Supreme Satyr

Chapter 167

Yunmenglong said, "cough, cough, a lot of fucking people. Good morning, everyone. Have you had breakfast?"

"Plop, plop" everyone almost couldn't stand stably, and their chin fell to the ground with a bang. But they were the most regular army, and they held back.

Yunmenglong said, "from today on, I'll be your boss, and what I say is the imperial edict. Whoever dares not to listen, I'll deal with him. As long as you obey, I promise you'll be popular, hot and rich. If anyone dares to bully you, I'll play with him. Are you clear?"

The soldiers were stunned: what kind of leader is this? This is the inaugural speech of the naked gang boss. This is a big hooligan.

"Did you hear that?" Yun Menglong shouted in a loud voice.

Every soldier's ear seemed to sound like a thunder, which made his eardrum buzzing. They roared together: Yes! The voice was neat and loud, and yunmenglong was very satisfied.

Although Chu Jingfeng said that Yunmeng dragon was extraordinary, was it too loud? I really doubt the commander's decision. These soldiers are in a commotion, which is not easy to clean up.

Yun Menglong nodded: "OK, now let me talk about some principles for me to be your boss. First, I'm only allowed to sleep in and you're not allowed to sleep in. Second, I'm only allowed to give orders and you're not allowed to ask why. Just obey. Third, if I ask you to do something harmful, you must do it immediately without frowning. Fourth, I can eat snacks during training, you can eat You can't. Fifth... "

Yun Menglong said a total of 21 principles. These principles are more naked, unfair, shameless and excessive than the unfair treaties signed between Britain, France, Japan and Germany and China.

Every soldier's eyes were black and his limbs were weak. Their hearts were crying: God, is this a nightmare? Please let me wake up quickly. It's shameless, shameless and rogue. The most despicable and harsh slave owners don't treat slaves like this. Here, here, I want to complain and report.

But they didn't dare to say what they thought, because yunmenglong then said, "don't think about giving me a small report. It's useless. My relationship with the commander is, hehe. If anyone does this and I find out, hehe, think about it by yourself."

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