Supreme Satyr

Chapter 319

For a moment, Xue piaojiao's body softened and almost couldn't stand stably. Yunmenglong held her exquisite and convex body, deliberately blew a breath in her ear and whispered, "Shh, don't talk, let's sit down and watch slowly." so he sat down on the sofa beside the court, held Xue Piao in his arms, looked at the battlefield and held beauty in his arms. This sofa was moved by Chu Jingfeng by Yun Menglong, a shameless man. This behavior can make other hardliners' upright and upright army popular twice.

The thousand soldiers looked forward to beating Yunmeng dragon once. This sudden attack made every effort. They saw that Yunmeng dragon disappeared like a ghost, but even so, the action could not be taken back. I'm not a top expert. How can I do it freely.

"Oh, my face, you dare to hit me in the face, I will!"

"My stomach."

"My abdomen."

"My feet."

"My little brother!"


Screaming and swearing, an unprecedented scuffle in the army began. These people are used to beating each other, but they haven't fought at the same time. You hit me, I hit him, and he hit you again. It's a mess. It is said that laymen watch the excitement and experts watch the doorway. In Xue Piao's eyes, these people really played very lively. Their hands and feet came and went like the wind, and people jumped up and down. Yunmenglong looked at the overall situation and saw all the moves defects of everyone. At this glance, he knew who was more powerful and who was more delicious. Long Mengyun picked up Xue Piao and inserted him into the crowd like wind and electricity. He told everyone how to beat each other. He pointed out his personal shortcomings. The so-called "cultivating war by war". Although they made great progress at ordinary times, they also reached a confused bottleneck. Although Chu Jingfeng is fierce, he is still thousands of miles away from yunmenglong. Even though he has a high vision, he is not like yunmenglong commanding on the spot at the same time. Only with the guidance of life and death can people be enlightened and enter a new martial arts realm.

The cloud dream dragon turned into a thousand shadows, and the voice remembered in everyone's ears, "sink your waist, twist your body, hold your breath, and move faster..." by and large, the people were as bright as a cucumber, and the fight was even more happy.

Yunmenglong immediately fell back to the sofa. If he had never moved, but the two knew he had moved. One is Xue Piao. She feels she is flying at an unimaginable high speed, such as in the cloud in her dream. The vigorous wind roars in her ears, but it is very warm in the arms of Yunmeng dragon. Chu Jingfeng has been practicing hard day and night for two months. Because of his high talent and perseverance, he has reached the realm of a top expert. He saw a series of remnants of yunmenglong, which made his heart jump faster than usual. This was a height he had never dared to reach before. He also saw that the temperament of Yunmeng dragon was more mysterious, erratic, both good and evil.

"Jingfeng, go and teach these boys. I'll see how you practice." Yunmeng long glanced at Chu Jingfeng and said faintly.

"Yes, boss." Chu Jingfeng leaned slightly, followed by the bird step and swept out a residual shadow. The eagle fell into the crowd and hit the crowd like electricity.

Everyone was shocked and calmly responded. In 15 minutes, every one of the 1000 people who could stand well was beaten and lying on the ground. However, they didn't cry, and they got up again in a moment. If you want to beat someone, learn to be beaten first. Yunmenglong once said such a thing and told Chu Jingfeng to PK these boys three times a day. Slowly, their bodies will become stronger and stronger, and they can't beat. It's always good to be strong. For a simple example, a person whose skill is higher than yours, but you are faster than him, you can be beaten faster than him, he hits you a few times, you are fine, you give him a punch, he can stand it.

"Not bad, the results are quite satisfactory. In order to reward you, boss, I'll make an exception today to hold a black dog banquet to cook dogs. Brothers, kill dogs!" yunmenglong stood up and said.

"Long live the boss, long live the boss." everyone was so happy that they almost cried with joy. The dog meat cooked by the boss, sobbing, I really want to die. After they shouted, they pulled out the knives they had prepared, and ran to the big black dogs who had been tied up with colorful smiles.

"Don't fucking kill here. Go to the kitchen. You want the school to become a slaughterhouse. You smelly boys, clean it up and get it back." Yun Menglong scolded angrily when he saw that the people were going to have white knives and red knives.

"Yes, it's not a good thing that the whole school is full of blood. Alas, I miss the delicious food in the world." the people reacted, and one man picked up a big black dog and rushed to the kitchen.

"What about us, boss?" the remaining 500 people asked in unison.

"Chop firewood, make a fire, five hundred one and a half meter thorns." Thirteen words burst out of yunmenglong's mouth.

"Feng Feng, come here." cloud dream dragon said.

Chu Jingfeng came over and put his ears to Yunmeng dragon's mouth.

"Go get it..." yunmenglong told Chu Jingfeng the materials needed for roast dog meat. Chu Jingfeng was stunned and turned around with two people.

Less than half an hour later, everyone came back with the opened and washed dog, and the fire had been lit. Everything is ready, only materials. There was a special thing in the material that was troublesome. Chu Jingfeng came back a moment later. Three boxes, a box of vinegar, a box of rice wine, a box of soy sauce, two bags, a bag of salt, a bag of brown sugar, and the rest is in a bag. I don't know what it is.

Yunmenglong's hands were open, and a colorful light ball appeared in his hands. The colorful light ball was shining and rotating like life. With a smile, yunmenglong divided the light ball into 500 lotus flowers and flew to the materials. Each colorful lotus flower contained the same amount of materials and slowly flew to 500 dogs. The wine cup generally sprinkled the materials evenly on the dogs. The lotus then disappeared into the dog's body and penetrated the materials into every inch of the dog's meat.

The soldiers looked at the boss foolishly and envied his magic skills.

"Don't be silly, bake." yunmenglong looked at the stunned people.

"Ah? We bake?" the soldiers couldn't believe it.

"Nonsense, do you want me to bake you one by one? If you want to eat, give me self-reliance." yunmenglong asked.

They were helpless, so they had to wear thorns on the dog and put the dog on the fire.

With a wave of Yunmeng dragon's hand, 500 fires were full of fireworks, and the hot air waves sprayed on the soldiers' faces.

"The speed of hand rotation should be average. You think it's easy for me to roast dog meat, boss. Add firewood!" yunmenglong taught everyone with a straight face while touching Xue Piao's little hand.

After a while, the unimaginable fragrance came out from the scorched dog outside, condensed in the air and met. Everyone gathered and scattered in all directions. The soldiers of other regiments who peep desperately swallow saliva. It's really fucking fragrant! All the people in other military divisions, brigades and regiments smelled the smell coming from the direction of the 305 Corps. They knew that the rogue leader was fucking roasting dog meat again. The smell was so mellow. How many dogs were roasted this time? Those commanders, divisions, brigades and regiments were unable to train because of the fragrance. They struggled desperately and decided to go.

Ling aopeng was upset about the RB pirates on digua island. Suddenly, a long lost aroma floated into his nostrils. Ling aopeng's heart moved: Menglong's smelly boy roasted dog meat again. I really want to think that he hasn't eaten dog meat for more than ten days. Let go of your troubles and have some dog meat first.

Xue Piao and all the ladies were attracted by the aroma. Look at the reaction of these people, and think about how hard the soldiers who bear the brunt of barbecue and firewood endure. It's a fucking death. If they weren't afraid of Yunmeng dragon, they would have gnawed at it. They watched Yunmeng dragon eagerly as they roasted meat, waiting for Yunmeng dragon to say it was done.

Yunmenglong turned a blind eye to everyone's pitiful eyes. Naturally, while flirting with Xue Piao, Xue Piao blushed and was at a loss.

About five hundred years later, er, more than eight minutes, five hundred seconds. Because at this time, the feeling of all the soldiers is absolutely fucking time. Yunmenglong's nose moved and said, "OK."

The people almost cried without excitement. They are like Amnesty. Yun Menglong's sentence was rated as the most beautiful and moving sentence in his life by them. They took the dog off the fire and kept shaking their hands. The dog with tender outside and oily smell is really fucking beautiful. If they can eat dog meat every day, they would rather not marry a wife.

Yunmenglong raised his eyelids and said to himself, "it's time to come."

"Oh, head Yun, nice to meet you. I'm Xiao Yu," said a powerful man in his fifties, who smiled very cheap and flattered.

Yunmenglong deliberately frowned and said, "little fish? Little fish? You're a little fish. Who's the perfect flower?" yunmenglong thought of a TV play dai'er had seen called the character in the peerless double pride.

"Ha ha, you are really a noble person who forgets things. Yu Xiaotian, the teacher of the fourth division," Yu Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Oh," yunmenglong suddenly realized, "it's Master Yu. What can I do for you?"

"Well, this, this, it's nothing," Yu Xiaotian said to the roasted dog intentionally or unintentionally while rubbing his hands. "I just came to see you. I heard that you have just recovered. Don't be too tired. You work hard for the country and the people. Xiaotian admires you."

"Hehe, Master Yu is so polite. It's a coincidence to come early. I'm having a black dog feast. If I don't mind, sit down and eat?" yunmenglong said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I can't wait. Head Yun is young, promising, generous and righteous. I really admire him."

"Oh, chief Yun, nice to meet you. I'm......"

Then more than a dozen people came, including all military commanders and teachers. They were close to yunmenglong like counterpart confessions. Yunmenglong shook his head secretly: there is no creativity at all.

Finally, the commander came. Yunmenglong stood up with a smile and said, "Dad, your old man is here too? I want to ask Jingfeng to send it to you later."

"You boy, I lost 500 police dogs in such a big battle. Can I not come?" Ling aopeng laughed when he saw the embarrassed officials: "you are also there. Well, let's eat him in the open air. Yunmenglong's dog meat is very delicious."

The officials were shocked when they heard yunmenglong calling the commander's father. Only then did they know that yunmenglong and the commander had such a solid relationship that they could not offend the rogue in the future. They exchanged their eyes secretly.

"Commander Xie, my admiration for the commander is like..." it is the same flattery. This group of people didn't even try to flatter. They were creative and copied Trinket's classic flattery directly.

This unique and unprecedented black dog feast has been popular in the army. Several years later, yunmenglong's descendants joined the army. Talking about yunmenglong's dog feast, they said: yunmenglong has an open-air dog meat feast, which has won the hearts of all commanders and soldiers, and laid an extremely important foundation for him to become the No. 1 figure in the army except the commander. Later, he had a nickname in the army that no one knew: Rogue army God! In addition, he has another louder nickname: God of dog meat! Only he can make the fireworks in this world so earth shaking, and only he can roast ordinary dog meat into a unique delicacy in the world.

Yunmenglong gives Chu Jingfeng a look. Chu Jingfeng takes 100 people to carry the wine. The soldiers like to drink Erguotou. The real Erguotou liquor is very fucking strong.

We drink Shaojiu and eat dog meat. Everyone is happy with one heart and one mind. The brothers of the 305th regiment thanked yunmenglong from the bottom of their hearts. It was yunmenglong who gave them the chance to eat with these military dignitaries who were difficult to meet. They are completely committed to yunmenglong. Even if yunmenglong asks them to betray the commander and let them die, they will not hesitate and frown.

Yunmenglong's internal skill is strong. He often respects the wine of those officers to make them eat and drink. Most of the officers were knocked over by him. Some talked nonsense, some danced stripteases, and some hugged yunmenglong and said, "man, what's the matter in the future? In a word, my brother definitely supports you". And yunmenglong has no shit, his eyes are shining, and his spirit is not good. After the banquet, Yunmeng dragon is called the wine saint in the army.

Xue Piao today saw Yunmeng dragon's superb Kung Fu and superb cooking. He couldn't help admiring Yunmeng more. He admired the direct chemical changes when eating dog meat and became a thing called love.

"Piao'er, is the dog meat delicious?" yunmenglong asked after seeing Xue Piao nibbling at the dog meat. Dai Mei frowned slightly and bumped her fragrant shoulder.

"Well, eat well," Xue Piao nodded. "I didn't eat dog meat before. I didn't expect it to be so delicious. You're great!" Xue Piao's mm eyes were full of worship.

Yunmeng dragon pulled the whole big tailed wolf, and he brazenly admitted, "that's who I am!"

At the end of the dog meat feast, the commander whispered in yunmenglong's ear, "come with me to the study. There's something important."

Yunmenglong asks Xue Piao to go home by himself, while Chu Jingfeng stays to clean up the mess with the people, and the officers are sent back by yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong patted his ass and followed Ling aopeng to the study. He knows, now he has something to do!

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