Supreme Satyr

Chapter 211

Yunmenglong's comfortable super thunderbolt was invincible. He not only worked hard on apricot blue, Princess and other girls, but also kissed Su Qingyao's mouth. When the sun had been exposed to the sun for a long time, yunmenglong woke up slowly.

Yunmenglong opened his eyes and looked everywhere for those beautiful women who played an extremely important role in his life. However, he couldn't find a hair. There was a standard masculine smell on the bed without a trace of charm.

Spring dream has no trace, leaving only a sigh.

Yunmenglong's eyes were rippling, as if with tears, and the lake blue eyes had no focus. He recalled that everything in his dream was still fresh in his mind, but it was cold around him.



The second sigh, faint resentment, seems to be if there is no, as if it comes from the nine days, or the quiet spring.

Yunmenglong's eyes immediately replied to Qingming: "who?"

This sigh is very familiar. It has sounded in his ear several times. Before, he suspected that he had hallucinations. He can tell whether he had hallucinations or not? He was not sure who the owner of the sigh was. He only knew that the man would not be the enemy. Otherwise, he might have given his life to him. One mountain is higher than another. Indeed, Yunmeng dragon swayed out in a flash, but he couldn't even catch a shadow.

Yunmenglong stopped thinking about these fruitless things. What benefits do you want from things that have no results? It's just asking for trouble. She will appear naturally when she appears, otherwise it won't help to break her scalp.

Yunmenglong has a strong point. If you don't want to, you don't want to. He looked down at his little brother. There were shining marks on the top. The golden holy gun was upright in the sun, straight and strong, with extraordinary momentum. Yunmenglong sighed: "Brother, it's really hard for you. You see, I have to satisfy you by having a spring dream. How can I go on like this? Do you want to have sex with my hand? That's too boring. I dream of a dragon and jade tree facing the wind. I'm handsome, talented and have unparalleled martial arts skills. I don't even have a woman around me. It's a shame to say it. Qiqi and dai'er are the same. Just go to school together Yes, we'll go together. Hum, it's useless to go to school. They are scholars! Those scholars can only write sour articles to YY, or dissatisfy, which can affect even farts. Farts can also affect the air pollution index. What about their complaints? The wind is traceless, the greedy are greedy, and the prostitutes are masturbating. "

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