Supreme Satyr

Chapter 352

Fugui Yunlai is a casino, the most powerful casino in Yunhai city. Even in China, except Macao, there is no place where casinos can surpass Fugui cloud. Even in Macao, only a few casinos can surpass, such as Putin Hotel, the largest casino in Macao, and the maritime palace, splendor and Kaiyue. Only these four can surpass the cloud of wealth.

This shows a problem, that is, the black of Yunhai city is really black! As we all know, gambling is illegal in China except Macao. It's a miracle to have such a big dying underground casino in the sea of clouds. Doesn't the government know? Naturally, I know. I just turn a blind eye. As long as you have money and power, you can build as you want in Macao. Even if you build more than Atlantic casino, no one cares about you. You have so much money!

Macao is one of the three largest gambling cities in the world, known as Las Vegas in the East.

Yunhai City, outsiders only have one word, black! It's fucking black! Triads are everywhere. Let's say, a plaque fell off the street and killed ten people. Two of them are triads! Ten to two, what's the concept? That is to say, one fifth of the people in Yunhai city are underworld! In this proportion, Hong Kong, Vancouver and other places where gangsters are invincible are simply not enough to see! Imagine that in a city with a population of millions, nearly one million people join the underworld. Except for the old, weak, sick, disabled, stupid, ugly, stupid, officials, police, dignitaries, politicians, businessmen and farmers, almost all of them are underworld, which gives people the feeling that it seems easy to join the underworld.

In fact, on the contrary, it is difficult to enter the underworld. Yunmenglong's rule is: in order to prevent Yunhai city from completely becoming a black city, in order to avoid triad members, good and bad, three teachings and nine streams. Now we make requirements for the members. First, they should be good-looking. Secondly, they should have a college diploma, CET-4 certificate and computer CET-2 certificate. Those with CET-6 certificate are preferred, those with a second foreign language are preferred, and those with beautiful women are preferred.

In Yunhai, there are few underworld in the family. Generally, they dare not go to the street. They are not afraid of being beaten, but they can't afford to lose that person! If a college student of any family enters the underworld, it's a matter of glory. The family will invite relatives and friends to have a good time. A relative will beat his son when he comes home: "look, XX has entered the underworld. When will you give me a voice, go in too." the beaten black and blue son said shamefully, "I will work hard!"

In addition, the underworld must lay off workers, including those who are dead, those who support others, those who are tough, those who don't do their jobs, those who collect protection fees indiscriminately, and those who look sorry for the underworld, all have to quit the meeting, change evil and return to justice, and do white work. As a result, many members of the original underworld did white work after they were laid off, but they did it at home, because they felt that without mixing with the underworld, life would have no meaning and no goal, so they committed suicide.

After Yun Menglong's rectification, the underworld in Yunhai city has shown a thriving and vigorous scene. Many middle-aged young women, big beauties and small beauties are not big or small, and middle-aged beauties are determined to correct and return to evil, and take joining the underworld as their lifelong goal. Therefore, a large number of new businesses have emerged. For example, the "Underworld training class" has become the only training class that surpasses New Oriental in Yunhai city. There are senior underworld members who personally teach courses. The courses are vivid, interesting and immediate. Therefore, although the tuition fees are expensive, more than n people have sharpened their heads to squeeze in, and many students have successfully joined the underworld. In this way, the training classes are in short supply and hot. More training classes have been established to meet the enthusiasm of students. There are also many false certificates and underworld certificates on the market, which can be confused with the real. When you walk in the street, people usually come up and ask in a low voice, "brother, do you want to get a certificate from the underworld? It's true. My brother is a famous figure in the underworld. It's only 10000 yuan for one. It's not expensive."

The one who got the certificate immediately felt that he was worth twice as much. He walked with high toes and high spirits. He wanted to walk sideways. When he saw his friend Niu Qianshan, he said, "brother, I've entered the underworld." the friend immediately put his eyes on him: "really, congratulations!" the boy came home and cried with his father's holy throne: "Dad, I finally didn't let you down. I finally joined the underworld. You can close your eyes when you die!"


Such things emerge one after another, as many as an ox hair, which is related to the idol effect of yunmenglong, especially those teenagers and girls with dreams. They are eager to see yunmenglong and become famous in one fell swoop. Yunmenglong is a legend of Yunhai City, an underworld leader based on black and white and covering the sky with one hand, and an 18-year-old handsome with beautiful women around him brother!

In other words, Fugui Yunlai was not the casino of yunmenglong, nor the one of Fenglei tiger. It belonged to the Green Gang. That is, LAN hengyubin established it in Yunhai city. However, since LAN hengyuhuan left the Green Gang and ran away, Fugui Yunlai belonged to his old cloud family, but he never set foot on it. Fugui Yunlai was in a group of noble villas in the northern suburbs. Although it was built underground, it was like this The palace is as gorgeous and luxurious as a palace, with a wide area. The scene is just like its name. Wealth comes, and those rich people come like clouds. The stimulation here is endless. The feeling of spending a lot of money is fucking cool. In fact, it's itching when you have enough to eat and more money!

Yunmenglong and Jiang Tang's talented women and beauties generally stepped into the rich cloud, walked through the long stairs and stepped on the thick red carpet, feeling like a new couple. Jiang Tang gently took yunmenglong's arm and smiled like flowers. Versace's backless dress made her sexy back, ivory like skin dense under the bright crystal chandelier, and the architectural style inside was quite like that of the 18th century The murals on the walls of the French palace are gorgeous and lifelike, and the sculptures on the columns are also lifelike.

In the hall of more than 1000 square meters, there are more than 100 slot machines, dozens of large roulette tables and all kinds of gambling equipment. The charge officer shuffles and divides the cards skillfully with an elegant smile. Everyone is surrounded by people in front of each gambling table, and the noise continues to spread. There are more than a dozen such halls. Most of the people here belong to the small rich, not the huge rich. The very rich are in the VIP gambling room, so they didn't cause much sensation after they went in. Yunmeng dragon is still covered with a mysterious veil, that is, the underworld. Few people know this absolute boss. These little rich Yunmeng dragons have time birds.

But a man saw yunmenglong coming. He is the current manager of Fugui Yunlai, Fan Shan, the boy who once wanted to worship yunmenglong as his teacher. There are thousands of computers in the management room of each large casino, because it is necessary to monitor the situation in front of each gambling table to see if there are thousands of people and see the winning or losing situation of each gambling table. If you encounter an expert and don't go after winning more, you should send an expert in the game to compete with him. Each casino has to spend a lot of money to raise several gambling experts. If the casino master loses again, the casino owner will talk to the master. Generally, he will give him millions to ask him to leave. If the master is a fool and refuses, he will wait to die. Moreover, he will die completely. He can't even find the body. It is said that when you go to the casino on the open space in Las Vegas, you can shovel a hand and what you can grab with a few spades.

You say that people also want to make money by opening a casino. It's not your ATM. It's almost OK to win millions. What's your endless business? You deserve to die!

Those eyes that saw Fan Shan become excited for a moment were very puzzled. Although boss fan is young, he has always been calm and cool, and his face is always indifferent. Why are you so excited now?

Fan Shan thought for a moment and asked those people to stare at him, then walked out of the control room.

"This is the casino. Looking at Menglong, it seems that she hasn't been here much," Jiang Tang blinked. She rubbed her hands and said with a smile: "when you see gambling tools, you want to gamble. This is the commonness of every gambler. I'm no exception. I'll teach in practice today."

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