Supreme Satyr

Chapter 210

The wind thunder tiger suddenly stopped. Zhan Yan smiled and said, "I can finally see the ninja and karate of little Japan. I'm still looking forward to it. I'll find the three boys of fire thunder. How can I fight without them?"

What does a tiger smile like? Has anyone seen it? In fact, it's cute. The wind Thunder Tiger smiles very simply, like a playful child who narrows his eyes and grins at the corners of his mouth when he sees his favorite toy.

Liao fei'er's mouth rose slightly. He shook his head and went to arrange for his men to show their tricks.

The wind Thunder Tiger opened his arms and said, "wind god formula."

A powerful whirlwind rose from the ground and surrounded the wind Thunder Tiger, making a roaring sound. They were rotating at high speed, faster and faster. The wind Thunder Tiger spread its wings like a roc, soared into the sky and disappeared into the depths of lengyun mountain. I can't tell whether he is the wind or the wind is him. This speed is even somewhat similar to that of yunmenglong.

Lengyun mountain has no Kunlun mountain. Emei is magnificent and vast, but its height and mystery are second to none. Most of those outsiders, practitioners and alchemists, like ducks, follow the famous mountains and rivers one after another. They occupy the beautiful scenery and gathering place of aura in the mountains. If they don't force them, they can find an earth mountain to practice silently. They will die if they practice. Modern people generally can't see people who cultivate the truth, because they generally live in seclusion and go out of poverty. Even if they are born, they won't have a Taoist robe to make people want to call the police. Those practitioners of alchemy are very rich. The whole thousand year Ganoderma lucidum and ten thousand year ginseng will sell a lot of money, so they are all upstarts. They dress well in the city. I don't know they think they are celebrities.

Basically, there are people practicing in the mountains, because people are more and more afraid of death. Since it is said that monasticism can live forever, even become immortal. To say the least, it can prolong life? Therefore, the number of monks is growing silently. This situation has developed into a situation of more monks and less meat. Without mentioning the famous mountains and rivers, people in the bald mountain with two crooked neck trees sit there chanting and chattering. Those with low Taoist skills can't beat those with excellent Taoist skills. If they can't beat them, they have to give up the good territory. There is no mountain king these days. Mountains are national and most of them have become tourist attractions. Those practitioners are so annoyed that they drill around like rats every day and dare not see people. The mysterious people have become jumpy. When they see the tourists, they immediately sit on the flying sword and disappear. Most of them have no time to run so fast. The tourists usually say "wow", then rub their eyes, slap themselves in the face and say their mother's illusion.

Although the scenery of lengyun mountain is also very beautiful, it is too deep. There is no heaven and earth aura loved by the Taoist family. There are a lot of bad luck in heaven and earth. Those animals are very ugly. The wolf is as big as a calf, and there are many one eyed wolves. It's quiet and mysterious here. No one knows what's hidden in lengyun mountain? Here, or some experts who are too lazy to see people will nest here and wait for heaven to become an immortal at the time of the disaster. But who knows?

Others may be afraid, but the wind and Thunder Tiger, "whew", flew into the cold cloud mountains in the clouds, which is not vague at all.

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