Supreme Satyr

Chapter 318

Xue Piao drove a Ferrari to the military headquarters camp. He looked left and right all the way. He was not proud. Everyone on the road had a newspaper in his hand and looked at the news about yunmenglong with a big mouth.

Who is yunmenglong? As soon as she saw that the beauty was not allowed, she stopped, and her other hand attacked her beautiful jade twin peaks. A piece of snow-white abundance was exposed in the air. Passers by can't help looking sideways and drooling when they see the beautiful scenery on the bus! Hit the pole.

Half an hour ago, Ferrari stopped outside the heavily guarded gate of the military headquarters. All the brothers of the 305th regiment knew that the boss came back today and had long lined up outside to wait. Seeing the red Ferrari crowd boiling, everyone was excited with tears in their eyes. They were as excited as their long lost son's sudden return from overseas. Their voice trembled: back, finally back

Yunmenglong opens the door and jumps down. Xue Piao stands behind him. When has Xue mm seen this battle? This is the most regular army.

Chu Jingfeng stood in front and said, "welcome back!"

At the same time, the soldiers of the 305th regiment made a standard military salute, and then made a standard gangster etiquette. They bent down 90 degrees and said in a loud voice, "welcome the boss back!" in a loud voice.

Xue Piao: I don't know why the soldiers are like the underworld, speechless

I haven't seen them for more than ten days. These iron clank men are more iron clank, but everyone looks excited. There are men's tears in their eyes, but they don't flow down. Men bleed without tears!

Yun Menglong also gave a poor military salute and said loudly, "brothers, it's hard! Go in. I have to check whether your Kung Fu has improved and whether you have been lazy during my absence."

"No," they replied simply.

"Really not." yunmenglong asked again.

"No!" just as before.

"Well, it's a mule or a horse. I've been lying in the hospital bed for a week. It's time to move my hands and feet. Let's go and fight alone in the school field." Yun Menglong said excitedly.

"Sweat..." everyone's heart was cold. The boss's terrible strength? ONE VS ONE? Give you a celery and stab me to death!

More than 1000 people were surrounded by yunmenglong. At the same time, Xue Piao was also supported by the stars. These soldiers, who usually can't see a single hair, immediately lit up their eyes. The light is very tacit. One after another said, "the boss is really lucky. I've made another charming little beauty in just a few days. It's really, Wuwu."

"Boss, we miss you so much!" these guys said from their heart.

"Do you want me or dog meat?" Yun Menglong didn't eat it at all.

Everyone was stunned: "everyone wants to!"

"Well, your shameless appearance has my demeanor. You are not far from the hooligans."

"Thank you for your praise."

"Is this praise?" Xue Piao wondered

Yunmenglong looked at the dogs who had been led twice as many. His stomach was melancholy and his saliva poured unconsciously. He was like jumping into the pile of dogs and shouting happily: "ah, dear dogs, I yunmenglong is back again. Do you think I don't?" it is estimated that the dogs will firmly shake their heads: "die!"

The dogs felt a hypocritical look on their thighs, bellies and fur. They clamped their tails and ran away with the guards.

"You can run so fast, but you can't escape the drop no matter how fast. Hey hey." Yunmeng Longxin said.

When he arrived at the school yard, all the brothers stood up. Yunmenglong wandered around for two times and was in high spirits. He waved his big hand: "brothers, pull 500 dogs!"

"Yes!" five hundred soldiers were on display. They answered and ran away. They were not less excited than Yun Menglong. Their hearts were connected at this time: there was dog meat to eat again

Yunmenglong looked at the speed of the brothers of the 305th regiment with great comfort: "there is no need to do it yourself to catch dogs in the future. There are people who kill dogs. I am so kind, how can I bear to do it myself?" this shameless psychological activity should be known by the brothers of the 305th regiment. They will certainly give a thumbs up and sincerely praise: they are worthy of being the boss. Indeed, they are shameless and ashamed.

The next human dog race is spectacular, new, dusty, galloping horses, golden and iron horses, lonely smoke in the desert!

Xue Piao, who saw this scene, was stunned. These soldiers ran really fast. Those black boys in Africa, what sprint champions and long-distance champions, were not enough. It turned out that the army was a land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons and dragons.

At the same time, the soldiers of other regiments stayed. They also heard that the famous rogue head of Yunhai city returned today. They came to admire his peerless rogue style. After watching them, they were convinced that they were really hooligans. They were the best of hooligans. They were shameless and obscene. They could be inferior to the three armies.

I also saw the soldiers of the 305th regiment's speed of chasing dogs, admiration, envy, disbelief, hatred... All kinds of emotions are complex and difficult to understand. The brothers of the 305th regiment walked like flying five seconds after the dog ran out. In less than ten seconds, everyone held down the panting big black dog. Those big black dogs looked at the special meaning of the soldiers' eyes and were desperate

"Well," yunmenglong nodded slightly and looked at the simple and eager eyes of the children waiting to be praised. They practiced day and night in order to get yunmenglong's affirmation. "The speed is OK, but there is still a lot of room for progress. Don't be proud, but continue to work hard." yunmenglong praised just right.

"We will continue to work hard!" the crowd roared.

The remaining 500 people chased the dog again in only five seconds. After all, the dogs were very tired for the first time. They are racing for life, but they still lose. They regret being born as dogs.

"Tie up the dogs first. Let's finish the single fight and have a black dog feast." Yun Menglong said an exciting word.

"Yes, boss."

Three times five divided by two, five hundred fat big black dogs were thrown in a corner.

Yunmenglong jumped off the stage and stood among a thousand people. Before they spoke, the gang exchanged eyes with each other. They remember that the shameless boss said come on when he beat them last time, and then came up to beat them. This time, they learned well and didn't wait for yunmenglong to give orders. A swarm of people rushed up, and yunmenglong was attacked all the way up, middle and down. Hands, palms, feet, fists, elbows and knees scrambled to catch up. Yunmenglong was startled. His heart moved. He flew out at a speed that everyone couldn't see. He flew to Xue Piao and kissed her.

"Ah?! you're not..." Xue Piao was gagged by yunmenglong halfway through his speech. Of course, he did it with his mouth.

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