Supreme Satyr

Chapter 306

The people trembled and thought that Yunmeng dragon had changed his mind. They turned their heads and looked at Yunmeng dragon.

"Are you willing to leave Yunhai city? I can see that you have been in Yunhai city for many years, and the youngest has been more than ten years?" yunmenglong mused.

The Green Gang shook their heads and said frankly, "I'm not willing."

"If you're not willing to join me, join me. I guarantee that you will be popular with me. Even if the Green Gang comes, I won't hurt you any more. How?" Yunmeng dragon raised his eyebrows.

The Green Gang were stunned. They didn't expect yunmenglong to attract them. After stunned, he began to analyze the credibility of yunmenglong's words. Yunmenglong stood there with white hair, blue eyes and floating clothes. He looked like a virtuous man. Are they willing to leave? Naturally, most of them are native to the sea of clouds, and only a few come from all over the world. Anyway, they all love the city. It is the most fertile soil for the survival of the underworld. There are their wives, children, parents and relatives here. How can they be willing to leave and where can they go? Now Yunmeng dragon gives them a chance to stay: join longhumen! Are they not afraid of the Revenge of the Green Gang? Naturally, they know the strength of the Green Gang. If everyone adds up, one mouthful of saliva will drown them all. But yunmenglong, whose righteousness is boundless, takes the lead. Everything is for the sake of his brothers. You can't ask for such a boss. For such a boss, why don't you die? Being a traitor is better than being a lost dog. Besides, LAN hengyuhuan left them first. How is the eldest brother who left his younger brother worth working for him? When will the youth gangs in other places come to the fore or blame them, and they all lose their lives.

These Tao ideals are transparent, and they know how to do it.

"Long live the boss. I will defend the interests of the dragon and tiger clan to the death. Everyone speaks with one voice.

In a twinkling of an eye, more than 2000 people of the Green Gang have become people of longhumen. At this moment, there is no rival in the underworld of Yunhai city. Yunmenglong is the only one with one hand covering the sky.

"We will be brothers in the future. We will share weal and woe. 1 yunmenglong turned to Fenglei tiger and said," find some people to take these brothers to heal their wounds and tell other brothers that we will be a family in the future. The more we fight, the closer we get. "

"Yes, big brother," said the wind and Thunder Tiger.

LAN hengyuhuan's escape doesn't matter. He completely lost the territory power of the Green Gang in Yunhai city. Does he still expect yunmenglong to spit out the territory? It's just wishful thinking. Have you ever seen a tiger spit out the fat swallowed in his belly? What's more, yunmenglong is more than a tiger?

Then yunmenglong gave a reassurance to the original Green Gang: "don't worry, although the territory is mine, it is still under your care and management. I won't intervene. Everyone's salary will be doubled. Just," yunmenglong paused: "If you don't manage well, I'll change people. So I hope you can unite and strive to get rich, so that I can embark on a green road in longhumen." In order to cause unnecessary panic and inconvenience, yunmenglong still let them manage the original site. However, it is necessary to install several loyal people in important positions, such as finance, all business, nothing but seeking money. No one said anything about these arrangements, because they are taken for granted.

After the Green Gang's affairs were handled, yunmenglong turned around and looked around. All the reporters hiding everywhere knew it. Every reporter was cold at the bottom of his heart where yunmenglong's eyes went.

"Come out, everyone. The play is over and it's time to finish." yunmenglong stopped and looked at a place in the northeast corner.

A beautiful woman with a ponytail tied, a T-shirt on her upper body and a cowboy miniskirt on her lower body stood up. Her skin could not be said to be white. She was a healthy wheat color, very shiny, with delicate facial features, red lips and white teeth, and her two thighs were slender and straight, which was very attractive. Otherwise, yunmenglong was a genius. The reason why he looked at this direction was because he smelled a faint aroma here, and this It's a kind of fragrance, belonging to a woman! She's still a beautiful woman, and now it's true. Yunmenglong's mouth bends and shows a good-looking smile. The beauty bites her lips and her face is a little pale.

Many reporters appeared in other directions and corners one after another. Their hiding places were really strange and difficult to prevent. These reporters were experts in hiding their tracks. When a reporter emerged from a dustbin on the street, Chen Shaoyang was stunned. Yunmenglong secretly lamented that it was not easy for these reporters, but they fell so hard in order to make a living.

"You have seen some things you shouldn't have seen today. You also know how much commotion these things will cause if you see them in the newspaper or on the TV station. If they do, don't say that the running human demon won't let you go. Even I won't spare you. Of course, you are smart people. Won't you report what you saw today?" Yunmenglong looked around at the crowd, fat and thin, beautiful and ugly.

The reporters shook their heads like a rattle: "no, No."

"Alas, we meet by chance. It's difficult for me to believe you. I'm afraid any friend of mine wants money crazy and accidentally divulges it. Then I have to have the heart to kill his nine families. It's bad to hurt his feelings. Let's make some representations." Yunmenglong said it implicitly, but the purpose was very clear when he looked directly at the camera and video camera in their hands.

These reporters are eloquent and observant masters. They know it clearly. They pull out the film and delete the images and photos.

Yunmenglong nodded with satisfaction and said, "if anyone doesn't speak carefully, I'll ask you, Hei hei." yunmenglong said Hei hei. The air in the venue was cold, and the reporter friends immediately said they didn't dare.

"The young lady stays. Please," said yunmenglong, pointing to the horsetail beauty. The reporters were overjoyed, such as Feng Lun Yin, and ran away.

"Ah? Why did you let me stay?" the beauty didn't understand.

"Cooperate with the police and make a confession. Two people are more credible than one?" Yun Menglong explained.

"Can't others? Why me?" the beauty was quite dissatisfied with the explanation. She pouted and muttered.

"This?" said yunmenglong from the bottom of his heart, fool, because I want to bubble you. Brother, I'm wrong about beauty. I'll blame you for your beauty. On the surface, he said solemnly, "because you are a girl, men are generally easy to believe what girls say. By the way, haven't you asked the young lady's name yet?"

"Xiao Yating." the beauty said reluctantly. She could see the terrible strength of yunmenglong. Even if she was unwilling, she didn't dare not say it.

"Yating, good name, elegant temperament and graceful. It suits you very much." yunmenglong smiled at Xiao Yating and said.

"Thank you." Xiao Yating said angrily.

Yunmenglong didn't think so. He turned to Chen Shaoyang and said, "Shaoyang, let's go. Here, naturally, there are construction companies and cleaning companies."

Chen Shaoyang opened the door and said to yunmenglong and Xiao Yating, "please come on, two. 1

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