Supreme Satyr

Chapter 280

"Get off the ship, or the ship will be destroyed and people will die!" the metal ugly voice of the raging wave water Sha said word by word.

"Frighten me, I can swim. When I was eight years old, I crossed the sea. Those big lawless fish in there had to give up when they saw me. You destroy the boat, anyway, it's not mine." yunmenglong looked like a scoundrel, tilted his head and flat his mouth. In fact, he has been playing drums in his heart: darling, you pancakes and scallions. This water fool is obviously an expert in playing with water. Shit, if I want to go down, won't I hit the strong with weakness? I don't have a pit in my head. How can I do this, but the tiger and Fengling are inside. It's easy to kill them with this stupid skill. Shit, it's a headache. Does my brother really want to go to the sea? I've heard of driving ducks into the market, but I haven't heard of forcing handsome men into the sea. This water fool is really not ordinary.

The wild wave water evil spirit was about to move. Zhou Xing's face was pale. Like a local dog, he drove the tiger head shark to him and begged: "Mr. water evil spirit, spare my life. I have no credit and hard work for Zhou Xing. I give you food and clothes. You can't destroy my ship. This ship is almost my whole family!"

"Fuck you, ignorant human!" with a wave of his hand, a huge wave with a diameter of more than 30 feet rolled over, and the tiger head shark was almost impacted into a confused shark. The speed and power of the huge wave made the fierce killer whale fly into the air and roll for dozens of times before it plopped into the sea, and its thick and strong skin exuded blood. Zhou Xing once again became a drowned chicken. He surfaced out of the sea and scolded: "fuck you, I didn't serve me so much. I didn't serve you so hard for fear that I wouldn't greet you well. Now you repay virtue with resentment and want to destroy my cruise ship. I'll play with you today." Zhou Xing was also mad. Although he was very well disciplined, he was at home today, The Dragon King of the East China Sea has been teased by Yunmeng dragon, crazy Tao and shuisha again and again. He doesn't have to mix up if he wants to pass it on.

However, Zhou Xing said this simply because he thought his life was too long and wanted to end it early. He said that playing with shuisha was equivalent to playing with his own life.

After hearing Zhou Xing's words, Yun Menglong didn't feel much. On the contrary, he concluded that shuisha was absolutely a fool. It's not easy to curse people and pretend, "fuck you", which is really disgusting to his relatives. He said "ignorant human" later. It seems that this boy is not human. According to yunmenglong's understanding, there are two kinds of creatures, one is human and the other is animal. Since the water evil is not human, it is an animal.

The fierce wave water evil spirit looked at Zhou Xing with an expressionless face. Look at Zhou Xing's purple pig face and keep moving his mouth. You know he's swearing. You don't need to ask anyone this time. The fierce waves of water suddenly appeared in front of Zhou Xing's eyes, bent his fingers into a grip, grabbed Zhou Xing's fat neck and said, "do you want to die? Go to hell!" with a slight button of his fingers, Zhou Xing's head was isolated, his face turned into a ferocious big red steamed stuffed bun, his body didn't realize that the head had left it, his feet were still pedaling, and his hands wanted to catch something, But nothing.

Zhou Xing's body fell into the sea, and blood gushed from his neck, but he could not dye the boundless sea red. The waves of the sea rolled and looked like pale waves in the Black Sea. The bloody smell aroused the nature of the killer whale. The killer whale didn't care if it was the fat man he had hunched just now. He honestly opened his mouth and chewed the lower part of Zhou Xing. Sharp teeth bite like tofu, and blood splashes everywhere. Yunmeng longan watched Zhou Xing become the belly food of killer whales. The process of eating was very short, but Yunmeng longan felt like vomiting. To tell the truth, the first time I saw such a bloody scene, the broken hands and feet, the heart and intestines were looming in the process of killer whale chewing. Shuisha looked the same. Er, in fact, he couldn't see his look. There was always a cloud of black smoke in front of him, which blocked his face. Is this shameless or shameless?

After the killer whale finished eating, he belched contentedly, but his mouth seemed to be skimming. Maybe he thought the meat was too fat. It's easy to get fat after eating.

The raging water Sha threw his head into the air. The killer whale jumped out of the sea, caught Zhou Xing's head and swallowed it.

Yunmenglong hasn't killed anyone in 980 years, let alone so cruel. This time, I couldn't help burning with anger when I saw that the crazy wave shuisha killed Zhou Xing without blinking. Before he took action, the luxury cruise ship of more than 200 meters turned like a top, and the speed was faster and faster. The water discharged by the cruise ship formed a spectacular circle, like a huge well with a small bottom. The cruise ship turned into a colorful circle in the center. The people on the distant ship looked stunned and thought: what the fuck is going on?

The wind Thunder Tiger had saved Fengling when the cruise ship began to turn. As soon as the cruise ship turned, he and Fengling couldn't stand stably and were about to fly out. The wind Thunder Tiger made a quick decision, picked up Fengling and jumped into a groove for only two people. They didn't know what the groove was used for, but they did save their lives. Zhou Xing's son was miserable. First, he was violently flattened into a pig's head by the wind and Thunder Tiger, and then he was turned into seven meat and eight vegetables. He kept bumping into the hard wall of the hull, and finally he was killed alive. According to later people, after pulling this person out, they gathered 30 experts to analyze it for three days and three nights, and came to the conclusion that this is a person!

Yunmenglong stood in the center of the cruise ship like a nail. His blue eyes showed cold light, white light and water waves. He turned around and stopped on shuisha. Yunmenglong's clothes fluttered all over his body, and his hair didn't know when he recovered the 3000 silver silk.

Yunmenglong suddenly landed on his left foot and soared into the sky, just like a Jiaolong going to sea in the rough waves, so natural and unrestrained, so long and beautiful.

The sky didn't know when it was full of dark clouds. Those dark clouds stood in front of the sun's little brother as if they had made an appointment. The white clouds were stained with dark magic gas and degenerated into dark clouds. It's getting dark. It's frightening.

Yunmeng dragon fell on the head of the killer whale who wanted to escape. The killer whale wanted to be evil, but he opened his mouth and remained silent. It felt a kind of pressure from the body. The pressure was terrible, like a big knife under its neck, and the cold front penetrated the body. The killer whale, who had never felt fear, was afraid.

Yunmenglong stood on the top of the killer whale. His black suit had already turned into a white gown. The white gown remained motionless in the strong wind, but his white hair danced with the wind. Handsome and refined face, eyes breaking through the sky in dreams, slender body and elegant long hair. Yunmenglong is like an immortal, extraordinary and independent.

After thousands of years, whose eyes are desolate?

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