Supreme Overlord System

3 Practicing Magic!

<<Five days before Entrance Exams>>

While on the backyard, practicing magic...

So Lady Tutorial has been teaching me magic for the past week and it's been Hell. Though I already mastered Magic control thanks to the Skill Tree. I maxed it out - 10/10.

Skill Tree can not only give you skills, you can upgrade them. Like the Magic control, it can be upgraded from Lv1 to Level 10.

Everytime I use a skill, I get one magic points. Depending on the level or the skill, it may take more than one magic point to upgrade it. Like Magic Control, Level 10 costs 150 magic points.

I also maxed out my Fire Magic and Lightning Magic. I can use Fireball and Fire Tornado, I can also use Lightning Dash and Lightning Punch.

"Master, how about going around the neighborhood to test your skills?" Lady Tutorial requested.

It's not actually a bad idea.

By focusing negative charges in the same place as positive charges on Alpheus' feet and legs. Sparks began to dwell and appear on Alpheus' body.

*spark spark*

"I never get used to lightning all over my body. I can just imagine the past week, practicing lightning and electrecuting myself all the time." Alpheus remembered unfond of it.

"Lightning Dash!", Alpheus shouts the skill and I know it's cliche but remembering the name also remember the mechanic on how it works. It's like a shortcut icon for a game located on the computer files.

Lightning sweep through the grass, leaving particles behind. Alpheus disappeared instantly as he dashed like lightning, being in one place in one step.

"Onii-chan, I have slice apple-, where'd he go?"


"Oh my God, this is amazing! I only ever used it on the backyard!", Alpheus shouted as he happily experience magic, the dream he always wanted and...


He hits on an eletrical pole because he wasn't focusing on where his going. He fell down, head first on the walkway

On Alpheus eyes, it's like time slowed down that's why he can also get distracted. Magic Control takes a major role on this, covering his entire body with lightning magic but focusing mostly on his legs and feet. It sounds easy but it's really hard.

Alpheus heard footstep on the side and took a look at where the sound was. The next thing he saw was a panty...

Silvia Van Kres appears...

"Are you okay?" The panty- I mean the girl that has the panty knelt down.

Alpheus' eyes sparkled to have seen such a beautiful girl looking at him. His snow-white hair and blue eyes kept Alpheus staring at her. Since Alpheus was a NEET, he never minded the real world and even was a loner on middle school.

"Y-yeah" Alpheus stood up and also the girl, "I'm Alpheus, you?"

"I'm Silvia... Silvia Van Kres" Silvia then raised her skirt a little and does the form like a princess (can anyone tell me what it's called?)

Alpheus' gotten red, to think that a beautiful and obedient girl is infront of him. But Van Kres, that's a weird name.

"Are you new here?" Alpheus asked.

"Yes, I'm here for the Entrance Exam. We just moved a week ago and a soon to be 1st year student of Lucia Academy."

A soon to be 1st year student of the academy Alpheus is going. Such confidence kinda made Alpheus smile to have a cute girl say something so sure but he didn't mind it.

"I'm attending the Entrance Exam too, we might be classmates if I pass." Alpheus smiled and scratched his head.


A car stopped by behind Silvia, a Black Mustang, and it looks expensive. A butler-like character went out of the car and by butler-like, I mean butler-like. It has the cliche tuxedo and a mustache.

"Miss Silvia, master is looking for you." Said the butler.

"Oh..." Silvia's smile went down for a second, "Then Alhpheus, I'll be taking my leave" she smiled.

"O-okay, bye" Alpheus made a small waving hand and smiled.

Silvia looked back and Alpheus went on his merry way, "Lightning Dash." Alpheus said as lightning sparked through, leaving small particles of lightning and dust in his place.

Alpheus leaves...

Silvia looked behind and said, "Oh yeah Alpheus-...", Alpheus was already gone. Silvia went inside the car.

Going back to Alpheus. He's on his way to the nearby mountians, by nearby, I mean far away for normal people. With Alpheus' Lightning Dash, he can travel the world in 24 hours if everything is land.

25 kilometers away, the Fang Mountain, far away yet Alpheus arrives in 20 minutes.

"I should be able to practice my weapons now.", Alpheus opens the Inventory and took out the sword.

This sword is quite heavy but because he was training Swordsmanship, it's not maxed out. With a crystal-like color and a gem, it must be quite rare to have something like this.

"Lady Tutorial, can you tell me what this sword is?"

"The sword is called "Crystal Dragon Sword" It's a Legendary-type sword and it has a special ability. You can set up a trap called 'slash'. Like it's called, you can slash a random location and it's your decision to put a trap or not.

This trap can slash only one time if used as a trap. You can see where the trap is but not the others and with a simple hit on the hilt, you can activate the trap."

"English?" Alpheus was blank

"You can put a trap that slashes if you activate it. A person must be close to the trap to be effective."

"Oh... So what's a Legendary Type?" Alpheus was blank, yet again.

Lady Tutorial explained that they are 5 ranks of weapons. Common type, Uncommon type, Rare type, Epic type, and Legendary type. Common is the lowest and easiest to attain and Legendary is the opposite.

"So you're saying I have a Legendary-type sword? Which everyone would want to obtain?" Alpheus began to get nervous

"Yes, and so is with the Bow and Two Daggers", Lady Tutoiral Explained that the Bow is called the "Crystal Pheonix' Bow" and is unbreakable, it does not need any arrows and it has an effect to multiply the arrows if the owner wishes to.

The Two Daggers, called "Twin Fang Crystal" is also unbreakable and after it is thrown, if the owner wishes to make it come back, it will come back like a boomerang.

Alpheus thought that if he were to show this, he would surely be dead.

"How about guns?" Alpheus asked

Guns do exist but they are nothing compared to magic. A simple magic is an atom so condensed that it's 100 times harder then kevlar. Guns are basically for people who can't use magic correctly, a practice toy.

"Oh yeah, where's the outfit I chose on the character making?"

"It's in your inventory but it's invisible to you and everybody, the attributes of being harder than kevlar basically hardens your body." Lady Tutorial explained.

Alpheus got so happy that even normal magic can't hurt a dust off of him. He got so confident that he was forced to practice the weapons for the next remaining days.

<<Day of the Entrance Exam>>

"So this is Lucia Academy?" Alpheus smiled as his bluish hair and attractive smile basically attracted every passing girl.

"Oh no..."

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