Supreme Satyr

Chapter 281

The original short body of the raging wave water evil spirit suddenly soared more than twice. The body a foot and a half high was like a magic statue, and the clothes on his body were like splashed scales, reflecting the light of the sea and emitting bursts of cold awns. The evil spirit around him was more powerful, as if there were thousands of ferocious demons roaring, and the sound of the angry waves was also pleasant to hear.

This is the first duel between holy lotus and magic robbery in a thousand years!

Yunmeng Longxin said: "the beast that came out of nowhere seems to be too powerful. It's not an opponent to play fair and aboveboard. It's not a fool to play Yin. Brother, I'm the ancestor of the white wolf. Didn't the old fox of Hua'er beat my chest and feet in yin? It's better to start first, and then suffer, I'll..."

"When did you change your clothes?" seeing yunmenglong's handsome mess, a rare feeling of jealousy surged into his heart. He kept looking at yunmenglong, but he didn't know when he became so handsome. It was like vomiting and diarrhea all over the world.

Yunmenglong's idea was interrupted. He had thought of more than a dozen ways to play Yin. Now he choked on the silly words and almost fell into the sea from the killer whale and choked to death.

"Shit, it's none of your business when I change my clothes. If you have seed, follow me and cut off your chickens and squeeze them." yunmenglong thought a little, said to the raging water Sha, and then drove the killer whale to break through the waves and swim closer to the beach. On the one hand, the tiger and Fengling can get away from the ship, and on the other hand, they get ashore and have a good fight. A fool can see that this raging water Sha is not covered. He is especially good at playing with water, or he won't be called water Sha. If the little brother is strong, he has to call the bird Sha. The water Sha looks more like a silly bird! Yunmenglong touched his mobile phone and sent a message to the tiger, asking him to take Fengling away quickly. Or yunmenglong is a genius. Not only does yunmenglong learn to send text messages, he will send them blindly, and his typing speed is extremely fast. He has sent text messages while talking.

It's not silly at this critical moment. Seeing yunmenglong let killer whales swim to the coast, I immediately understood yunmenglong's intention. He opened his arms, "bang!" with a loud noise, a water wall tens of feet and hundreds of feet high was erected in front of the killer whale and Yunmeng dragon, which was indestructible and blocked out the sky and the sun. The killer whale was swept back by the water waves several times.

Yunmeng dragon Qi filled his right arm, raised his palm into a knife, and shouted, "open!"

A multicolored streamer knife dozens of feet long made a magnificent cut into the water wall. With a loud bang, the water wall was cut about five or six meters. Like Huarong Road, it was only enough for killer whales to pass by. The water wall was still there, and the newly opened road was also there. If the water wall erected on the sea is incredible, the split waterway is even more incredible. The killer whale roared and bullied by, and the Yunmeng dragon roared up to the sky!

The water wall behind him collapsed and splashed everywhere.

The fierce waves of water frowned. I didn't expect yunmenglong to be so capable. When his left foot stepped on the sea, it turned into a black light. In a breath, it appeared behind the tail fin of the killer whale. He stretched out a hand and gently grasped the tail fin of the killer whale. The killer whale found itself suddenly unable to swim. It was angry and tried to swing its tail fin. Unfortunately, the work was in vain, and he still couldn't move forward.

Yunmeng dragon was one step ahead of the killer whale. He couldn't help suffocating when he saw the silent appearance of the raging waves and water evil. With his spiritual sense, he couldn't even find it behind him. Even if he could find it clearly a few kilometers away, the water was so stupid... Fucking beast!

A cruel smile came out from the corners of the mouth of the wild wave shuisha. With one stroke, the huge body of the killer whale was forced out of the sea. Its ugly huge body tried to make all kinds of difficult struggling movements, but the shuisha was like a mountain rock and could not move. Yunmenglong was also raised in the air. He bowed down, bent his left fingers, clenched his right fist, turned over a kite and turned over dozens of beautiful somersaults. If yunmenglong goes to the circus to juggle, it is estimated that those clowns will be laid off. Yunmeng dragon turns into a dragon and swims around shuisha. When he turns around, he is a little dizzy. The spiral Qi is outside and the gossip Qi is inside. One third of the energy and the right fist bombard shuisilly's heart like lightning. The two-thirds of the energy is divided into the two fingers of the left hand, waiting for the opportunity to move.

Kuangtao shuisha knew that yunmenglong's real Qi was special. He had just suffered a dark loss. This time, he felt frightened. He remembered that yunmenglong first gossip and then spiral. With a round of arms, the killer whale's huge body was in the air. For the first time, it felt the super experience of flying two miles in the flesh. Finally, the killer whale fell into the sea with a wonderful twist of three and a half weeks and the tail first into the water. Of course, it is far from the coast!

The action of the wild wave water evil spirit can't even be seen in Yunmeng longan, that is to say, his action can't even be seen clearly!

He laid an air wall in his left hand to prevent gossip real Qi, and a layer of high condensed energy wall was added in the air wall in his right hand to prevent spiral gas from drilling in. As a result, he made a mischievous estimation. After a few turns, the spiral real Qi drilled through the first layer of gas wall. The gossip real Qi expanded infinitely and spread over the second layer of gas wall. The spiral real momentum did not decline, and the later came first. The opportunity of the raging water evil has been lost, but he is not disorderly in the face of danger. The whole body magic can explode in the chest. If yunmenglong's arm meets, it will smash and even the molecules will not be left. Yunmenglong is startled when he sees the energy rotating mass like a black hole in the chest of the water evil. When the time comes, he quickly retracts his right arm, and his left hand suddenly comes to the world from another time and space, Yunmenglong's body suddenly rises, and the two fingers of his left hand are already ready to go. Now the two true Qi emitted by the fierce shooting directly take the eyes of the wild wave water evil spirit. The two purple mans are fleeting. All the energy of the wild wave water evil spirit is against the fist of the cloud dream dragon. I didn't expect the Yellow sparrow of the cloud dream dragon to be behind.

"Ah!" roared the raging water evil spirit. The magic gas suddenly exploded, and the "boom" made a huge noise, and the waves were stirred up layer by layer. Yunmeng dragon's head was when it rushed. This is tantamount to a mountain flood, tsunami and volcano. How can Yunmeng dragon stop the energy of the volcano, not to mention he was straight at its front.

"Ah", the cloud dream dragon also gave a scream, ejected a Peng of blood from his mouth, drew a beautiful arc and integrated into the angry waves, and his people threw away like a broken paper kite. Although yunmenglong felt that his internal organs were smashed, he was very miserable. Fortunately, he protected his heart at the last moment, otherwise he would have to go to hell boy to drink and play chess. Coincidentally, he fell on the killer whale that was thrown away by the water evil spirit and smashed the killer whale that was already seven meat and eight vegetables again. This time, the killer whale is n meat and n vegetables, which can almost open the whole dinner.

The raging wave water evil spirit was still roaring. He covered his eyes with his hands like a mad devil, and his hair was dancing in all directions.

Yunmenglong lay on the killer whale, his consciousness was in an extremely chaotic state, and his body looked like it wasn't his. He thought, "now a baby can kick me to death!"

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