Supreme Satyr

Chapter 267

Yunmenglong said while appreciating it: "or you Japanese women are cheap. Mom's clothes are so easy to take off. It's really dry."

A touch of snow white on the short haired girl's chest wrapped the full two hemispheres. They pressed and pasted together, made close contact, and squeezed out a charming gap.

Yunmenglong shook his head and sighed, "two poor children, how can your mother oppress you so much? Let me lift the shackles for you."

The cloud dream dragon stroked his hand, and the white strip bra disappeared. Two naughty rabbits who broke away from the bondage suddenly jumped out. The cloud dream dragon's eyes stared at the rabbit's eyes, which was like a fake big eye.

The girl with short hair wanted to cover the infinite spring in front of her chest with her hand, but she couldn't move her hand, so she had to close her eyes tightly and didn't dare to look again.

The snow-white on the chest of the girl with long hair has been dyed red by the exuded blood, which is a standard blood stained style. Yunmenglong did not know that she tore off her bra with pity. Because the blood had dried up on the bra, the meat on the * * adhered to the bra. Yunmenglong tore the wound again. The girl with long hair sweated bitterly and almost fainted.

Her plump and firm chest exudes a youthful and charming breath. There is a blood hole in the upper right corner of her left breast. The concealed weapon inside has not been taken out. The bright red blood is scattered on the snow-white * *. The strong contrast between red and white has an unspeakable beauty.

The girl with long hair has only a small cloth the size of a palm. The pink cloth can't completely cover the spring there. Several naughty red apricots have come out of the wall. She is wearing * * *.

An evil fire started from the central nerve of Yunmeng dragon and quickly spread to the root of the dragon. The golden holy gun was anxious in his pants. Yunmenglong pushed down the girl with long hair, turned her over, buried her pretty face in the sofa, broke off her fat hips with both hands, revealing a thin belt, and the wrinkles of chrysanthemum are already looming.

"Fuck, I'm dressed like three chastes and nine martyrs. I'll fuck you first if I wear such debauchery." yunmenglong put his finger on the thin band between her thighs. The only piece of shame cloth on the girl with long hair fell like a cloud. The spring light was completely exposed to yunmenglong's sight. Yunmenglong couldn't see the face of the girl with long hair, But I think it's also full of shame and anger.

"Today, I will avenge thousands of Chinese women who have been ruined by your Japanese pigs. Before saying that, yunmenglong suddenly lowered himself and inserted most of the golden holy gun. Yunmenglong also stroked her acupoints. How can she relieve her anger if she can't hear her sad cry?

"Ah!" the girl with long hair shook her hair and sent out a sad scream that cut through the quiet night sky. Although the sound insulation effect of the room was very good, the wind Thunder Tiger next door was awakened by the scream. He muttered a good job and turned over to sleep again.

With the scream, the private part of her lower body shrank, and the already dry and tight space suddenly became tighter. Yunmenglong felt comfortable for a while, and with another effort, the root disappeared into the garden surrounded by fragrant grass.

The woman struggled desperately, but she couldn't escape the ravage of Yunmeng dragon. Yunmeng dragon held both sides of her slender waist with both hands and pushed her body forward desperately.

"Ah, oh, en..." all kinds of meaningless exclamations flew out of the woman's mouth. These words gradually changed their meaning from the initial sadness. Her body secreted a layer of fine beads of sweat. With the rhythm of Yunmeng dragon, several of her hair stuck to the corners of her mouth and filled with obscene charm. Her twisted and pale face began to turn red.

With the twitch of Yun Menglong, the girl with long hair finally got out of the sea of suffering. The initial pain of tearing her body receded slowly. An unspeakable pleasure came like a tide, wave after wave, and her body reacted involuntarily. She couldn't believe that she would get wet under the rape of this rude Chinese

Yunmenglong also felt that the speed of the dragon in and out was accelerated, accompanied by the sound of "puff, puff". The woman's movements were faintly matched with his twitch.

"Shit, you're such a bitch. I can have fun when I rape you. Fuck." yunmenglong couldn't help scolding. While her body was strong, her left hand slapped her snow-white ass. after the crisp sound, a surrealist work appeared. A five finger mountain appeared on the ass of a girl with long hair. The red mark was quite eye-catching. This dozen, her body suddenly shook, and the wrinkles inside kept wriggling and contracting. With the insertion of yunmenglong, the flower dew splashed around the sofa and on them.

"I'm dead... Ah!" the girl with long hair reached the climax with Yun Menglong's palm in this sentence that made her feel extremely ashamed. More importantly, she shouted it out in Chinese.

Yunmenglong didn't let her enjoy too much. He stepped back and pulled out the holy gun.

"Ah, don't..." the girl with long hair involuntarily pulled the cloud dream dragon back with her hands and shouted in despair.

"I can speak Chinese. If I don't speak it early, you're really obscene enough. I'm not willing to do it anymore." yunmenglong scolded fiercely.

The girl with long hair collapsed, her body trembled and breathed. She seemed to have no strength to answer yunmenglong's words. She just turned her head and looked at yunmenglong. Her eyes were empty and slowly gathered with hatred.

"Hum, you don't have to look at me like that. The acts of brutality committed by you Japanese in those years are too numerous to record. Today, I only fuck you alone, not gang raped you by dozens of people. Do you hate me? Do you want to kill me, eat my meat and drink my blood? On the contrary, think about how we Chinese should hate you Japanese. Not only do you not regret what you have done I don't even dare admit it if I don't apologize to us. I did you today. I admit it. I apologize to you. Will you forgive me? "Although Yun Menglong is already naked, he still looks upright and arrogant.

Is this fucking rape? This is fighting for the country. Who the fuck doesn't call yunmenglong good. Daring is a man's husband. What's wrong with hooligans? Yunmenglong is a hooligan and a top-notch hooligan!

The girl with long hair no longer has resentment in her eyes when she looks at yunmenglong, leaving only a touch of cold and spring buried in her eyes.

Yunmenglong stopped grooming the girl with long hair. He turned to the girl with short hair and said, "now it's your turn!"

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