I go!

Feng Jun's heart was shocked.

Later, he thought that Luo Qingtong was a woman's identity before, and suddenly there was another toothache.

So, is Luo Qingtong a man or a woman?

When I thought of asking Fuling about the relationship between her and Luo Qingtong, Feng Jun thought in his heart: No wonder Fuling was unwilling to talk to me!

It turned out that I didn't even know if Tong Sister was a male or female, so I went to ask her!

It hurts!

When Feng Jun thought about it this way, Luo Qingtong's face was calm and composed.

She didn't plan to keep her Tong Sister's identity from the beginning.

After all, once this incident shocked the real upper echelons of Xuantian Divine Palace, Tong Sister's identity would not be able to withstand investigation.

After all, Tianque Secret Realm is the private secret realm of Xuantian Divine Palace, and there are only a handful of people who can enter it.

Just look it up and you will be able to find out!

And if Luo Qingtong deliberately concealed Tong Sister’s identity, it would inevitably attract the attention of Xuantian Temple.

It's better to be generous and announce it yourself, and it can also contribute to the charges of Elder Tan and others. Why not?

The most important thing is that this identity can make Luo Qingtong's rhetoric more feasible and hide her true identity!

Of course, the most important thing is that after Luo Qingtong passed this time, he would definitely enter the eyes of the real high-level members of the Xuantian Divine Palace.

That being the case, why can't you add some weight to yourself?

The identity of the people of the lower realm, although at the beginning, can play an excellent role in hiding and paralyzing the enemy.

But this is not practical anymore!

Luo Qingtong must be in front of the true upper level of the Xuantian Divine Palace, revealing her excellent ability and potential, otherwise, she would not be caught in the eyes of the opponent at all!

She has been planning for so long, but it is not just to deal with the people of Elder Tan's line!

But to be able to better penetrate into the real upper level of the Xuantian Divine Palace!

And when Luo Qingtong's words sounded, a strange color appeared in the gaze of Rong Jie on the other side.

"Your luck is very good."

"This fairy plant is indeed very powerful."

"If that's the case, then you can put it away."

The luck of the other party is indeed very good.

Without this fairy plant, it would be impossible for Luo Qingtong to reproduce the roar of the devil's beast.

Not to mention, they can not see the identity of the puppets if they can be shaped.

Obviously, it was the aura in this fairy plant that gave her infinite possibilities.

However, it seems that the other party does not know how lucky she is!

Rong Qi's eyes looked at Luo Qingtong's relaxed face, and it seemed that he couldn't feel the pressure of the flame flower on his face.

In his mind, he didn't think much about it.

The other party should have already contracted with Flame Flower, so he can't feel the pressure of the latter.

Therefore, for all these things, it is a mistake, and I don't know at all, how much luck I have gotten!

Elder Tan's people are really out of luck!

No, it's not right, it seems impossible to say that.

After all, who could have imagined that a person from the same line as the elder of the Secretary, just let someone from the lower realm go in, can contract such a treasure!

All the plots of Elder Tan, I am afraid that they have all come to nothing, and this immortal plant has become cheaper.

Rong Qi thought in his heart that he was already guessing that when Luo Qingtong and others entered, they were afraid that all the things inside were absorbed by this fairy plant.

The identity of the other party has become unusual, and the aura on his body has also changed.

Therefore, everything was in vain, and the plans of Elder Tan and others naturally ceased to exist and failed!

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