Supreme Satyr

Chapter 317

About three minutes later, long Mengyun came back.

"Hey, wife, what TV do you watch? Don't you want me to watch TV dramas with you?" yunmenglong hugged longmengyun's delicate body, slid his hands along his pajamas, and climbed up two towering Yunv peaks. His tentacles are smooth but not greasy, plump and elastic. They are the best.

"Well, don't make trouble, darling, husband, I'll let you see today's news." long Mengyun turned his head and kissed Yun Menglong. He turned on the LCD Plasma widescreen TV hanging on the wall.

"According to the reporter's report, yunmenglong, the mysterious hero who saved dozens of people in an earthquake, was officially employed by long's enterprise yesterday as chief executive and will take office in the near future. In addition to the high businessmen and upper class people in Yunhai City, there are also the mayor of Yunhai City, senior military officials, police chief and other military and political dignitaries. In addition, Li Xuan, the son of Li Tiancheng, Asia's richest man Childe Yi also came to congratulate him. It is reported that the two are very close and even make friends. Yunmenglong also has several secret identities that are difficult to reveal. According to reliable news, he is 18 and has just reached adulthood. This is the so-called hero's youth. "

"According to the reporter, this man is handsome, unruly, talented, amazing and powerful. He has become the favorite of all Huaichun girls in Yunhai city. All beauties regard seeing him as the highest goal in this life, and all teenagers regard him as the goal of struggle in this life. He has a wise saying: natural talents will be useful, and beauties will come back when they soak up all their money..." Everyone on the screen has it. It's strange that when we arrive at yunmenglong, we either have a back or a side face.

"Wife, what's going on?" yunmenglong asked puzzled. His hand reaching into longmengyun's secret garden also stopped.

Long Mengyun glanced at him with eyes like silk and groaned, "husband, don't stop."

"Tell me what's going on first, and I'll serve you, a little slut." yunmenglong insisted.

Long Mengyun jumped down from Yunmeng dragon and said, "wait a minute." then he picked up his speech and said, "send it up."

"Pop pop." the door rang three times.

Long Mengyun opened the door and came in with a thick pile of newspapers, all of which were all the latest printed newspapers in Yunhai city.

Long Mengyun threw the newspaper on the bed and said, "look, husband."

Yunmenglong was startled when he turned it over: dozens of newspapers made headlines about yunmenglong. The first page was a big picture of yunmenglong, but they were all back. The title was yunmenglong, the most mysterious and youngest man of the moment in Yunhai city! The content also greatly boasted about yunmenglong's great achievements and how face he has.

Yun Menglong was attracted by a few words in a newspaper, and of course the reporter's signature. Those words are like this: he is arrogant, but thousands of people admire him; He is low-key, but his fame is rising; He is infatuated with love, but his wives and concubines are in groups; He was kind, but he killed countless people. No one knows whether he is the messenger of hell or the demon of nine days, but people all know his name, Yunmeng dragon! The signature is Xiao Yating.

Feng Ling also read this paragraph. Her reaction was two words: I... fuck!

Seeing yunmenglong's strange eyes, the Dragon Mengyun glanced at the newspaper and said, "Xiao Yating is the daughter of Xiaohe, but she has always been at odds with her father. She is the ace reporter of Yunhai economic news. She has interviewed many economic giants, including the top 20 rich people of Forbes magazine. She has interviewed more than ten. Do you know her?"

"Well, we met once. LAN hengyuhuan and I were at the scene when we had a PK. She had a bad impression of me. I don't understand how she wrote that." yunmenglong frowned slightly.

"People like you. Who makes your husband so handsome and elegant?" long Mengyun said with a smile.

"Come on, you made all these things. What do you want? Tell your husband the truth. If you hide it, be careful your ass blooms."

"I just want you to be famous, but no one knows you. Hehe, it is estimated that more than 100 million people want to know your true face now? Your mystery is your weight. As for why? I can't say it now." long Mengyun said.

"Shit, if you say it, you don't say it. You should be punished."

Yunmeng Yanqi tore off longmengyun's pajamas, which fell on the ground like a cloud

Long Mengyun's eyes were full of flattery, which almost drove yunmenglong crazy. If he moaned a few more, the sage, Liu Xiahui, and those who did not raise sexual dysfunction and impotence could not control it, not to mention yunmenglong, who was addicted to sex as his life and claimed that he was "the best among hooligans and the licentious thief in the love saint".

In the early morning, yunmenglong had just had breakfast. The dragon was fierce and the tiger was fierce. He galloped several times, and longmengyun disarmed and surrendered.

After the rain stopped, yunmenglong said gently, "wife, you are really a beauty. For you, even if * * * * I don't regret it."

Long Mengyun looked at Yunmeng and said, "you have a mouth, but this mouth can make all women willing to release their Luoyi and die hard."

"No, I'm telling the truth." Yun Menglong said wrongfully.

"Naturally, if you don't really mean it, how can your woman be determined?" long Mengyun paused and said, "where are you going today? Can you work in the company?"

"I'm afraid not. I have to go back to the army. The commander must have something to do with me." yunmenglong shook his head.

"Well, Xue Piao should come and let her take you. The little girl is nice. You can take it when you are free. It saves you from thinking about it." is a woman like long Mengyun a dream of every man?

"Long live your wife!" Yun Menglong shouted with exaggerated cheers.

"Come on, it's getting late. Let's go. I have to go and have a look. Come back early and I'll wait for you." long Mengyun dressed yunmenglong in a suit and tie, and said after he dressed himself neatly.

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