-Orochimaru's Hideout-

*BBaamm* crack*

In a room with a few broken test tubes and research papers on the floor, the snake Sannin was sitting on a chair while breathing heavily, nursing his missing arm.

Orochimaru: [All my research wasted, I shouldn't have followed Danzo, that old man couldn't even remove his traces. I can't enter Konoha and will be hunted, I lost a perfect Senju body, at least I have all major clan's bloodline samples.] angry at his loss.

Orochimaru: [Kukuku. I will build an army, sooner or later I will have my revenge. kukuku] with a darkened face and creepy laugh.


Arashi: [I received a message from Konoha, Sarutobi want to 'talk'.] talked with a mocking grin.

Mito: [His little lover died, and he now lost two kage level shinobi, of course he wants to mend and solidify Uzu and Konoha's alliance.] without much surprise.

Arashi: [*Sigh* I will talk to Ryu; I am thinking of declining but maybe we can take more benefits from this.]

After a few minutes, Ryu and Kushina entered the room.

Ryu: [I suppose it's about Konoha?] almost certain about the meeting reasons.

Mito: [Yes, Konoha want an alliance. We are thinking of declining. What do you think?] said while

waiting for Ryuji's opinion.

Ryu: [Hmm, we should maximize our benefits, if Kushina will still be as Konoha Uzumaki clan head, we should send a message to Konoha and say that we will send some Anbu to guard and some citizens. If she stays there alone, it will not have great power. A clan head with just her. We can also take over their market for selling seals.]

[And take some money, Ninjutsu and Kinjutsu as compensation.]

Mito: [Do you think we can still trust them? My husband worked really hard to build Konoha, he even managed to finish the Senju clan conflicts with Uchiha, and now his village is controlled by beasts.] was angry at how her husband's village turn out to be.

Mito: [After he and Tsuna parents died, I lock myself from everything, I should have helped Tobirama more, I should have fought against the elders and the civilian counsel.] while talking everyone noticed that she looked like she aged more.

"it seems that Tsunade running away to fight her sorrow and sadness after losing everyone is something that she got from her grandma." Thought Ryu

Ryu: [*sigh* the 2nd great Shinobi war finished now, who know when a third will start. We can secure a peace and partnership with Konoha like what you did with Kumo, Iwa and Kiri. Even though the war is finished, too much children become orphans, this will create hatred toward the other villages, and without saying about financial problem about the aftermath. Combine the higher ups greed with

hatred and money problems, and there you have it, a 3rd great shinobi war.]

Mito: [Do you think there will be another war soon after this one?] was stunned but she didn't disagree.

Ryu: [I think it will take 5 to 6 years it will start a 3rd shinobi war.]

"I think it will be a conflict with Suna, after Sakumo and Tsunade finished their war and gained an alliance, it is just a paper alliance, there is still fear and hatred towards Sakumo." Ryu thought silently.

After two hours talking about politics and all actions about Konoha and a future war, Ryu was about to call for Kushina, for them to go home and prepare to get back at Konoha tomorrow, everyone noticed that Kushina was sleeping peacefully without any care about our talk. Arashi smiled while the rest just shook their heads at the red headed girl's antics.

Ryu: [Shina, we already finished talking let's go home, we need to prepare to go back to Konoha.] said softly trying to wake her up.

Shina: [humm …. Ryu …. Ram…en….] muttered while still sleeping.

Mito giggled: [You will have to carry her; she is your responsibility now.] while retreating to her compound. Ryu took her and carried till her house, of course putting her in her bed and covering with a blanket.

On the morning after preparing for their departure with 5 jounin 5 chuunin and 15 genin that will be at Uzu clan compound with Kushina, without saying that all 5 Jounin are Anbu level. Ryu will act as Ookami and escort, then head to Konoha with a scroll from Arashi to Hiruzen.

In this stay at Uzugakure, Ryu didn't forget to ask to take a look at books about 11 and 12 levels of uzumaki seal mastery. Arashi give him access to the library, he just used Sharingan and copy all scrolls that he could train later.

The Uzumaki team got near Konoha's gate, and was intercepted by Anbu, asking them to go to the kage's tower. Ryu was henged into Ookami while one of his clones was acting as his young self.

Everyone in the village was stunned 26 red heads walking into Konoha with the exception of the younger Ryu and 'Ookami'.

-Hokage's tower-

Anbu: [Hokage-sama, there 25 people from Uzumaki clan accompanying Kushina Uzumaki alongside Ookami and Ryuji-dono.] explained to his kage while kneeling with one hand in the ground.

Hiruzen: [Arashi must have given an answer to Ookami, let them come I will hear them first. Call Sakumo, Tsunade and Jiraya.]

Mitokado: [What about Sayuri-dono?]

Hiruzen: [Her son is in the group there is no need, the boy has more intelligence than the majority of our shinobi forces, it will only become worse if the son and mother duo are together in a debate.] after finishing the lone Anbu got out to take a team to take the Uzumaki and escort them to his Kage.

Few minutes after the anbu departure, the Kage's room was filled with red color. Ookami and kushina walked towards the front of them.

Hiruzen: [Welcome, I hope everyone was safe in the long journey from Uzu.] said with a gentle smile.

Ookami: [It was a pleasant and calm travel.] said with a monotone voice behind his wolf mask.

Kushina: [Yes, grandpa send them to live with me, Ryu, Tsunade, Akemi and Sayuri, as clan head of Uzumaki clan here in Konoha representing Mito-sama, I couldn't be here alone.] while talking Jiraya come ahead and took the scroll from Ookami with a little hostility in his eyes.

"Oho? It seems I removed not only Hiruzen Sarutobi's lover, but also Jiraya's, it seems this teacher and disciple have more in common that I thought. Or maybe this is because of Tsunade. Well, it isn't like I care about him." Ryu was thinking and not minding the toad Sannin hostility.

Hiruzen was reading with a serious face about Uzu response. As he finished reading, he released a sigh.

Hiruzen: [I will call for a meeting, I would like for Ookami and Kushina to be there as a Uzumaki clan head in this meeting. For the rest of your clan they will be escorted to your compound, I hope you all like your stay here in Konoha.] smiling and send his Anbu to call for the counsel and escorting.

We walked towards a larger room, Shina was asked to sit in the middle of the room and the henged Ryu stood behind her, acting as a bodyguard. We wait for a few minutes and the room started to become crowded with shinobi and civilian counsel. Some clan heads were curious about Ookami identity but still keep calm and collected.

The civilian side were noisy and demanding, like Konoha was their territory, and were keeping bossing around.

Hiruzen: [I called all of you here, to announce an entry of Uzumaki clan into Konoha, to help kushina Uzumaki that now is clan head instead of Mito Uzumaki that returned to Uzugakure.] announced and waited for the counsel response.

Civilian 1: [WHAT?? Why would we take them into our village? They didn't help us when we needed, on the war.] screaming and spit saliva everywhere, said a fat old merchant.

Civilian 2: [That's right, now they know about Konoha's might, and want to beg to keep our alliance?] spat and old lady also agreeing with the fat merchant.

Hiruzen: [SILENCE ….. I didn't ask your opinion, I already let them stay.] said while leaking his bloodlust.

Koharu: [Than? We keep our alliance with Uzugakure? They didn't ask for nothing as compensation?] curious asked one advisor.

Hiruzen: [Arashi asked for a compensation.] said looking towards Ookami.

[He asked for some A and S rank Ninjutsu and kinjutsu, some money. The Uzukage also notify me about 25 clansman that will stay at Uzumaki compound and help Kushina.]

Mitokado: [Why we should give compensation? You all claim that you send a squad to ask for help and they didn't return, and ask for compensation? When nothing happened to your village?] had an angry face, accompanied by some civilian support.

Ookami: [The one who asked for alliance and mend relationship wasn't Uzu.] after saying that everyone stayed in silence.

Hiruzen: [Yes, I suspect that Orochimaru was behind this squad that was eliminated, he even betrayed leaf attacking one of our respectable elders, and I thank you, Ookami for helping Sakumo defending.]

"This old man …. Even with Danzo's death, he still defending that monster, just you wait old man I will talk to Shinigami to reserve your soul." Ryu thought about torturing the old monkey even in death.

Kagami: [Where would you be staying? As a fellow Uchiha clan member and I as clan head would gladly welcome you with open arms at Uchiha compound.] was smiling but for experienced people was clear that he wanted to have an S rank Uchiha in his clan to boost himself.

Kushina: [He should stay at Uzumaki compound as he was ȧssigned as my guard.] said while having a smug face.

Civilian 1: [This alliance is just a paper we should do a better one, a marriage alliance it will become more solid.] the fat merchant said smirking.

Kushina: [Who are you thinking of marring? I am already bestowed to Ryuji Senju, the only one that isn't bound is Ookami.] said smiling but Ryu saw that this ramen lover had a scheme.

Civilian 3: [It should benefit both parts than, Ookami-dono should marry someone from his age, even if we can't see his face, we see that he is in his twenties, I think lady Tsunade should be suitable.] said a woman in her 50's, but some man frowned and showed jealousy, especially Jiraya.

Civilian 4: [It should be good, Tsunade is a legendary Sannin a S rank kunoichi this couple should be perfect. And with Tsunade-dono being single and after the loss of almost all of the Senju clan we need to continue the first Hokage's lineage.] some others were also agreeing.

Jiraya: [WHAT? Never, don't force others to marry someone they don't love.]

Sakumo: [I don't think that should be a problem, I fought along with him, and he saved Tsunade from Ame and Iwa's siege, so they already have a friendship.] said seriously, but Ryu could see that he was restraining his laugh.

Jiraya: [No way, right Tsunade-hime? ….. Why aren't you saying nothing?] was desperate and looked at a red-faced teammate.

Tsunade: [….] was ashamed and blushing furiously, looked at Jiraya with anger.

Tsunade: [S-s-s-shut up.] stuttering and punching the toad's sage head.

Hiruzen: [Well, I will not interfere in Tsunade's decision, but she is already 25 it is at a suitable age.] said amused at Tsunade's actions.

(AN: I put Tsunade at 25 using Minato as reference now with 13 and with 25 he and Kushina would have Naruto so 12 years, she should be 37 plus 13 years Naruto, she would have 50, in Naruto original world from what I read she should be 55 in the final of Shippuuden so I guessed this should be her age.)

Jiraya still didn't want to back down: [But what if he is ugly, he is still using a mask.] smugly looking at Ryu.

Kushina: [He is an Anbu, of course he can't remove his mask without consent. However, don't even think because he might marry Tsunade that he will be bound by Konoha, he can't enter war like

Sayuri.] a mischievous light passed in her eyes while she looked at me.

Kushina: [As Uzumaki clan head, I kushina Uzumaki give you permission to remove your Anbu mask. Show them how handsome are you. 'ttebane'] smirking.

Ookami: [Alright, but if it happens that I marry and we have a son or a daughter, they would also not become bound by the village.] Ryu said while releasing aura and his kage level chakra plus a third of Kurumi's chakra. Everyone from the shinobi side in the room become scared about the level of suppression coming from him.

Hiruzen: [V-v-very well.] sweating lot while trying to stead his breath.

"He is a lot stronger and scarier than I initially thought." Hiruzen and some shinobi contemplated.

Ookami: [*sigh* alright] resigning to fate. He put his hands on the back of his head and slowly removed his mask. He didn't need to remove his usual skull face mask because he wasn't using it. As he removes completely and looked forward, the room become silent. You could even hear the wind passing outside.

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