"Onii-chan wake up!"

"Shut up Megumi, one more hour-.... Megumi!?" Alpheus stood up and grabbed Megumi at both sides of her shoulder

After Alpheus died, all he wanted to do left is to say sorry for stealing Megumi's pudding. Alpheus looks like he has a serious Siscon condition. Just kidding, maybe he just loves Megumi so much.

Alpheus began to tear up and said, "Megumi I'm so sorry I stole your pudding!" and hugged her.

"What are you doing-... you stole my pudding yesterday?!" Megumi tensed up and his aura began to feel like a berserk lion. Alpheus began to feel like he is presenting himself, a peasant, to the queen.

"S-sorry?", Alpheus said with a worried face.


With Alpheus all beat up, Megumi is finally satisfied on avenging her beloved pudding.

"Mom's calling you, it's time for dinner, hmp!" Megumi said with a crossed arm and Alpheus went downstairs.

What's wrong with Onee-chan today? Though he's always caring for me, it's not normal for him to tear up like that, Onee-chan... and with that new body, Geez.


While going downstairs, he passed through a mirror and got confused. He passed through it again and founds out that h-he's thin?

He patted all of his body and everything about him is so fit.

"This is the moment!", Alpheus slowly raised up his shirt to reveal something shining, "The fuuuck, I got fcking abs!!"

This may be the most cheerful moment of Alpheus.

"Stop talking about your abs, we know you've been going to gym this summer." Megumi shouted

Going to the gym? So that means that this is an excuse to- wait... Does it mean that the "create your character WAS real!?". So that means that I can use magic in this non-magical world.

"I can use magic!!", Alpheus shouted with joy as he weirdly jumped around the hallway.

"We know you can use magic, everyone can so shut up and help mom with the dinner!" Megumi shouted again.

"Magic yeah, magic-... wait what?"

*ding ding*

That sound again... so that means Lady Tutorial is here?

"How is reincarnation, Master?" said Lady Tutorial

"Can you explain this world please?" Alpheus asked

So Lady explained everything. This world is a parallel universe in which magic is a part of science. It can be thoroughly explained by science since ancient time. The humans in this universe has the ability to mix atoms which defy science itself.

For example, by compressing oxygen which results in making heat, creates fire. The four elements are the basics in which everyone should be able to learn since they are easy to explain.

There are hard magic to learn, like lighting. It can be learned but a human needs to feel lightning first so it can uderstand lightning and use it.

Lady tutorial said that the excruciating pain from earlier is feeling all magic into his body so he is suitable of learning all of it since he used the 'all of the above' option. Since Alpheus felt all the pain, he can basically use everything but it needs practice and all his magic is level 1.

Highschools are replaced with Academies and every academy has their own reputation and fights with other academies. So basically, academies hate each other.

"Can you atleast teach me how to use it?" asked Alpheus.

"Of course, master!" Lady Tutorial agreed and a page appeared infront of Alpheus. Lady explained that only Alpheus can see it and it has a game-like mechanic. It's called the "Supreme Overlord System" and it's designed like this...

Name: Alpheus Lucy

Race: Human

HP: 1050/1050

MP: Infinity

Skills: Infinity

Specialty: Infinity


"So... why is it mostly infinity?" Alpheus asked, "Would I get in trouble for this?"

"Possibilty is high, you can change it to your liking." Lady Tutorial said

Lady Tutorial explained that I have a magic called "Dragon Chain" Which limits my magic power and it only dispells to the owner's command. Lady said that I need to imagine on what I can use and I decided..

Alpheus activated "Dragon Chain" and changed his status. Lady said that it will be useful later, I don't know why but I thought I was the only one who can see it.

The status are now:

Name: Alpheus Lucy

HP: 1050/1050

MP: 3500/3500


Elemental Magic Lv.1


Martial Arts Lv.1

Archery Lv.1

Swordsmanship Lv.1


"Why should I hide it Lady Tutorial?" Alpheus asked.

Lady Tutorial explained that there are tools for revealing for status. My first encounter would be at the entrance exam for highschool- I mean the academy.

"Then why is it called SOS(Supreme Overlord System), if everyone has it?" This is where Alpheus hit the correct question.

Lady tutorial said, "Because it's a system, not a status. Master should not only see the status but also 4 other pages. Namely: the Map, the Skill Tree, the Points and the Inventory. Try saying their names."

By saying all their names, Alpheus saw 4 other pages. Firstly, the map. It shows you exactly where you are, like a google map but more detailed. It also shows arrow icons, which should mean people. Lady said to imagine a place to pinpoint it, so it's really useful.

Second, is the Skill Tree. Like it says, you can use complex magic just by choosing it. It shows a bar, maybe because I have infinite amounts of magic so it's easier than searching. I tried searching Fire Magic and it shows the skill tree.

The only glowing right now is simple fire. Next, it shows pointing up, is fireball which needs Skill Points. Fireball is split into two, which is Fire Split and Fire Tornado and then so on...

Lady explained that Skill Points can be earned when you use skills enough.

Next is the Points page. You can add points to your Physical, Defense, Magical, Agility, HP and Stealth like shown...

Physical: 58

Defense: 32

Magical: Infinite

Agility: 43

HP: 40

Stealth: 10


Lastly is Inventory. Lady said that he transformed the bag I chose into an Inventory page, so that means I got an additional page.

"So my weapons should be here.", Alpheus mumbled and looked at the inventory and yes there is. Alpheus didn't use them yet since he is in the hallway and Megumi might see a bow appearing out of nowhere.

So that's probably it. What Alpheus really needs to do right now before Entrance Exam starts is to practice his magic and Lady Tutorial said Magic Control, since it's the basic to all of it.

"Good morning mom." Alpheus said

"Good morning Alpheus, you should start practicing magic. There's only 2 weeks left before entrance exams." Mom replied, "And also, your friends should be shocked on what your hard work became!"

Mom talked about Alpheus being fit. It should also be the perfect cover for perfecting magic altogether

"You already know magic control, right?"

"Y-yeah" Alpheus replied with a worried face

Without Magic control, it might get out of control and use all of your magic by accident which results in death. Lady Tutorial should be teaching Alpheus.

So for the next 2 weeks, Lady Tutorial will be teaching all the basic ways to use magic and because of this, Alpheus' last two weeks before class became hell.

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