Ookami: [*sigh* alright] resigning to fate. He put his hands on the back of his head and slowly removed his mask. He didn't need to remove his usual skull face mask. As he removes completely and looked forward, the room become silent. You could hear the wind passing outside.

Kushina was smirking while looking around at everyone. Everyone without exception was wide eyed looking at Ookami without his Anbu mask.

(AN: I don't think I need to make a description of his face, if you need, look at the fanfic cover.)

"Hehehe, this one is mine, if wasn't for Sayuri and Mikoto talking about Tsunade, I wouldn't even share with Tsunade." Thought Kushina.

Sakumo: [*cough* I don't think there will be any more problems, now we just need to talk with the Uzukage about the marriage.] coughing trying to break everyone from the dazed state that they were from looking at the heavenly face that Ryuji have.

Civilian 1: [T-T-That face, …. Y-You … aren't you the Dragon's pavilion manager?] an old woman exclaimed with red cheeks.

Ookami: [Yes, I was helping Ryuji and Sayuri on managing their restaurant.] said with a wryly smile, that seemed to just make things worse for the woman that was in the counsel.

Civilian: [PAVILION MANAGER!] someone shouted excitedly.

Hiruzen: [SILENCE! Everyone stays calm. There is anything you want to say Tsunade? Do you accept this marriage?] looked at his student with a smile.

Tsunade: [... n-n-o, I don't have anything to say.] responded with a low voice and a red face while avoiding eye contact.

Hiruzen: [Alright, let us proceed, where are you going to open a store for the Uzumaki? It will sell just seals?] trying to dissipate awkward situation.

Civilian: [What should we call you?] said a civilian woman while blushing.

Ookami: [Just call me Manager or Ookami.] said without much care.

"I will not bother creating another name, I will be known as Ookami as I might enter third war because off Tsunade." Thought Ryu.

Hiruzen: [Then if there isn't anything more this meeting is finished.] after saying that, the civilian and Shinobi counsel got out, leaving only Hiruzen with his old advisors, and counting Sakumo as new advisor, filling Danzo's place, his two students and his Anbu commander.

Ookami: [Even if I stay here in Konoha I will keep acting more of restaurant manager than Anbu guard for Kushina, now that everyone knows my face.] said while looking intently at Kushina's back. She just ignored, like it wasn't her fault. They talked about small arrangements and got out.

"Good thing that I can live as a young masked Ryu, or it would make things awkward. Tsunade already knows that it's me, at least I don't have to explain later." Thought amused Ryuji.

A woman in the civilian counsel was one of the managers of his secret fan club that was created after his first apparition in dragon's pavilion to help Might Duy, this woman had secretly taken a photo of him, even though he saw but didn't care about just one picture. But what Ryuji didn't know, was that from today onwards he would be the man who would have almost the entire female population from the 5 great shinobi village seeing him as an ideal husband, and he would never know how his photo got out to other villages so fast.

Hiruzen: [What do you all think?] said after seeing Kushina and Ookami getting out.

Mitokado: [*sigh* we lose a lot more than I thought in this deal, but at least the alliance with them will be stable.]

Jiraya: [I don't know why you allowed the marriage if he can't even help Konoha.] still pissed that he couldn't court Tsunade anymore.

Mitokado: [And his children to not be bound to Konoha. After marring him, you could try to change this, Tsunade.] trying to make the Slug Sannin coerce her future husband to change his mind.

Tsunade: [I will think about it.] said with a little blush.

Anbu Commander: [It would be good if he come to our ranks. His chakra alone suppressed all of us.]

Hiruzen: [I have a way to make him, help Konoha and making his children stay.] exclaimed smiling.

Sakumo: [??? How?? I was thinking about asking him to help me train Kakashi, he already finished his academy and become a genin.] made a suggestion.

"I will have to talk to Ryu, they are already scheming to get him for Konoha's benefits." Thought Sakumo.

Mitokado: [That's a good idea, nurturing Kakashi, he is already a genin with 5 years, now trained by Ookami and Sakumo, counting Minato trained by Jiraya, we at least have two future kage level shinobi.] viewing about konoha's future.

Hiruzen: [Yes, that's a good idea, I was thinking about Ryuji Senju too, he appears to start a relationship with Mikoto and Kushina. Good for us, making him bound to Konoha if he marries Mikoto, he could become Uchiha clan head, with him there we will not need to fear the remaining elders, with his intelligence I doubt that he will become a puppet for them and he would do anything to protect his wife.]

Jiraya: [Don't forget that his mother would stay here. hihihihi] said while giving a perverted laugh.

Koharu: [That's good, we can't lose them, they are good ȧssets for Konoha, and I don't think there will be a better talent then Ryuji Senju, when he appeared, he was Jounin level already.]

Hiruzen: [To make sure that Ookami and his descendants are bound to us, after the marriage I am thinking of making Tsunade the Yondaime Hokage.] exclaimed leaving everyone stunned.

Tsunade: [WHAT?? Why?] stunned.

Mitokado: [Weren't you thinking about training and making Minato Namikaze your successor? Even using his friendship with Ryuji to keep him here in Konoha.] also stunned about his old friend decision.

Hiruzen: [After a few years of their marriage, I can announce Tsunade as my Hokage successor, with this he will help Tsunade liking or not. He wouldn't let his wife alone and in a difficult position. And she is a Senju, and he being an Uchiha we can diminish our tensions with them after they notice that one of them have a position on Konoha's leadership.] smiling at Tsunade.

Koharu: [That's perfect! This will be easy as Tsunade is viewed as a Senju princess, descendent of 1st and 2nd Hokages, there will be no objections. And an Uchiha as husband will appease the clan.] thought out loud.

Tsunade: [I-I-I need time to think a bit.] still stunned about the change brought in just one day.

Hiruzen: [Before all of you go, didn't any of you noticed that he has not only the scary pressure but also de semblance of Madara Uchiha?] asked his old teammates.

Koharu: [Madara didn't have any descendant, maybe they have the same ancestry? He didn't give us his name.]

Sakumo: [I don't know about that, but they sure are monsters.] everyone nodded.

Hiruzen: [Let it be, it not like something will change, he still is a member of Uzugakure, and now our ally.] said finishing their meeting.

-Uzumaki compound-

Ryu: [Why did you have to make me remove my mask? And why did you force a marriage with Tsunade?] asked while sitting near Sayuri and Mikoto.

Kushina: [That Jiraya was making me angry, and your younger self always uses a face mask, so I don't think it should be a problem.]

[we know that you like Tsunade, and Tsunade loves you too, I just make it easier and fast for you two to get together.] explained while running to the kitchen.

Kushina: [Everyone will be a happy family, 'ttebane'.] shouted from the kitchen.

Ryu: [He was just jealous; with the marriage he can't court the Senju princess anymore.] sweatdropped at her reasonings.

Mikoto: [So we have another sister?] giggling at Kushina's antics.

Ryu changed to his normal younger version, and explained in details about all discussions on the meeting.

Sayuri: [I thought they would fight more; it was a good trade for us.] Mikoto also agreed.

Ryu: [I will take a shower first; it was a long day.]

As he finished and get back to the girls, he notices that Tsunade and Sakumo were chatting with them.

Sakumo: [It's good to see you again.] smiling

Tsunade: [Why did you need to appear as Ookami?, you are strong enough.] curious

Ryu: [To remove attention from me, I can certainly deal with everything, and with my mother's action in Uzu, people become afraid of her and didn't try to do nothing against me, liking or not she become a shield, I created Ookami when I was in Uzu as Anbu, now I am kushina's and the Uzumaki clansman shield as Ookami.]

[Without saying that it would be scarier if they knew that a 12-year-old, can easily kill kage level enemies, not everyone will just think about me being genius. They will brand me as monster. Later when I fight against someone as myself, showing my strength they will think that there will be three powerful people with us, those who are scheming will think again.]

"I know that nothing will happen to the girls with Sayuri here, but I am not strong enough to say that I can protect them from everything, at least not till I remove another limiter." Thought Ryu.

Sakumo: [Can I and Tsunade have a moment with you? It's important.] said seriously. Ryu just nodded and made a signal for them to follow.

Sakumo: [I ordered all root Anbu to look for Orochimaru's hideouts and we found one of them with 10 children being experimented. I asked for Tsunade's help and explained to her about Root.] said with disgust when mentioning about the laboratory.

Tsunade: [I tried to help the children but just one boy survived, for what I could analyze they didn't have compatibility with Orochimaru's project.] also with disgust about her ex-teammate.

Ryu: [*sigh*, Do you have his name? Maybe we could get him back to his family.]

Sakumo: [I tried, but I just found out about his name, he is likely to have 3 years, on his file contain his name as Tenzo.] said while passing some files to Ryu.

"Tenzo?? Isn't that Yamato?" stunned about this new information.

(AN: Yamato is 4 years younger than Kakashi for what I could find, so I made him just 2 years younger.)

Ryu: [There is a high chance that this boy will have mokuton.] said after reading about the experiments of Senju cells on children.

Ryu: [What will you do with him? Did you something decide about him?]

Sakumo: [it would be perfect for you and Tsunade to adopt him, but the counsel will become suspicious about a 3-year-old boy now that you two didn't even marry, so I talked with Haruka and decided to adopt him, and let Kakashi become an elder brother.]

Tsunade: [There are other things discussed after you got out, sensei is trying to bound you to Konoha, even asking me to become the next Hokage.]

Ryu: [That would be better for us, with Tsunade as Yondaime we can clean the civilian counsel, remove the old advisors, reinstall Root with Sakumo without problems. And I would have a beautiful hokage as a wife, what more I would ask for?] said seriously without any shame.

Sakumo: [Hahahahaha, aren't you lucky? hahahaha I will go home and let you have your time, see you later.] after listening Tsunade become speechless.

Ryu: [That was unexpected, I thought I would have to wait a bit to confess to you.]

Tsunade: [….]

Ryu: [How about a drink? Tonight, at my restaurants bar? I will close sooner today.]

Tsunade: [I will work at the hospital, take me there at 8:00.] she said while walking away.

Ryu: [I will be there, Tsuna-Hime.] with a smirk. Tsunade trembled at his response but keep walking.

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