When Ye Qianrong's head lowered, Luo Qingtong's eyes flashed slightly, and then he took the initiative to greet him.

The moment their lips met, Ye Qianjin's silent whisper reached her ears.

"There is a peeping in the direction of three quarters noon."

At this point, Luo Qingtong's eyes flashed slightly, and then he closed his eyes and kissed him.

"I know."

But just by telling her about the spying, do you ask for a kiss publicly?

she knows!

Very clear!

Because she is also making this idea!

Luo Qingtong smiled silently in her mouth,

The trembling sound, through the kiss between Ye Qianren and Ye Qianren, reached the other party's mouth, causing Ye Qianren's eyes to become deeper and more secluded.

For a long time, the two separated.

Luo Qingtong's eyes silently stared at Ye Qianrong, and then smiled softly: "Madam's kissing skills are really excellent!"

"I really... really like it!"

And when Luo Qingtong's words sounded, Ye Qianrong on the other side also squinted slightly, looked at her, and said, "Really?"

"me too."

But I like it so much.

After all, for so long, I haven't gotten close!

However, this woman, don't you know, he actually knows her identity?

He was still teasing him!

Luo Qingtong smiled when Ye Qianrong's words were uttered, like a sly fox.

"is it?"

"In this case, how do you compare with those of your other people?"

When Luo Qingtong said, Ye Qianrong knew that she was playing again!

Obviously, he asked him such words on purpose.

Ye Qianrong knew in his heart that Luo Qingtong was treating him as a real "spies" and approaching her deliberately.

Do you want to play?

He accompany her!

"is it?"


"After all, the person I had before is much sweeter and more interesting than you."

A person plays the role of "spies" with due diligence.

The other person is playing the role of exposing the "spies" with due diligence.

Feng Yu, who was completely forgotten on the side, suddenly twitched his lips as he watched the scene where these two masters were playing.

He is really too difficult.

Why come to eat this bowl of dog food!

However, there was also a vague sign in my heart, knowing that he and his master had already helped him out, oh no, it was Feng Yu who had not played his due diligence at all, he sighed, and then stepped forward and said: "Father, Mother, let's go back to the room."

"It hurts, oh no, it's not good."

"Let's go back to the room, let's go slowly!"

A certain little beanie who has been completely stocked, with a bitter look on his face, sets off the image of a pair of unreliable couples to an extremely stalwart!

After they left, a shadow flashed out in a corner of the courtyard.

"Take down, Tan Ming and his wife are suspected of being married halfway, and they have a son together. They seem to have a very good relationship."

"But his wife seems to have something new, but Tan Ming doesn't dislike him at all. He has a deep affection for his wife."


That's what they said, and then the two looked at each other and disappeared into the corner of the wall.

And after they left, in the room, Luo Qingtong and Ye Qianjie stood under the edge of the window, watching the scene there.

"It should be the person sent by Lou Luo to monitor."

"This place is really a sieve, anyone can come in."

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