Supreme Satyr

Chapter 295

"Not only do I know you are here, but I also know when you came." yunmenglong said triumphantly.

"Talk about it." long Mengyun's eyebrows moved slightly.

"Did you follow Xue Piao in?" yunmenglong said faintly.

Long Mengyun suddenly turned around. His light blue eyes were like water and fog. He looked like a bright moon dancing in the sky. She looked at yunmenglong quietly: the little Lord is still as handsome and extraordinary as he was in those years. His forehead is broad, which seems to contain infinite wisdom. His eyes are as deep as lakes and streams, and the blue is purer and deeper. The nose is like a hanging stone, pointing to the void, and the lips are like Zhu, with bright and lustrous luster. The corners of the mouth are always gently bent, with a lazy smile. The feeling of lifting heavy as light makes people feel infinitely safe, that is, the sky falls. When you see this smile, you are not afraid of anything!

"Holy Lord, if you have a spirit, you should close your eyes." long Mengyun's eyes suddenly floated a layer of mist and drifted across the sea in sadness.

"Why do you look at me with such adoring eyes? You don't know that it's easy to lose yourself to worship others?" Yun Menglong, such a cheeky person, will be embarrassed by a beautiful woman. It's no wonder that longmengyun's eyes blinked and stared at yunmenglong. Yurong was sometimes happy and sometimes sad. He didn't know what he was thinking. Yunmenglong subconsciously wanted to explore with his thoughts and feelings. As a result, he met an invisible energy wall, thick as heaven and earth, warm as the sun. Yunmenglong's thoughts and feelings were like ice, smiling and turning into a pool of running water.

Long Mengyun didn't speak. He was like a startled Hong. He came to yunmenglong at a high speed that yunmenglong couldn't see clearly, and the jade palm touched his chest. Yunmenglong was startled. When he reacted, longmengyun's palm had covered yunmenglong's chest. Yunmenglong can't help sweating. If longmengyun wants to kill him, he will lose his fragrance and jade as soon as he spits out. Shit, he always uses inappropriate words. It's burping fart and catching a cold. Yunmenglong knows that one mountain is higher than another. Although his skill has greatly increased, he is still thousands of miles away from characters such as kuangtao shuisha and longmengyun. Of course, long Mengyun can approach Yunmeng dragon so easily. For one thing, she is too fast to match even with the response of Yunmeng dragon; Second, yunmenglong didn't defend longmengyun, so longmengyun got it easily.

"Your wound has healed?" long Mengyun felt that the energy in Yunmeng dragon was like a river flowing slowly. She couldn't tell the nature of the energy. It must be some adventure for Yunmeng dragon. But it's a little incredible that Yunmeng dragon can melt or swallow the evil Qi overnight after waking up. For example, the two atomic bombs of Mg can make Hiroshima and Nagasaki barren for 50 years. If you change the energy of magic robbery, it will take at least 80 years. That's a fucking poison! Therefore, it was normal for her to be surprised that yunmenglong expelled the evil Qi into the body overnight. With her ability, she can confine the evil robbery Qi to a corner, but she can't expel or devour it. The survival of Yunmeng dragon is inseparable from the true Qi lost by longmengyun.

"Yes, I'm fine." yunmenglong didn't know the power of magic robbery Qi, so he took it for granted.

"Young master, you are really a genius!" long Mengyun praised sincerely, and then said, "do you want Xue Piao's private care?"

"Yes, naturally. It will be difficult to explain if others know that I will recover so soon. In order to avoid trouble, I'd better continue to pretend to be ill." yunmenglong hurried.

"Really? Just for fear, is it difficult to explain?" long Mengyun looked at yunmenglong with a face of disbelief.

"Otherwise?" yunmenglong smiled naturally.

"Young master, you should remember that I have known you for a thousand years. I don't know who you are?" long Mengyun no longer eats yunmenglong's vinegar after more than 900 years. Yunmenglong is a natural dream lover and beauty killer. If a person has it, it will be a bit outrageous. It's better to let it go.

"Ha ha!" yunmenglong smiled, pinched longmengyun's tender face and said, "dead girl, you still know me."

Long Mengyun was stunned by yunmenglong's intimate and natural behavior, and then his heart beat faster and his ears were hot. She had this feeling more than 900 years ago. At that time, it was also yunmenglong... For billions of years, only yunmenglong dared and only yunmenglong would make such intimate moves to her. That feeling has been buried in my heart for thousands of years.

A thousand years, a dream, a dream, a thousand years. Do you know how hard I've been for a thousand years? Silently guard, deeply miss, tears into a dream, wet the night.

"Wangcai, why are you crying?" yunmenglong saw longmengyun's delicate body trembling and tears filled his eyes.

"Wow!" long Mengyun suddenly jumped into Yunmeng's arms and cried hysterically. She had missed for a thousand years, waited for a thousand years, wronged for a thousand years, and grieved for the destruction of her family... She did bear too much. All the tears of the thousand years flowed wantonly in her lover's arms at this moment. We have an appointment. We will never cry again. In the future, we will face it with a smile!

Yunmenglong gently stroked the cloud like hair of longmengyun, with tenderness in his heart. In his arms, he was the only real family member living in the world. Long Mengyun's fragrant shoulder shook gently, like a lily in the rain.

Long Mengyun has lived for billions of years and has never been so impolite. This time, he cried happily and vividly, and all the depression in his heart flowed out with tears.

"Well, well, stop crying, Wangcai, good. If you want to cry again, it's time to flood the golden mountain. See if I'm looking for the people's Liberation Army to fight the flood and rescue." yunmenglong patted yunmenglong on the back and joked. Although it's nothing for a girl to cry, it hurts her body after crying for a long time. Even if she doesn't hurt her body, she's tired and hungry. She has to sleep and eat. It's so troublesome.

"Puff Chi" long Mengyun burst into laughter. She beat yunmenglong's chest and said, "you hate it. Where is that exaggeration." long Mengyun's perfect face with pear flowers and rain suddenly burst into a smile, as charming as defeating the haze of brother sun. Yunmenglong was stunned.

"Well, it's a bit exaggerated. At least let me change my clothes and you cry again?" yunmenglong wiped the tears of longmengyun with the back of his hand and said, "it's very beautiful. A beautiful woman, crying in a mess, how distressing. Wangcai, don't cry in the future. Take a step back and cry again until I take off my clothes."

Long Mengyun looked at the large wet stain on yunmenglong's chest and couldn't help blushing. She disguised: "you hate it. You can't call others Wangcai in the future. It's really ugly. When you gave them such an ugly name, they were also a beautiful woman. I told others that I was your cousin, and I did a good job in the middle of the identity link, so I'm sure I can't find any loopholes. You have to call me sister Yun in the future. You can call me Meng Yun in private."

"I'm dizzy. Wangcai is a good name. It's so kind. What's the name of long Mengyun? It's really awkward. Just turn my name around. Can you be creative?" yunmenglong said sadly.

"I'd love to, Hei hei." long Mengyun shook his head and said. This means that only women and villains are difficult to raise, and women come first, which means that women are more difficult to raise. The sage said, it's none of my business. As for girls, they can hang three points without paying attention. If they really can't, just say I'm happy, that's enough. It's hard for a thousand gold to buy. I'm happy. Moreover, being unreasonable is a woman's patent. Alas, there is inequality between men and women!

"By the way, Wangcai, aren't you a tiger? How can you become a man?" Yunmeng dragon fainted for a while and said.

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