And if they can escape by chance, there is no need to talk to their orphans and widows.

That's right, the "mother" of orphans and widows!

Ye Qianjie was wearing a pink skirt at the moment, standing in the courtyard waiting for Luo Qingtong.

A few servants with big waists stood beside him.

"Oh, madam dressed up like this, she looks so good!"

"It's just that I don't want to take this veil off, otherwise, wouldn't it be like a god?"

"That's it!"

"Madam's temperament is absolutely incredible!"

Feng Yu was led aside by them. Hearing these words called "Tiger Wolf Words", the corners of his lips suddenly twitched.

When they came together this morning, they were surrounded by a group of servants.

These servants, when they served them before, did their best.

It's just that I don't know what crazy I drew today, so I suddenly dressed Ye Qianri for a while, and praised Ye Qianri for a while. The beaming energy, I am afraid that the entire courtyard can be seen!

So, did the evil doctor do something outside again?

Feng Yu and others are in the mansion, and it is not that they don't know anything.

Elder Si and others have protected them very well, but who are Feng Yu and Ye Qiansong?

Naturally, it is easy to get what you and others want from the words of others.

They guessed in their hearts that the elders and others must have encountered something recently.

It is very possible that things broke out on Elder Tan's side.

Although he didn't think that Luo Qingtong would be unsuccessful and asked Elder Tan and others to destroy Elder Si and others, but Ye Qianji and others had to prepare early.

Hot roll, before they were ready, suddenly, the attitude of Elder Secretary and others changed.

Ye Qianji and the people around him instantly changed their ranks.

Not only that, but those precious and rare jewels and jewellery were sent to their rooms without money.

That's how the pink skirt Ye Qianji is wearing now.

Although this dress looks bad...oh, it doesn't look good on Ye Qiansong's body. After all, he is a man. With a big skeleton and such a pink dress, it really doesn't match him. appearance.


This dress is the rarest and most beautiful dress in Xuantian Temple.

Many saints love it very much.

Even, most of the ladies of the upper echelon can't get this dress.

To be precise, even Si Rumeng may not have the qualifications to wear this dress.

So, you can know the strangeness of this dress!

This dress is called the inexhaustible skirt.

To be precise, this dress is made of inextricably threaded threads!

Qiansi is the golden thread Qiansi!

The fur from an extremely strange golden-thread beast, combined with its flesh and blood feathers, converged into this inexhaustible skirt!

Wanlv was made from a very cold and fierce monster beast, stripped of its bones, and then added countless treasures of heaven and earth.

After drawing, it became this inexhaustible skirt.

No matter the material of this inextricable skirt, or the manufacturing method of this inexhaustible skirt, there is no one in the world.

The most important thing is that this inextricably threaded skirt can be called a great treasure.

It is almost at the level of Hongmeng Treasures.

Although not as strong as Hongmeng Treasure, in fact, its defensive ability is almost abnormal.

It can be said that after putting on this dress, Ye Qianrong's defensive power, even the elder Secretary, may not be able to hurt.

It is completely able to protect his safety in this Xuantian Divine Palace!

I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: ( Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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