Supreme Satyr

Chapter 305

"Boss, how could that human demon run away?" the wind Thunder Tiger asked.

"Hehe, you also say it's a human demon. What's more true with a human demon?" yunmenglong smiled. He asked the wind Thunder Tiger to shout to the brothers of the dragon and tiger gate present: "Brothers, it's my fault that yunmenglong came late today and hurt my brothers. Here I apologize to my brothers. Everyone of the injured brothers has 10000 yuan for medical expenses, and those who are not injured are frightened, 5000 yuan. At the same time, I promise that you won't hurt a cold hair again if you follow me. 1 after a sharp 90 degree bow.

"Long live the boss!" cried the wind Thunder Tiger first.

"Long live the boss! Long live the boss! Long live the boss..." the crowd responded with a roar.

Yunmenglong stood upright like a javelin with shining eyes. He raised his hands and pressed them against the void. The people stopped shouting and looked at yunmenglong. His eyes were full of mountains and seas of worship. They all wished that the whole period of my admiration for you was like a surging river. Again... This is the boss. He is gracious and generous! Convinced! Everyone feels the same in their hearts 。

"Let's go back and get busy. We will cause great trouble to the society and inconvenience to police officers. We are good citizens who abide by the law and discipline, don't we?" yunmenglong said solemnly.

"Yes 1. These gangsters are shameless. They are so nice and say so loudly. Are there any who don't abide by the law and discipline? Young Chen touched his temple and had a headache: these gangsters, alas, yunmenglong, dragons and phoenixes among people, can't be provoked. Chen Shaoyang knew heroes with insight and made a decision at once.

After the people in longhumen left, yunmenglong came over and cordially held Chen Shaoyang's hand and said with a smile: "officer, I'm yunmenglong, the boss of longhumen. Who is the officer?" yunmenglong paused.

"Chen Shaoyang, the style of being the master of the cloud is outstanding, and the means are amazing and admirable." Chen Shaoyang opened his mouth and showed a row of white teeth.

"Oh, officer Chen, you're welcome. Officer Chen is young and promising. He is not afraid of danger. He takes the lead and has great righteousness." yunmenglong praises Chen Shaoyang for being young and promising. What's more, yunmenglong looks younger and more promising than Chen Shaoyang? Yunmenglong sees that Chen Shaoyang's face changes a little. He knows that Chen Shaoyang thinks he amuses him, so he looks right: "Officer Chen, don't think I deliberately satirize you. Although Menglong looks very young, in fact, Menglong is a thousand years old. I think officer Chen is a talent. As soon as I see joy, I tell you frankly. Believe it or not, I'll listen to you."

"I believe 1 Chen Shaoyang focuses on the key point. Yunmenglong's ability to understand everything from heaven to earth has made him like a dream. Coupled with yunmenglong's pure and sincere eyes that can't be doubted, Chen Shaoyang can feel yunmenglong's seriousness and solemnity. He can even read yunmenglong's heart: "Follow me. The future is boundless, brother 1. It makes him very strange. Unexpectedly, it was deliberately simulated by Yun Menglong and gave him a clear message to show his attention and desire for talents. Chen Shaoyang is not a fool. He knows that Yun Menglong is soliciting him.

"Shaoyang, wait a minute. Do you mind if I call you that?" yunmenglong looked at Chen Shaoyang's hesitation and then said: "Don't call me Yun in charge of the house. If you're too outspoken, just call me Mengyun. I'll deal with some trivial matters first, and then go back to the police station with you to make a statement. As a witness, I explain the unimaginable earthquake in this street today, and even thunder. Several buildings with poor quality collapsed and several people were injured. Shaoyang, you lead police officers in and out to save the injured people In dangerous situations, he is not afraid of life and death, but injured on duty. "Yunmenglong smiles brightly. Chu Jingfeng asked him to turn himself in directly when he talked to Chu Jingfeng on the phone. He has already asked someone to clear up at the police station. Who dares to touch commander Ling's prospective son-in-law? As a result, today's incident was too unexpected. Yunmenglong attributed it to the natural disaster and earthquake, which is also a smart move.

Chen Shaoyang was stunned and then said with a smile, "that's Lao Menglong." he threw a grateful look at yunmenglong and made a decision to follow yunmenglong. That's right.

"Oh, Shaoyang, you're welcome. The police and the people cooperate." Yunmenglong said shamelessly. At the same time, he was secretly pleased that Chen Shaoyang had defected, so they had a strong legal backing in longhumen. The police and the underworld, hehe, Chu Jingfeng said that all the police in Yunhai city except Chen Shaoyang were wine bags! They were worthless at all. Fan Douli died, LAN Hengyu ran away, and yunmenglong had Chen Shaoyang, which represented the night in Yunhai city Yunmeng dragon has the final say.

Yunmenglong walked slowly to the Green Gang people, with an unfathomable smile on his face. Gradually, the smile was ambiguous, just like a little fox seeing a little hen. The Green Gang people were at a loss, looked at each other, and their heart beat faster as yunmenglong approached.

"You see, everyone, your boss will leave you like this. No matter you live or die, if yunmenglong moves his fingers, you will give him the head! Do you believe it or not?" the people of the Green Gang were silent. This was acquiescence. Yunmenglong saw that they acquiesced and then said: "You hurt my brother. It's an unforgivable crime, but since you can't help yourself, I'll let you go." everyone in the Green Gang was delighted. "However," yunmenglong almost let everyone breathe again. Yunmenglong walked two steps: "You know, I'm the boss. If I let you go, my brothers will blame me, so I have to talk to you about some conditions."

"Boss Yun, you can say what conditions you have. As long as you can do it, we will promise you." an old man with more than 50 people lined up and came out. It can be seen that he has the highest position among them.

"OK, it's cool and fast enough. Let me be frank. First, you've covered my brother's medical expenses and mental loss expenses. I'll probably calculate it and ask for, er, 20 million US dollars. Second, I'll give you three days to quit Yunhai city. Do you still want to stay in Yunhai city today? Third, go back and tell you. If they don't agree, they will do their best Let's go to yunmenglong. "Yunmenglong suddenly asked a lion for 20 million US dollars. In fact, he has no concept of so much money. He has never seen the key US dollars, let alone the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB. Anyway, taking advantage of his illness to kill him is yunmenglong's principle of life. It's his motto not to take advantage of the bastard, so even money and territory should be taken together.

The Green Gang people secretly sighed that the boy was black enough, but he became a king and defeated a bandit. What else to say? What's the use of more money? The key is to have life to spend. Seeing that no one objected, the old man sighed: "well, we all agreed. Boss Yun sent someone to carry out the handover with us."

Yunmenglong shook his head and said, "don't worry, just put the money into my Swiss bank account. This is the account number." yunmenglong threw him a card and asked him to write down the account number. The card was given by long Mengyun to Yun Menglong. She said, "young master, all my money is yours. You can't spend it all your life, so you can spend it. There's no money, there's no woman."

After recording, the old man led the crowd to leave.

"Wait! Yunmeng dragon suddenly said.

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