Supreme Satyr

Chapter 294

"You're all awake. Let me introduce you. This is the private nurse sister Yun found for me, Xue Piao." Yun Menglong said while holding Xue Piao to walk like a standard disabled person.

"The angry beauty is my first wife Ling Xueqi, the beautiful woman like a clever fairy, my middle wife Dai dai'er, and the last pure girl is my female slave, cloud lily." yunmenglong, like an old widower, was helped to the bed and lay down.

"Hello, my name is Xue Piao. Miss long invited me to take care of Mr. Yun." Xue Piao smiled.

"Hello," said Dale and lily at the same time. Ling Xueqi gave a nasal sound, hum!

The three beauties were still quite embarrassed to see Xue Piao. They were all naked like a stripped Aries. At this time, they remembered that they picked up their clothes to cover the key parts to prevent the spring from leaking out. But how can the pink legs, jade arms, snow back and flower face be covered? Although it is unintentional to refuse to welcome, it makes yunmenglong deliberately stir up a evil fire.

When a beautiful woman sees a beautiful woman, she can't help but compare herself secretly. If two people look alike, the slightly worse one will feel that the other is not as beautiful as herself. Of course, if a character like Sister Lotus can't feel more beautiful than Lin Zhiling. If you think it's self deception and shameless to die, Sister Lotus is the best among them. She is determined to carry out the nausea to the end and shamelessly show off her coquettish posture, which has brought good news to some people who want to lose weight but have tried repeatedly. When most people see that sister Furong can not spit out, they have to give a thumbs up and say a cow.

Why is Sister Lotus so ugly and so red? This is because she has successfully found her own position. It is not easy for a person to grow so disgusting. What is more difficult is that she can carry forward the disgusting unremittingly. For several years, she still feels disgusted after being scolded by countless people. It's really amazing. This should be a sentence. People are invincible when they are cheap!

Yunmenglong is also the best of bitches, but his base is noble, outstanding and convincing. After all, he is a handsome man. Sister Lotus is another extreme base. It's disgusting and spiteful. Maybe she can leave a bad reputation for thousands of years!

Whether immortality or immortality, it is a form of immortality, just the same way.

Xue Piao is also a beautiful woman. She can't help looking at the three people quietly. The result of looking at them is that they are somewhat ashamed: these three beautiful women are higher than her in terms of appearance and temperament, especially Xueqi and dai'er. She's not Sister Lotus. Can't she shamelessly think she's unique in the world?

In fact, it's no wonder that dai'er and Xueqi were born noble. First, after the famous nobles and second, after the generals, their temperament is naturally superior. Coupled with the rain and dew giving of yunmenglong and the double cultivation of Taiji Heart Sutra, their temperament is even more amazing. A beautiful one can't look at it, and a pure Epiphyllum like a mountain stream. The lily also has a charming temperament in its bones. It is submissive, tender and powerless, like a hundred flowers in the rain.

In Yunmeng longan, Xue Piao is a small wild chrysanthemum, fresh and charming, with a feeling of returning to nature and her nurse suit. Er, as we all know, most men tend to uniform, including female policemen, female nurses and female teachers.

"What do you eat, Mr. Yun? I'll buy it for you." Xue Piao said after taking yunmenglong's blood pressure and temperature.

"Just watch it." yunmenglong almost said to eat you, but he didn't dare to do it at present. One is that the female tiger is still eyeing around, and the other is that it's not time to flirt with the little wild chrysanthemum.

"OK, I'm out." Xue Piao bowed and went out of the door.

"By the way, tell me how you know I'm hurt. I'm still surprised. Who will tell you?" Yun Menglong said without giving Xueqi the chance to be jealous.

"Still say, it's going to scare me to death. I can't send you a text message back, and I can't call you. When I ask Chu Jingfeng, he hesitates and can't say why." Xueqi said.

"I had a nightmare that night. When I dreamed that you were eaten by a crocodile, I woke up with a cold sweat. I wanted to sleep again, but I couldn't sleep. I was uneasy. I called you and said I wasn't in the service area, and then called daddy. Daddy said he didn't know. I called sister Qi to know that something had happened to you." dai'er said.

It turns out that they send text messages to yunmenglong every day. Say some flirting words such as' kiss, hug, baby, honey, sweetheart, miss you, son of a bitch, smelly hooligan '. On the night of yunmenglong's accident, dai'er went to bed early. Xueqi didn't reply when she sent a text message. The first call was not in the service area, so she was in a hurry. Chu Jingfeng immediately called Chu Jingfeng. Chu Jingfeng knew that yunmenglong had gone to engage in Zhou Xing. After investigation, she learned about yunmenglong's injury. He dared not hide it from Xueqi, so he said that dai'er happened to call at this time. Knowing that yunmenglong was injured and unconscious, the two women immediately rushed back by plane. As for yunmenglong's mobile phone, it fell into the sea as early as the battle between the sea and the raging waves. I don't know which fish picked it up for research.

After listening to the two women's words, yunmenglong was filled with emotion. He sighed and said, "I yunmenglong is a hooligan. Why do you have such deep feelings for me?"

"Yes, you are a son of a bitch, a big bastard and a smelly hooligan. You are lecherous, romantic and not serious, but you really love me. You have the ability, know how to coax women, and are considerate, gentle and romantic. Therefore, I love you." Xueqi wanted to raise her head and repressed her way.

"Shit, are you praising me or scolding me?" yunmenglong was quite depressed.

"You are my first love. I have loved you for ten years. Ten years ago, my dream was to marry you one day, no matter who you are." Dale's eyes were firm, without shyness and hesitation.

"Dai'er is still good." yunmenglong was comforted. After that, he looked at Lily and said, "I know you don't love me, so you don't have to hate me."

Lily shook her head slowly and said, "I don't know if I love you, but I know I don't hate you."

Yunmenglong took a deep look at Lily and said, "one day I will let you know that you love me."

Lily blushed, hung her head and didn't speak.

"Well, lily, you go back and call the tiger and say I have something to find him." yunmenglong changed the topic.

"Well." lily nodded, put on her clothes and turned away. She looked at yunmenglong with great kindness and said, "master, take care."

After Lily left, yunmenglong smiled at dai'er and Xueqi: "you two also go home for me. Say hello to my father-in-law and mother-in-law. You've been with me. They'll be jealous."

"Cut, do you want to get along with the little girl named Xue Piao alone and take the opportunity to deal with her?" Xueqi really saw through yunmenglong's careful eyes at a glance.

Yunmenglong deliberately raised his face and said, "am I such a person?"

They nodded at the same time and said, "yes!"

Yunmenglong: "shit! Faint first."

After coaxing dai'er and Xueqi away, yunmenglong finally came down. He stretched his arms and legs and said, "Wangcai, it's time to come out."

"Do you know I'm here?" long Mengyun's beautiful body appeared, and a trace of doubt appeared on her gorgeous face.

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