Feng Yu: "..."

So, what's your purpose for you to use me as a tool man, master?

Your current "spies" identity has collapsed like a sieve containing water!

Feng Yu's eyes were circled.

On the other side, Luo Qingtong's expression was also surprised, and then he laughed.

"Oh, have you finally announced to me frankly?"

Luo Qingtong's face was full of meaning with a smile.

Finally stopped pretending!

However, the meaning of not pretending is limited to Fengyu, right?

Are you jealous of this jealous jar?

Just know that he can't stand it for long.

However, Luo Qingtong did not pierce Ye Qianrong either.

The two of them now have a unique tacit understanding.

Ye Qianji actually knew that Luo Qingtong had already seen through his identity.

And Luo Qingtong also knew Ye Qianrong's identity, and also deliberately revealed this to let Ye Qianrong know.

The two of them are actually maintaining a wonderful balance.

The balance is that they all know what each other is doing, but they have never questioned or pressed each other, or even cooperated silently.

In this cooperation, they also enjoy their unique taste and taste.

Flirting with each other.

For example, now.

On the other hand, maybe everyone was stunned by Ye Qianji's self-destruction.

What does it mean to be born with another wild man? !

Is this kind of self-destruction really good?

However, it was clear in Luo Qingtong's heart that Ye Qianjin had said so on purpose.

This man, after knowing that she knew all the things had happened, put aside Feng Yu, a small tool person.

That's right, Feng Yu!

In fact, Luo Qingtong could also see that this little guy is Feng Yu.

But how did the other party fall to this point?

Become Ye Qianji's tool man to approach her?

Isn't this kind of role always played by the brainless person in Beiqing?

If this is asked in front of Feng Yu, it is estimated that this guy will burst into tears.

Can he say that because Beiqing really has no brains, he was forced to come out to take on this important task?

Oh, it’s a sin to be too smart!

And after unceremoniously putting aside Feng Yu's identity, Ye Qianrong looked directly at Luo Qingtong, and then asked: "So, I betrayed you, don't you plan to punish me?"


What kind of tiger wolf word is this? !

Luo Qingtong was still immersed in the identity of poking Ye Qianri to break the news and Feng Yu, holding her hand by the way, in an instant, Ye Qianri gave such a line she couldn't guard against? !

What punishment?

What betrayal? !

She knows both of these words, but together, she doesn't know it!

What does this guy want?

Ye Qianji pressed on step by step.

"I betrayed you and had children with other wild men, so are you not going to punish me?"

Luo Qingtong was forced to retreat step by step by him.

This guy!

Luo Qingtong's figure was originally shorter than Ye Qianrong.

She has a slender figure, and among the many women, she is already tall.

But at this moment, with Ye Qianrong's figure approaching, she has become petite and exquisite.

Her figure was forced into a crevice corner of a rockery by Ye Qianjin.

Her hand was held by Ye Qianjin, and she pulled directly in front of her, pressing the rockery behind her.

A tall, handsome woman who was not like an ordinary woman, lowered her head slightly, trapping her in her arms.

"Aren't you going to punish me?"


When he said this, he bowed his head directly.

I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: (ltnovel.com) Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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