Supreme Satyr

Chapter 431

Since the world God of gamblers competition has been held, every game of God of gamblers is often exciting and wonderful. Both sides showed their powers and showed their tricks. They fought in their mouths, kicked under their feet and fought on their hands. They were greatly tested both psychologically and physically. Although there were only two people in the war, the war was as dense as smoke, as intense as drums, and as tense as breathless.

However, the battle between yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong is extremely boring. The people below looked drowsy and complained constantly. If there were rotten eggs in their hands, rotten cabbage would have been thrown up long ago. People are really disappointed with these two handsome men. Only a few flower crazy women are still watching with interest, holding their hands in front of their chest, trembling and muttering: "so handsome... Really handsome..."

The people nearby thought that the woman could see the subtlety of the gambling game. They thought that she was clumsy and wanted to ask for advice. As a result, she came together and listened. She was so handsome! Dizzy immediately.

Those who were masters of gambling in those years, who now retire with honor and wear the coat of referee, have already snored, and some corners of their mouths have been drooling. There is an old boy with a debauchery smile on his mouth. It is estimated that he is doing spring dreams such as "three dry bones essence".

The audience in front of the TV station turned to the news broadcast one after another. They watched it with relish and said, "shit, it's much better than the naloshi gambling God competition."

This situation lasted fifty minutes!

The game is like this: they have been watching each other, so focused, so affectionate, so lonely, so affectionate. He Guan, who was closest to them, had been getting hairy. It seemed that there were thousands of spiders. Everyone weaved a web and erected six feet together, roaring past. "Back to the mountain?" he thought so, and then remembered the scene where the two asked to go to the bathroom together before the game. In addition, after just watching director Li anda's masterpiece "Brokeback Mountain", he couldn't help but take their seats against each other. He replaced the passionate scene in the film with two people. There was a tumult in his stomach. The food he had eaten in the morning wandered along the esophagus and returned to his mouth, but he didn't dare to spit it out, so he had to swallow it again.

The Dutch official grunted up and down his throat several times, issued the bottom card and the first clear card to the two people, stretched out his hand and said hard: "Mr. Zhou Yihong's card face is spade K, Mr. yunmenglong is heart Q, and Mr. Zhou Yihong speaks."

"One million." Zhou Yihong's tone is gentle, and the water waves flow in his eyes.

"Don't follow." yunmenglong gently shook his head from side to side and buckled the card.

"Mr. Zhou Yihong's card face is CaoHua a, Mr. yunmenglong is Hongxin a, and Mr. yunmenglong speaks." he Guan destroyed the last pair of poker, changed it again, shuffled and dealt again, and then said.

"A million!" Yunmeng Longxuan raised his eyebrows and threw out a chip.

"Don't follow." Zhou Yihong covered the card.

"Mr. Zhou Yihong..." he Guan said weakly.

"A million!"



The two have always been so big that Zhou Yihong doesn't follow him. The next time he doesn't follow Zhou Yihong, they bet painlessly. They don't even look at the bottom card. The emperor took turns to do it. They were really perfect. One person at a time, no more, no less. The observability of this gambling game is not as good as that of children. Only yunmenglong can play such a boring and shameless gambling game. Except that the two people enjoy it and have fun, all the others are very boring. The men want to go back and hold the beautiful woman to sleep, and the women want to go back and be held by the handsome man to sleep.

The so-called tolerable or intolerable, an old referee finally got angry.

"What are you two doing..." the old referee was angry.

"It's none of your business." the two raised their eyelids, turned their heads and scolded in unison. They stubbornly blocked the words under the old referee in the Dantian. The old referee sat there and was so angry that he was about to have a recurrence of heart disease. Yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong don't care if the old boy is about to rise to heaven. At the same time, they add fuel to the fire and compare their middle fingers to the old referee with a strange smile on the corners of their mouths. The old referee kicked his legs and fainted angrily.

Fifty minutes later, the two men made great achievements. The chip in front of yunmenglong was $500 million. Zhou Yihong was the same. In other words, these fifty minutes are a gamble in vain. Interested people are thinking: "what are they doing? Obviously, they are delaying time. Why are they delaying time?" they don't know. They can't understand it. They want to break their head. Finally, they come to a conclusion: the God who can gamble is really unfathomable!

This episode did not affect the continuation of gambling. Although the gambling game has been disgusting and can make people vomit to death, most people on the scene and those who have made peripheral bets have been paying attention to it. They have experienced the mystery of yunmenglong for several times. The surprise given to them by yunmenglong is unimaginable. So they also stubbornly believe that yunmenglong will not disappoint them this time, absolutely not. So they are waiting, waiting all the time.

The Dutch official was powerless to deal cards. For the first time, they looked at the cards. He Guan's eyes lit up, straightened up and continued to deal cards. Yunmenglong was a spade a and Zhou Yihong was a diamond J.

Yunmenglong smiled, slowly took out five chips and threw them on the table: "five million!"

Zhou Yihong looked at his watch and murmured, "it's time." then he looked at yunmenglong and threw five chips on it: "five million with you."

The audience was boiling because of this simple move, and there were many excited and crying. They shouted, "God, they don't follow anymore." the sleeping referee also woke up and was woken up by the applause of the audience. Originally, the spring dream was in full swing. It was a good time for Wushan, clouds and rain. The spring tide was in full bloom. Unexpectedly, he was woken up by Sheng Sheng, but it's not easy to get angry. You can't say that you scared Lao Tzu's girl away from your dream. Do you want to pay for it? They thought the applause represented the end, so they got up and applauded. The great president of the international gambling Federation was also a member of the spring dream. He stood up and said, "I announce that the God of gamblers in this gambler competition is..."

People looked at him in amazement and then looked like an idiot. At this time, he saw the situation clearly. He sat down with a stiff expression, but he was used to the scene. He didn't feel ashamed to see people again. He wanted to dig a hole in the ground to make love with brother groundhog.

He Guan continues to deal cards. Yunmenglong's is red heart a and Zhou Yihong's is square Q.

"Mr. yunmenglong speaks." the official opened his hand and smiled like a professional rather than a professional spring breeze.

"Ten million." Yun Menglong threw out his chips.

"Ten million with you." Zhou Yihong's face remained unchanged and still looked at Yunmeng dragon and smiled.

They both smiled gracefully, charming and upside down. If there were more handsome men, it was estimated that Beibei mountain would be as hot as the film of Brokeback Mountain. In fact, it is also a kind of enjoyment to sit and laugh without watching gambling.

After the two nodded, the dealer continued to deal cards.

"Mr. yunmenglong is CaoHua a, Mr. Zhou Yihong is square 10, Mr. Zhou Yihong is flush with flowers, and Mr. Zhou Yihong speaks." the official looked at their cards and said in a pleasant voice.

"Menglong, it's my turn to talk, 25 million." Zhou Yihong smiled coolly and threw his hands away to push out the chips.

"Oh, flush? I hope Yihong has such good luck. However, the goddess of luck seems to care for me all the time." speaking of this, yunmenglong launched 35 million and said, "I'll tell you 25 million, 10 million more."

The dealer continued to deal cards. Most people all over the world are looking at their cards. Those who can see the scene, but not the live broadcast. In the end, this card can almost decide everything. The hope of buying yunmenglong is that yunmenglong's card is box a. the hope of buying Zhou Yihong's winning is that Zhou Yihong's card is box a. "Pa!" yunmenglong's card fell on the gambling table and spread out in front of the world. This second affected many people's hearts. There was no sound of breath in the hall. It was like everyone had stopped cooking. This was a ghost land.

"Square a!"

Applause broke out and the people on the field shouted long live.

Four aces, supreme iron branch, Zhou Yihong's card can only win this game with flush. Will he win this game? Yunmenglong is a genuine lucky Superman.

"Pa!" Zhou Yihong's card has affected hundreds of millions of people. Otherwise, the host said when the TV broadcast, heart patients and those with weak heart bearing capacity are advised not to watch, otherwise they will bear the consequences. It's normal for people to be nervous. The fifth card is the key to decide the victory or defeat. Although they don't know what the card is, the card has been settled. What people can see first is the fifth card. If Zhou Yihong is not box 9, box K, or box 8, he will lose!

"Diamond 9!" it's simply diamond 9. Only in this way can we fight until the last minute, so that we can show the real gambling skills. At this time, gambling is psychological!

"Mr. Zhou Yihong is tonghuashun. Mr. Zhou Yihong speaks." the charge official tries to say it in a steady tone.

"Menglong, it seems that my luck is also good. I'm sitting in your West. Can I borrow your east wind?" Zhou Yihong blinked and said, "50 million." Zhou Yihong gently said the number, and then pushed out the chips.

"Hehe, it seems that you have good luck. You have taken such a bluffing card, but I still believe in your luck. Mine is the supreme iron branch, and my bottom card..." Yunmeng longdun lifted the bottom card and said: "it's diamond K. you only have one chance to win me. That's your bottom card is diamond 8. As for whether it's not..." Yunmenglong threw out 150 million chips and said, "I'll tell you 50 million. If you're 100 million bigger, it depends on your cards!" yunmenglong stood up and pushed out the colorful chips.

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