Supreme Satyr

Chapter 350

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what to do. The comedy turned into a tragedy, but the tragedy had little to do with them. After all, Xue Piao was not one of them. Nevertheless, all the people immediately put on a sad expression, and they secretly scolded: "Mom, it's so easy to make so much money and how happy it is. Unfortunately, the person who fainted is the eldest woman and can't be happy. It's really difficult to be a man!

Yun Menglong pulled out two sacks and threw them on the table. Then he untied them and poured them out. The US dollars piled up like a hill were exposed to everyone's eyes. Everyone's eyes brightened: shit, it's money. It's our money. The boss is really kind to us, and so are the reborn parents.

The power of money is huge, especially the shocking naked piles of banknotes. It feels like a woman sees a diamond ring. The larger the diamond, the purer and brighter, the brighter the woman's eyes will be. What is more powerful than real money? The money in the passbook is also money, but no matter how much it is, it is only a string of numbers, which will not cause much shock. For example, seeing a diamond is more powerful than real money Gates' passbook is at most ignorant. If you change all his money into money and pile it in front of you, you will probably be crazy! This effect is different, so yunmenglong directly puts the new stacks of money in front of the people, sees their eyes shining like stars for a moment, yunmenglong nods with satisfaction, and then says, "brothers, divide it according to your income." Everyone looked at yunmenglong as excited as their father. Yunmenglong waved his hand and said, "don't make me sick. I have something else to do." then he picked up Xue Piao and walked out of the conference room.

Xue Piao just fainted. Yunmenglong touched her heart twice, and she woke up.

"What's the matter, piao'er?" the cloud dream dragon said softly.

"Mom... Mom died! Wow..." Xue Piao held yunmenglong's neck and cried. The grief stricken cry reminded yunmenglong of his mother. Xue Piao's tears ravaged the whole face, a beautiful face was covered with tears, and yunmenglong's clothes on his chest were soaked in a moment, which was like heartbreaking feeling.

Yun Menglong stroked Xue Piao's hair and said, "piao'er doesn't cry. Talk to my brother about what's going on. Maybe I can do something."

Xue Piao, who was already desperate, grabbed a life-saving straw and remembered yunmenglong's omniscient skills. A glimmer of hope surged into her heart. She hugged yunmenglong tightly and said incoherently: "Really? Really? Brother Menglong, you... Must save my mother. As long as you can save her, I will make cattle and horses for you, and I will repay your kindness in the afterlife. I......"

"OK, it's not so serious. I just want you to stop crying, laugh forever and laugh happily." yunmenglong interrupted Xue Piao, and then he whispered, "don't worry, what's the matter with me?"

"The hospital called to say that the operation failed and that his mother had died." speaking of this, Xue Piao's eyes turned red again, and a layer of fog rose and filled the whole orbit.

"Cry again!" yunmenglong stretched his face and looked at Xue Piao.

Xue Piao quickly wiped the saturated tears, looked at yunmenglong pitifully, clenched his lower lip and said, "I don't cry, I don't cry, brother Menglong, you have to save my mother, I don't want her to die." Xue Piao obediently called yunmenglong brother Menglong. She always regarded yunmenglong as a big child at the bottom of her heart. His young and handsome appearance is like 17 or 18.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best." yunmenglong nodded and suddenly thought of Xue Piao saying that her mother had an operation today. Yunmenglong frowned and said, "you just said that your mother had an operation today. Why did you come with me and don't accompany her? Just say, I'll promise. I can accompany the old man with you."

"Mom said you were a good boss. She asked me to work hard and didn't want me to accompany her. She said she would be fine alone. If I went, it would make her feel uneasy. I also feel that I owe you a lot, so I didn't tell you that I just want to repay you for your kindness to me." Xue Piao said wrongly.

Yunmeng Longxin said, "it's no use to be so troublesome. You just have to promise each other by example." of course, you can't say that. He patted Xue Piao on the head and said, "what a silly girl. If you want to repay, be happy. I don't want to see Piao Er unhappy. I'll be more sad to see you sad. Let's go and see your mother."

Xue Piao didn't drive the car as a rocket. Although she was worried, she still drove the car steadily. She knew that yunmenglong didn't like the car shaking too much. Yunmenglong looked at Xue Piao and saw the anxiety in her eyes. He was lucky. One tenth of the energy was injected into Ferrari's power system. Yunmenglong locked in the target: "Yunhai first hospital" , and then hugged Xue Piao.

"Ah!" Xue Piao exclaimed, and Ferrari became a Boeing 747, "whoosh!" It turned into a ray of light from the sky, directly across the high-rise buildings, neon lights, people and rushed to the hospital. At this time, a Boeing 757 plane happened to pass by Ferrari. As a result, one car and one machine went hand in hand and the speed was the same. The people on the plane were silly: why is this flying thing so like a Ferrari sports car? They wondered whether it was the UFO of aliens Began to imitate the cars on earth? Then looked through the window, and the handsome men and women hugged together! They thought that aliens are more and more like humans, not to invade the earth?

Even the pilot of the plane is watching secretly. He accelerates, Ferrari accelerates, he decelerates, Ferrari decelerates, and they are still staring at each other for a while. Yunmenglong said hello to the passengers in the plane: Hi!

The passengers were startled: shit, how could the alien be so polite and speak English? Did aliens begin to popularize English? The pilot was startled and flustered. He almost didn't crash!

At this time, Yunhai first hospital was in sight, and yunmenglong didn't play with them. When my mind moved, Ferrari meteors rushed down, and Yunhai hospital changed from small to large. The fierce wind of hunting roared in my ears, deafening. The blue Ferrari stood in the middle of the fire like a phoenix bathing in the fire. Xue Piao closed his eyes, hugged Yunmeng dragon, and screamed: "ah!"

Unfortunately, the scream was covered up. Compared with the roar through the void, Xue Piao's scream was too childish, but the penetration was really amazing. The trembling of yunmenglong's eardrum was mostly caused by Xue Piao. Yunmenglong has been keeping his eyes open. In his eyes, he is learning to fall without trace. The wind and speed seem to have nothing to do with him. Seeing that Ferrari is about to have a shocking collision with the ground, such intimate contact is undoubtedly fatal. For this speed, its kinetic energy can only be shaped by terror. It is impossible to land safely. The greater the speed, the greater the weight and the greater the inertia!

When Ferrari was only two meters away from the ground, the ground had been cracked by the invisible impact, but the car, magical, magical, incredible, stopped and stopped in the air two meters away from the ground, just like water molecules suspended in the air. Then the car fell on the ground like a late autumn leaf, without floating dust, The car landed so silently.

The vigorous wind in her ears disappeared and the roar disappeared. Xue Piao lay in the arms of Yunmeng dragon and closed her eyes. She only heard Yunmeng dragon's uniform breathing and powerful heartbeat.

"Here, open your eyes." yunmenglong's voice seemed to come from nine days. It took Xue Piao a long time to react.

"Ah? Aren't we dead?" Xue Piao opened his eyes. Because he had been closed tightly, there was a little dizziness and a moment of darkness when he just opened them. The outline of yunmenglong gradually became clear. He was looking at her gently with a smile at the corners of his mouth.

Xue Piao dodged as soon as he touched his eyes. It was a black hole like eye, unfathomable, burying everything. She was afraid. Xue Piao turned his head to see the hospital. It was a dream!

While Xue Piao was still in a daze, yunmenglong held her down. Their parking place is just a blind spot. No one sees it, otherwise it will inevitably cause panic if people see the UFO.

Xue Piao's mother is still in the ward, although she has passed away. But Xue Piao, that's yunmenglong's person. She once took care of yunmenglong here, and the relationship between them is ambiguous. The hospital knows it. Now yunmenglong is a man of virtue. Chickens and dogs rise to heaven. Anyone who has something to do with his fart can walk across the streets and swagger through the market. Moreover, Xue Piao has more than one relationship with him. That's N-point.

Seeing them, the Dean was really like a dead mother, with deep grief on his face. His persistent apology was completely different from the indifferent face of ordinary people after hanging up, and then said: we have tried our best. By the way, such nonsense, and then left his grieving family to leave quickly. He kept saying sorry, sorry.

Xue Piao bypassed him, threw himself on the hospital bed, held his mother, shook and shouted: "Mom, I'm piao'er, you open your eyes and have a look, I'm coming, I'm coming, don't die, mom..." the tearing cry made yunmenglong's chest ache.

Yunmenglong said faintly to the Dean, "go out."

The Dean nodded endlessly, and then quickly withdrew from the ward.

Cloud dream dragon walked over, Xue Piao's back was filled with sadness, and his shoulders were as weak as a slight twitch. Yunmenglong looked at her mother with a peaceful expression, as if there was no regret. From her outline, there is a faint shadow of Xue Piao. Was she also a beautiful woman when she was young? Yunmenglong thought, he doesn't know how such a woman can be abandoned by a man. That man is really an animal.

"Piao'er, if you want me to save your mother, stop crying immediately." Yunmeng dragon's low voice sounded, and there was a convincing force in it.

Xue Piao sobbed, stood up with tears, looked at yunmenglong and knelt down slowly and said, "brother Menglong, please, you must save my mother."

With a wave of Yunmeng dragon's hand, Xue Piao knelt halfway and stood up involuntarily: "stand aside for me." Xue Piao's beautiful face with pear flowers and rain has a soul stirring charm, which is a sad feeling. Steel can turn into soft fingers. But yunmenglong has no time to appreciate it. Now her mother's death is not too long. Although her soul has dispersed, it may not have been hooked to the hell. Maybe she is still in the house, or it won't be too far away.

Yunmenglong closed his eyes and thought that the speed of light was spreading in all directions, searching for Xue's mother's soul. Countless lonely ghosts in the void were howling, miserable, angry, unwilling and desperate. There were all kinds of children. It was very difficult to search for three souls in the vast ghost land. Yunmenglong used this secret skill of the demon sect for the first time to search the soul! Robbing the souls of the dead is a matter of nature. It's against heaven to change her life and become an enemy with heaven. Yunmeng dragon is not afraid. Heaven will let her die. I have to let her live!

Yunmenglong silently recited the soul summoning and guiding formula. The hundreds of millions of souls seemed to have a slight movement. Yunmenglong felt it. Like looking for a needle in a haystack, yunmenglong found Xue's mother's two souls and six souls. Yunmenglong's soul searching method was launched. Xue's mother's two souls and six souls were invisible. Yunmenglong scattered his own souls and brought them back. His forehead has quietly exuded sweat drops, swimming in this vast ghost territory, with ghost Qi and vitality. How can the living stand it?

What about the rest? When yunmenglong remembered that he was caught by a bull's head and horse's face last time, he couldn't help but move in his heart: "no!" yunmenglong felt that he was leading to the door of the underworld. He just "saw" that the bull's head and horse's face locked Xue's mother with a soul evoking lock. The door of the underworld was about to close. Below is the Naihe bridge. After crossing the Naihe bridge, everything is over!

Yunmenglong's soul is out of the body, and the speed of light catches up with the ox head and horse face.

"Hi, calf and pony! Long time no see. Let's go have some wine to catch up." yunmenglong smiled brightly. He smiled like a flower and greeted the two ghost envoys.

The ox head and horse face remembered that the king of hell had told them that yunmenglong was too dangerous. If they saw him, the first of the thirty-six plans would be to flash.

The ox head was simple and honest. He shook his head and said, "no, the king of Hell won't let us talk to you. Let us run when we see you."

Ma Mian pulled the bull's head and said with a smile: "Uncle Yun, it's not what the bull said. We mainly have something urgent. Next time, our brother will invite you next time."

Yunmenglong hugged them and said with a smile: "it seems that you two don't give face? Believe it or not, I'll make you a dead ghost!" a cold wind colder than the Yin wind floated through their hearts.

The two laughed awkwardly: "why, how? Well, it's still important to drink with our brothers. Let's go to the bar."

Yun Menglong took out a bottle of Shanxi Fen Wine with a history of more than 100 years and threw it to the two ghosts and said, "Hey, how about you try this wine first? I'll pay a job for you and see my sworn brother Zhong Kui by the way."

The two ghosts have long been so smelly by the wine that they don't know what to do. Their saliva flows like a waterfall. They can't stop nodding: "OK, OK! Then there's uncle Lao Yun. We'll find a place first, and then wait for you to come back." then they ran away with the wine in their arms.

Yunmenglong saw that they were gone, untied the soul lock and said to Xue's soul, "aunt, go back. Don't let piao'er be too sad. I'll take care of the king of hell."

The soul said, "you are the boss of piao'er. Don't dare to forget your life."

"Hehe, aunt is right. What's the matter? When I go back, it's bad for your soul to stay here for a long time." Yun Menglong said, waved his hand and sent Xue away. Then he wrote a note: "brother Zhong Kui, brother Menglong, worship me and bring back the soul of Xue mother today. The second thing I asked you for is that you earned it. Now you are very busy and have time to drink with you."

Yunmenglong wakes up and sees Xue Piao's mother and daughter crying. Knowing that they must have a lot to say, yunmenglong quietly goes out and closes the door at the same time.

It is said that people can't come back from death. Yunmenglong acted against the sky today and let Xue's mother come back from death. I don't know how Zhong Kui reacted? It's not a big problem.

Yunmenglong shook his head, stopped thinking about it, picked up his mood, Lingbo Yufeng, and returned to yunlongyuan.

Just entering the door, the girl who watched the door bowed and said, "young master, you are back. There is a lady waiting for you in the living room!"

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