Supreme Satyr

Chapter 266

Ziyi said nothing and looked at Yunmeng dragon coldly.

Yunmenglong ordered her acupoints, stopped her bleeding and said, "you don't have to look at me with such a vicious eye. I'm not your enemy who killed your father? Besides, who wants to keep you? You're willing to stay. It's none of my business? Otherwise, you Japanese are cheap. Do you see that you're handsome, and you're excited?"

"Hum!" Ziyi Jiao snorted, and her eyes floated to the air, no longer looking at Yunmeng dragon.

"Fuck, forget that you little Japan can't speak Chinese. Why do I talk so much?" yunmenglong scolded and took out his mobile phone to call Feng Leihu.

"Hey, tiger, where are you?"

"Fei'er and I are having a barbecue. Brother, have you finished those people?" the wind Thunder Tiger's voice is a little vague. It is obvious that there is meat chewing in his mouth.

"Nonsense, who's the eldest brother? How many little thieves can you make it? Don't eat quickly. Come here right away. I've caught two people. Can't you let me resist back?"

"Yes, boss, right away."

Yunmenglong just put down the phone. Within 30 seconds, the wind Thunder Tiger Rolls Royce appeared on the street.

"Shit, your speed is really amazing. It's really a Kung Fu to get on the horse. Where are you?" yunmenglong said to the wind and thunder tiger who just got off the bus.

"Oh, we're on the street next door. Of course it's fast," said Feng Leihu.

"Fuck, if you don't come to help so close, do you want my brother to be abandoned?" Yun Menglong scolded depressed.

"No, my Fengshen formula consumes a lot of energy. No, I ran too fast just now and suddenly felt hungry when I came back. I called Feier to have a barbecue first and was ready to help the boss when I was full. Who expected that the boss was so wise and powerful that you beat back the enemy and captured two. My admiration for you is really......" Feng Leihu will flatter you after explaining.

"Less fucking bullshit, let's go back first." Yun Menglong said, pointing to the two people standing still: "one by one, take them back in the car. I'll interrogate them well."

"They seem to be women?" the wind Thunder Tiger looked at the yellow and purple clothes and said suspiciously.

"What seems, they are women at all. Your eyes are lame. It's not sure." Yun Menglong said and picked up the Yellow ninja. One hand deliberately held her ass, and the other hand passed through her arms and put it on her full chest. Yellow clothes can't speak or move. They can only let yunmenglong hold light.

The wind Thunder Tiger picked up the purple clothes and asked, "brother, why can't they move?"

"I ordered their acupoints, and they naturally wouldn't move." yunmenglong paid attention to the changes of the Yellow Ninja's body and casually answered the questions of the wind Thunder Tiger.

"Ah, acupoint pointing? It's said that there is a long lost internal Kung Fu in the Jianghu. Is there really such Kung Fu? I thought it's only in martial arts novels?" Feng Leihu obviously can't accept acupoint pointing, but it's an indisputable fact that they don't move.

"Acupoint pointing is not difficult to learn. As long as you send internal force into their acupoints and paralyze their action nerves, they naturally can't move. The most difficult thing is to recognize acupoints. I'll teach you when I'm free." Yun Menglong doesn't want to explain more, because he's busy living.

Yunmenglong sits in the middle of the back seat, with purple clothes on the left and yellow clothes on the right. Yunmenglong embraces left and right and enjoys the happiness of the whole people. Fenglei tiger sat helplessly in the co pilot's position and looked at yunmenglong's face from the rearview mirror in the car.

"Boss, it's obvious that these people are sent by Yamamoto ghost, and their target is you. What do you want to interrogate when you take these two people back?" Feng Leihu turned back and asked.

Yunmenglong immediately stopped the claws of Lushan in front of the two men and said, "I want to ask them whether Japan has secretly built nuclear weapons, how many troops Japan has, and whether Koizumi has committed adultery with his sister-in-law."

Wind Thunder Tiger frowned and said, "brother, do you think these two Japanese girls will know these problems?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe one of these girls is Koizumi's illegitimate daughter." yunmenglong said solemnly

Wind Thunder Tiger is speechless about this. Yunmenglong has no choice but to put on a hat of righteousness for the country and the people for his dirty behavior.

About an hour and a half later, several people returned to longhumen headquarters.

Yunmenglong and fengleihu came to the room long arranged for yunmenglong with a Japanese girl. The room is large, luxurious but not vulgar. It has everything it should have. Yunmenglong's favorite is the big bed by the window. It looks so punctual. It's OK to sleep four or five people at the same time.

As soon as yunmenglong threw people on the sofa, a vicious dog rushed to eat and flew into the huge Simmons soft bed. His whole body fell into the bed and rolled over several times. He shouted, "it's really fucking comfortable. My brother told you that my brother's favorite thing is to sleep except eating dog meat." yunmenglong thought that in fact, my brother's favorite thing is to sleep with beautiful women, ha-ha.

"Hehe, as long as you like it, the room is arranged by Feier. He said you will like this big bed, which seems right." the wind Thunder Tiger looked at yunmenglong's smile like a child, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning and gave out a clear laugh.

Yunmenglong's face was straight: "Liao Feier is a talent. You should cherish it."

The wind Thunder Tiger nodded and said, "I know."

Yunmenglong looked at the two women and said, "tiger, do you want to take one back for interrogation?"

The wind Thunder Tiger was stunned and shook his head again and again. The huge tiger head turned flexibly like a rattle. As he retreated, he said, "it's good to hand over such a difficult task to eldest brother. Brother, I'm not a good interrogator. It doesn't matter if you interrogate, boss, but you should pay attention to your health and don't overwork. Brother, I'm leaving."

With a "pa", the door closed, isolating Fengyun's sight.

Yun Menglong sat opposite them, poured a glass of red wine, took it up and drank it slowly, and said to the two people: "Seeing that you are covered so tightly, I really want to know what you look like. You are so shameless that you can't be ugly. If you don't worry, I won't kill you. I'm Chinese and not as heartless as you Japanese. At most, I'll throw you into the tiger's quilt. If you are a beauty, you can sleep with me."

Yunmenglong put down his glass and waved his hand. The covering leaves on their faces fell like leaves. Yunmenglong was stunned. They were carved out of the same mold, with the same plump red lips, the same delicate face, the same beautiful eyebrows and eyes, and the same small but firm nose. The only difference in appearance was that the Yellow Ninja had beautiful short hair, while the purple Ninja had long hair In addition, their eyes are different. Their yellow eyes are clear and shy, and their purple eyes are cold like arrows, filled with hate like fog.

"Shit, which little Japanese is so powerful that she gave birth to such a pair of beautiful women like flowers? Alas, qingben beauty, why not for my race? At present, I have to destroy flowers with spicy birds to avenge thousands of Chinese female compatriots who die in peace." Yun Menglong sighed with emotion.

Yunmenglong walked over, and the two breathed quickly. Huang Yi opened his mouth to speak, but only made a voice of "ah, ah".

Yunmenglong took hold of the belt tied around their waists. At the same time, with a gentle pull, the kimono on the yellow and purple clothes opened, and the snow-white charming carcass appeared from time to time. Yunmenglong stopped breathing and shook his hand. This time, it was really prosperous.

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