Supreme Satyr

Chapter 168

Everyone felt straight hair in their hearts and cold on their backs by yunmenglong's smile. They didn't dare to report any more. No one doubts that yunmenglong will torture the informer inhumanely.

Chu Jingfeng looked at the soldiers with funny expressions. When were these people afraid of others? But yunmenglong, hehe, remembering that the commander didn't let himself report to him how yunmenglong did it, he couldn't help admiring the commander's foresight after hearing the headache. Who wouldn't have a headache? There's nothing wrong with checking this person anyway. It's just that the means are too rogue.

Ling Xueqi kept smiling. These soldiers walking with their arms crossed every day finally met the nemesis.

Dai dai'er was shocked by such a big scene and didn't hear yunmenglong's lecture.

After seeing the soldier's expression, Yun Menglong knew that these people hated him so much that they all wanted to peel off his skin, dismantle his bones, unload 18 pieces, file the bones and raise ash.

He said, "I know you all hate me. Now I'll give you a chance. Who is the best shot?"

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of the new leader, so everyone had a tacit understanding that silence was gold. It had been found that they wanted to kill the boy soon, but they couldn't show any tail, otherwise they would be miserable in the future.

Quiet, quiet for a long time

Yunmeng dragon strolled back and forth with his hands on his back, like the virtue of so and so's leader's inspection. As he wandered around, the eyes of the people, the soldiers were in danger and their hearts jumped. Dai dai'er and Ling Xueqi feel the same, that is: brother Menglong is so powerful. Chu Jingfeng laughed to himself. These boys have met the nemesis. Yunmenglong is just a toad with a feather duster - a wolf with a big tail.

After yunmenglong stood still, he looked at the people solemnly and felt like visiting the martyrs' cemetery. Suddenly he shouted, "who's the best fucking shot? Stand up to me!"

As soon as the soldiers were excited, they scattered, leaving a man in the middle. The man's expression was numb and his eyes were as calm as water.

Yunmenglong smiled and said, "what's your name?" it looked like the shameless way that the Japanese used sugar to coax Chinese children.

"Report, sir, Su Qi." the soldier said in an unassuming way.

"It seems that you are the best shooter in the regiment." yunmenglong looked at Su Qi and said, "don't let me down. If you're not, then, hey hey..."

Although Su Qi's heart was cold, he still looked numb and Gu Bo was not surprised.

Yunmenglong walked ten meters away from Su Qi, stopped, looked back and said with a smile, "come on, shoot at me."

"Ah!" all the others tried their best to expand their mouths to the greatest extent. Can't the boy be funny? Su Qi began to be a famous sharpshooter in the army, known as "a hundred steps through flies". Flies a hundred meters away can't escape Su Qi's shot. Isn't it obvious that yunmenglong has lost interest in life and wants to die? But how dare Su Qi really kill his boss? The boy is a hooligan. Everyone came to a conclusion.

Although Dai dai'er and Ling Xueqi are full of confidence in yunmenglong, it seems that it is difficult to eat a gun.

Su Qi was stunned and thought he had an illusion. Does he want to let the new boss rest? He said, "what?"

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