Supreme Satyr

Chapter 351

"Miss" is a word with epoch-making significance, and its meaning is substantially different from that in ancient times and now. In ancient times, only young ladies were called young ladies. At least the family had to call a few servant girls to dress up for the occasion. Otherwise, who asked you to go? Now, "Miss" is obviously synonymous with a prostitute. If you call a woman "Miss", people will certainly slap you in the mouth and scold: "fuck, who is a miss? Don't you swear? Your mother is a miss!

Of course, now there are also nobles, prominent lintels, ladies and daughters, who will also be called miss, which is a symbol of real noble status.

Girls are different. In ancient brothels, in the evening, the procuress called to represent the beginning of a new day. Unlike roosters, roosters call in the morning, while procuresses call in the afternoon. The voice of those procuresses was really thrilling and tortuous, which cheered the prostitutes and shocked the clients.

"Girls, come out to see the guests!" the procuress shouted. It's a pity that she won't be a singer. At this time, the clients began to wait for the colored squint of their eyes, looking at the blooming flowers to look for the night.

Think about those movies and TV dramas in which the procuresses sell their goods like this: "our girls here, spring orchids, autumn chrysanthemums, romantic flowers, snow moon, fat and thin, everything, sir, what kind do you want?" but now generally no one says girls.

The life of a prostitute is basically similar to that of an owl. She is ambushed in the daytime and out at night. In many places, there are wandering warblers standing guard in the streets and alleys in the middle of the night. Speaking of the young lady, she is the real underworld. She comes out to mix with the society after dark!

After so many ideas, yunmenglong has entered the living room.

Seeing the young lady in the servant girl's mouth, yunmenglong was in a trance for a moment: tall and tall, exquisite and convex body, charming with firm and pretty face, soft lips, slightly raised eyebrows and cold eyes like frost, which were seven points similar to Chu Xiuer. If he didn't know it was impossible, yunmenglong would have shouted that Xiuer would jump up and hold her tightly.

When someone saw the legendary romantic figure, he felt his heart beat faster. Especially when others saw that he was not a squint expression, his eyes became so deep for a moment, and his eyes were covered with sadness across the sea. She stood up and walked to Yun Menglong, revealing her neat and white teeth like a Chamberlain, smiled and stretched out her jade hand and said: "You are Mr. Yun. My name is Jiang Tang. Mr. LAN Heng sent me."

Yunmenglong returned to his senses. He smiled and stretched out his hand to hold it. Holding Jiang Tang's hand, yunmenglong had the feeling of eroding the soul and selling the bone: soft as no bone, carved with powder and jade. The slender, snow-white, delicate and green jade fingers are the best.

"Hello, I'm yunmenglong. Why did Mr. LAN Heng call Miss Jiang?"

"Mr. Yun is very polite. Just call me Tang Tang directly, and Mr. LAN Heng also calls me that. Mr. LAN Heng asked me to discuss gambling with Mr. Yun." Jiang Tang said with a smile. She wanted to smoke, but yunmenglong couldn't put it down.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Yun Menglong found that he was still holding someone else's small hand, so he reluctantly loosened his hand and apologized: "Tang Tang has the most beautiful hands in the world. I can't help it."

Jiang Tang didn't expect yunmenglong to be so frank. He couldn't help blushing: "Mr. Yun has been praised too much."

Yunmenglong shook his head and said, "I believe this is the most beautiful pair of hands in the world. It's by no means a compliment. How does Tang maintain it?"

Jiang Tang stretched out a pair of glittering and translucent hands, and the blue blood vessels were beating under the white skin. She suddenly sighed softly: "these hands should be soaked in milk and honey for three hours every day. They hardly touch anything except sezi mahjong playing cards. When my face gets old, these hands will no longer be beautiful and dexterous, and their meaning will no longer be."

Yunmenglong understood in his heart that all beauty has to pay a price. As there is a saying, women's beauty is piled up with money. The face can never rival the years, and youth has also been lost to fleeting years. The beauty of appearance can not last forever, but can last. That is money!

Beauty is a luxury that no one can afford. In fact, what kind of sadness is hidden behind the brilliance? Who knows? It's just cold and warm, so you don't have to envy a 50-year-old woman who is still so charming and sexy. Her pay is greater than others.

"What else is worth touching with such a beautiful hand? Don't worry about Tang Tang. The skin bag is just vain. Just look away. But I believe Tang Tang will be young forever." Yunmeng long comforted.

Jiang Tang zhanyan said with a smile, "what Mr. Yun said is that the skin bag is just vain. I'm too greedy. Who can stay young forever? In fact, Tang Tang has been very satisfied." Jiang Tang doesn't understand how she is sad with Yun Menglong. Although she is young, she is also an expert in hiding emotions, which is necessary for a gambling expert.

"Tang Tang's name is very distinctive. Do you respect your father's surname Jiang and your mother's surname Tang?"

"No, I follow my mother's surname, and Tang is my father's surname." a trace of hatred flashed in Jiang Tang's eyes.

Yunmenglong sighed in his heart, "is it another fickle and righteous father? Is it really an infatuated woman?

Yun Menglong changed the topic and said, "Tang Tang is here to teach me gambling. Hey, to tell you the truth, you have to worry. I'm a complete layman for gambling. I don't even know the basic common sense. I'd better know gambling first."

"It doesn't matter. Mr. Yun is extremely smart and has excellent skills. I believe gambling will not be a problem for Mr. Yun. I think Mr. Yun needs to come with me. Is' Fugui Yunlai 'Mr. Yun's casino? It'll be clearer to go to the casino."

The car came from Jiang Tang, a silver BMW s750. Yun Menglong couldn't be a driver, so he had to sit in the co pilot and look at Jiang Tang's beautiful side face. In fact, she and Chu Xiuer are very similar in temperament, some proud, some cold and gorgeous, and some resolute. They all belong to beautiful women with strong personality. Their beauty has impact. They are independent, strong, capable and career oriented women. Generally, big men don't like this kind of beauty, but yunmenglong likes it, because he is a hooligan and a top-notch hooligan, Hooligans' pursuit of beauty is all inclusive. No matter how beautiful you are, as long as you are beautiful, I like it!

Yunmenglong looked at it for a long time and suddenly said, "Tang Tang is like an old friend of mine!"

Jiang Tang moved his eyebrows and said, "no wonder you will show a sad look when you see me."

"Is it the person Mr. Yun likes? Where is she?" Jiang Tang asked.

Yunmenglong sighed: "exquisite fragrance grinds into dust, only fragrance is as good as before."

"Sorry, Mr. Yun, it reminds you of the sad thing." Jiang Tang apologized.

"Oh, it's all right. If it weren't for so many years, I really thought you were her." yunmenglong said with a smile, "well, Tang Tang, don't call me Mr. Yun. It's awkward. Just call me Menglong."

"How can I? The boss calls you long Shao. How can I call you by your name?" Jiang Tang shook his head.

"Why not? I can say yes. This is my privilege to beautiful women. If you refuse, I will be unhappy," said yunmenglong.

Jiang Tang was not such a pinched little woman. Yun Menglong said so, so she called Menglong.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not interested in gambling at all. If a beautiful woman like Tang Tang didn't teach me, I don't know how to learn. Don't mention the God of gambling at that time, even the gamblers can't turn me. Tang Tang Tang, talk about gambling and cultivate my interest first. I never go to my casino. Watching those slot machines, roulette will be dizzy."

Jiang Tang suddenly looked at yunmenglong and whispered, "as long as you can win me once in three days, I will accompany you for one night. If you can win the crown of the world gambling God, I will be yours forever!"

Yunmenglong was stunned when he heard the blood spray. After a while, he sighed: "bin Shao is really extraordinary. He's eating. I'm dead. Forget it, the beauty is dead under the skirt, and being a ghost is also romantic. Tang Tang, let's talk about gambling first. What kind of person is a master?"

Jiang Tang wiped away his shyness and began to talk freely: "There are three levels of gambling. The first is' people ', that is, ordinary gamblers. They have no skills to speak of, mainly relying on luck. The second is' ghost'. The level of ghost refers to technology, or thousands of skills, casinos and thousands of skills, emerging in endlessly and unpredictable, stealing dragons and turning phoenixes, transplanting flowers and trees, high-density instruments and special functions. Of course, card counting, card cutting and flowers Cards are the most basic technology. The third level is "God". They are clever, haunted, and subdue people without fighting, that is, psychological warfare. "Jiang Downton went on to say: "In fact, most of the real gambling is psychological warfare, which makes him have no way back, and makes him doubt, fear and despair. Then, you win! Gambling is the most tiring job, and you have better physical and mental strength. First, you should remember the cards, and remember the order of each card in a moment, so you can know everyone's card face. Because Experts are good at counting cards, so they can't tell whether they win or lose at the beginning. Only in the end, everyone's mental and physical strength have reached a tired critical point. At that time, gambling is the real gambling. At that time, it depends on who remembers more, who can resist, and who has good psychological quality. "

"A master of gambling is nothing more than" three fast and one change " , the third piece is "quick hand, quick eye and quick heart". It is difficult to steal chicken in a real gambling competition, but I always believe that as long as you are fast enough to reach a limit, you can still change cards. Quick eye is to remember cards. The dealer shuffles skillfully, and soon, he will pass the cards in more than a second. Therefore, the memory time is only this second. You must be quick eye, If you can't read them all, how can you remember them? Mental quickness is calculation, how to get good cards into your own hands, and how to make other people's cards bad. You should do mental calculation, and then achieve your goal by cutting cards. "One change" It's acting. You need to know how to change. Sometimes your eyes, expressions and even a little muscle beat can make the other party touch your bottom, so you need to change. The most important thing is your eyes. Your eyes must change with the changes of your expressions and actions. Your eyes are the most likely window to reveal secrets. I can't change, so I can only remain unchanged. That's calm. In addition, if you only Use one method to bluff people. Three times, people will catch it, catch your expression and catch your behavior. For example, some people will say some nonsense when they get bad cards to bluff people. Therefore, change is the most difficult to do. Another thing is luck. Sometimes, luck can really determine everything. "After saying that, they looked at yunmenglong: "It seems that Menglong's luck has always been good."

Yunmenglong then understood why Jiang Tang's eyes were always like ice and snow, his smile was blooming, and there was still ice and snow in his eyes. For Jiang Tang's words, yunmenglong had nothing to say. He just thumbed up and said, "cow!"

Yunmenglong later learned that Jiang Tang was the first master of gambling under LAN hengyubin, known as "double excellence of color gambling". She also had a nickname, namely "thousand hand Guanyin".

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