immediately said loyally.

"Yeah, live and die together, but you have to take a step first. I don't want the people of the whole country to think that I am a dazed man from beginning to end!" Mu Daiyu said insanely. "Here is the coming, will Baiguan was sent to the execution ground, read out the crimes, and executed them all in good faith! "

"Yes!" The soldiers dragged the ugly officials and dragged them all away.

Now, the eyes of all the nations are gathering, waiting to see the reaction of the Kingdom of Muxing God. The act of suicide by Mu Daiyu has caused a sigh of sigh!

Some people say that he is mad and crazy, but some people say that his strong man has broken his wrist and is determined to compare life and death with Chen Jiuyi. There are many discussions, but at the same time, emperors of various countries are also alerting and stepping up to punish corruption.

The people of Muxing God Country naturally applauded and the corrupt officials were killed. They felt very happy, but instead of thanking Mu Daiyu, they passed on endless gratitude to Chen Jiu.

The eyes of the masses were clear, watching everyone's reactions, Mu Daiyu smiled with a bleak face, sitting alone in the temple, like a sad and desolate old man, unable to lift the slightest spirit!

"Chen Jiu, why aren't you here? How long are you going to torture me?" Mu Daiyu said to the void, asking for death.

"Mui Daiyu, are you waiting for me?" A gentle greeting, like a long-time old friend, Chen Jiu suddenly appeared.

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