Supreme Nine Dragons

Chapter 600: First in the land

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Kowloon Supreme as soon as possible!

"You ..." Mu Daiyu was slightly surprised to see Chen Jiu, but he was not afraid in the end, but seemed relieved, and said with a calm face, "You finally came, I It's been a long day! "

"Since you don't want to live, why not solve it yourself?" Chen Jiu slightly advised.

"I have no courage!" Mu Daiyu shook her head, her face full of cowardice.

"This is not like the godless king who punishes corrupt officials!" Chen Jiu was somewhat disappointed.

"I wasn't a wise emperor. I killed them, but they are dying. They don't need to be worried about it!" Mu Daiyu did not sue for her own merit.

"It seems you are desperate for death?" Chen Jiu asked in a friendly manner.

"Yeah, give it to me, and let me be truly relieved. In this world, I am more alive than dead!" Mu Daiyu only died once, closed her eyes, and stretched her neck to wait.

But after waiting for a long time, Mu Daiyu still couldn't wait for Chen Jiu's killer. He couldn't help but opened his eyes in doubt and looked at Chen Jiu. He asked in a puzzled way: "Why don't you kill me?"

"Mui Daiyu, I'm thinking, your dean, countless elders, have you really abandoned you?" Chen Jiu smiled gently, not in a hurry.

"Do you still need to say this?" Mu Daiyu couldn't help but hurt his face.

"That being the case, don't you want to retaliate against them? As long as you are willing, I can take your shot and kill them without leaving a piece of armor!" Chen Jiu smiled strangely.

"What? You ... you have to take advantage of me, and then plan our college, Chen Jiu, be careful of the lack of snake belly and be killed by the elephant!" Mu Daiyu immediately became angry.

"Oh? So you don't want to cooperate with me?" Chen Jiu frowned and said, "These gods are all in the college, do you want me to let them go?"

"Chen Jiu, you have to deal with people and people. In the college, although you practice wooden magic, you don't have to believe in the **** of wood. Are you overbearing, even magic is not allowed to cultivate?" Mu Daiyu extremely Exclaimed angrily.

"Of course this is not the case, but do you dare to guarantee that the gods will not be out of chaos again?" Chen Jiuyin asked.

"Chen Jiu, your power is like the sky and the sky. The academy can even abandon my wooden walking deity. Do you think they will let those people come out to oppose you?" Mu Daiyu said resentfully: "When they regain them Those extremely stubborn elements were killed by me, and those who stayed had no absolute faith in the gods, so you don't have to worry about it at all! "

"Well, with your words, I can rest assured, Muxing College, if this teaching, I will not tolerate them!" Chen Jiu nodded, and after getting the answer he wanted, he preached again "Mudaiyu, before you die, what are your last wishes?"

"Yes, if you can, I ask you to let me see Shenmi, she is my favorite woman in my life!" Mu Daiyu immediately asked with a look of hope.

"What? You want to see the mythical emperor!" Chen Jiu's face immediately became very bad.

"Yes, I just ask to see her again, to say a few words to her, and to print her voice and smile in my heart, I can die in peace!" Mu Daiyu said intoxicatedly.

"Huh, I think you're better off dead. Some people shouldn't remember it. You better not think about it!" Chen Jiu's face was dark and dark.

"Chen Jiu, I know she is your woman, but please be generous, I am a mortal person, and I just see her, so why not?" Mu Daiyu said dissatisfied: "Is it Are you afraid she won't like me? "

"Haha ... Mu Daiyu, you are so ridiculous, terrible!" Chen Jiu sneered, sulking coldly: "What do you think? You want to see my woman, it's so bold!"

"Chen Jiu, as a generation of dragon blood emperor, shouldn't there be such a measure?" Mu Daiyu countered.

"I'm really right to tell you, I didn't, let me die!" Chen Jiu couldn't help but shot, and punched Mu Daiyu's body, absorbed it through the body, a generation of outstanding magical god, Muxing the Great, Such a desolate life turned into the merit value in the hands of Chen Jiu until his death, he didn't even leave a complete body!

Originally, he planned to give him a whole body, but he dared to remember his own woman, which made Chen Jiu unbearable. You dead boy, I really do n’t know what to do.

The dragon has inverse scales, and those who touch them die. The woman is undoubtedly Chen Jiu's inverse scale. No one outside can touch it!

With a face full of regret and unwillingness, Mu Daiyu disappeared into nothingness, and what finally echoed in his mind was that dean's unfeeling voice, ‘Take care of yourself! ’

Chen Jiu didn't stay for a long time. He walked out of the palace and waved his hands. Many saints began to receive the city of Muxing Shen Kingdom.

The emperor is dead, and the people ’s hearts are chaotic. For the majesty of the Dragon Blood Empire, it is even more dare not to have a little rebellion, so without hurting one soldier and one general, Chen Jiu has completed the recovery of the Kingdom of Muxing. As a result, the dragon blood empire's territory seems to have an extra dragon palm out of thin air, which is even more powerful!

Dominating all borders, the dragon blood empire truly became the first super empire on the Qiankun continent. The kingdom of Qiankun was completely surpassed by the dragon blood empire in both majesty and territory.

Chen Jiu, in the dragon blood dynasty, majesticly radiated the continent, but was dubbed to become a super emperor with supreme wisdom!

But the emperor, at this moment, was full of aggrieved faces, looking at the frosty beauty in front of him, he was almost flattering, "Sister Han Xue, did you follow me?"

"Hum, come less, Chen Jiu, what should you do, don't bother me anymore!" Chen Hanxue firmly refused Chen Jiu's request and did not give him any advantage.

"Sister Han Xue, now my empire of dragon blood is flat, Guotai and Min'an. There is really nothing to do. Only the matter of succession is on the agenda. You say that I am a big country. How can I inherit it in the future?" Jiu immediately preached with open face.

"Chen Jiu, don't speak so nicely. I don't want to eat this set. Your stuff is so big, how can people stand it?" Chen Hanxue couldn't help complaining.

"I haven't played it for you yet? Why do you want to play irresponsible?" Chen Jiu now eats Chen Hanxue with all his heart.

"Nonsense, I don't have it!" Chen Hanxue refused to admit it, and warned: "If you mention such a thing again, I'll turn my head against you!"

"Sister Han Xue, don't be angry, I can guarantee that this thing will never hurt you!" Chen Jiulian promised, and solemnly swear: "If I have a little bit of falsehood, it will make the world fall. Fall, the world is gone! "

‘Boom…’ A sudden earthquake really came true. The entire palace was shaking, and the world suddenly became dark.

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