Supreme Satyr

Chapter 432

"Wow!" the sound of chips splashing on the gambling table made Zhou Yihong's face slightly changed.

Zhou Yihong took a deep look at yunmenglong and slowly extended his hand to the bottom card on the table!

"Wait!" yunmenglong stopped suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Yihong frowned and looked puzzled. Everyone waited at the moment of holding their breath. As a result, yunmenglong almost suffocated everyone.

"Alas, it's too exciting. I need to go to the bathroom, pee and come back to open the card. I want to seal the card." yunmenglong sighed.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It's really exciting.

Zhou Yihong agreed. The judges whispered for a minute and agreed. So Zhou Yihong's deck of cards was buckled with a large crystal hemispherical cover. Two high and handsome security guards looked at the deck of cards.

Yunmenglong said sorry, everyone, and went straight to the toilet.

It was already 9:55 when yunmenglong came back. Seeing yunmenglong's blue eyes, Zhou Yihong showed a knowing smile.

"Yihong, long time no see." yunmenglong stretched out a hand.

"Menglong, long time no see." Zhou Yihong held yunmenglong's hand.


Everyone looked at each other and felt a little angry.

"Open the card." after yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong sat down respectively, yunmenglong spoke first.

The Dutch official lifted the crystal cover. Zhou Yihong took out his bottom card, gently picked it up, and also picked up hundreds of millions of people. Then when everyone's heart was stuck in his throat and about to jump out, he threw the card on the gambling table.

Square K lay quietly on the gambling table and accepted the worship of everyone. Yunmenglong lost.

He lost 200 million this time. There are less than four minutes left. Can he win back? If Zhou Yihong doesn't follow for five minutes, won't yunmenglong lose? Zhou Yihong is not an idiot. How could she talk to him?

The expression on yunmenglong's face hasn't changed, that is, the muscles don't beat at all, and the pupil is so clear and wave free. It was Zhou Yihong who showed surprise again and immediately covered it up.

"Yi Hong's luck is really good? Brother Zhou came to guess who would win the game between France and Italy?" Yun Menglong smiled and nodded to the Dutch official. The Dutch official put away the cards and destroyed them. He took a new set of poker and began to shuffle after no problem.

"As the saying goes, arrogant soldiers will lose. Italy won France in the world cup. Unexpectedly, this pair of old enemies and enemies have been dissatisfied with each other, but Italy has lost more and won less. This time, the world's attention has won, which will inevitably produce pride. However, the French team came in the name of revenge, the mourning soldiers will win, and the French team is prepared, so I say the French team will win. What do you think of Menglong?" Zhou Yihong finished his analysis and asked yunmenglong.

"I don't know." yunmenglong was a little too honest.

At this time, he Guan also washed his cards and began to deal. The bottom card was buckled in front of them. The second card was yunmenglong spade J, and Zhou Yihong was spade a.

"Menglong, are you familiar with this card? I offer five million." Zhou Yihong threw a chip.

"Follow." cloud dream dragon is just one word.

Continue to deal. Yunmenglong is spade Q and Zhou Yihong is heart a.

"It's strange and strange. Our cards seem to have been changed from the last time, but your color is not diamonds but spades. However, before the cards are issued, my face is bigger than me." Zhou Yihong looked at yunmenglong and threw 10 million.

"If it's the same as the last card face and you and I reverse the order, then my hand should be flush. Ha ha, it's 10 million with you and 15 million bigger than you." yunmenglong laughed and threw out 25 million.

Then miraculous cards were issued, yunmenglong spade 10, Zhou Yihong CaoHua a.

"It's interesting. It seems that it's true. Is it really the turn of Feng Shui?" yunmenglong shook his head and threw out 35 million. "35 million. I think Yihong should stop following. It's also a loss. Your card is a replica of mine. I see that your bottom card is spade 8, and my next card will be spade 9."

"Hehe, I Zhou Yihong really don't believe in evil. I'm 35 million. If you're a flush, I'll admit it." yunmenglong smiled and launched 35 million.

The Dutch official issued the fifth card to yunmenglong. As yunmenglong said, it was spade 9. Magic lay in front of yunmenglong. Everyone marveled and admired Yunmeng dragon. And Zhou Yihong's card is really the fourth a, diamond a!

"Ha ha ha," said yunmenglong, laughing up at the sky. "What? Yihong, is there anything wrong with what I said?" yunmenglong said and launched 50 million chips: "do you dare to follow? This is clearly the last card, but I'm yunmenglong who got the flush."

Zhou Yihong was silent for a moment and looked at Yunmeng dragon with a solemn look. When he looked at his watch for only 20 seconds, he patted the table and said, "OK, I'll tell you 50 million, and then increase you by 100 million, it depends on your cards! I don't believe in such evil things in the world."

"Brother Yihong is really heroic, ha ha, but," yunmenglong said, "my yunmenglong's cards are not so good-looking." after saying that, he pushed out all the chips in front of him: "show me! I'll show you a big horse. In addition," yunmenglong took out a pile of gold cards and several house deeds from his arms and threw them on the table. Yunmenglong stood up and asked the chairman, "can you add more bets?"

The president of the Federation of international gambling associations nodded and said, "yes."

Yunmenglong pointed to the gold cards and said, "this is my $2 billion in Swiss bank, Bank of New York and other banks, plus the real estate, even if it's $3 billion, as my other bet. Brother Yihong, can you bet that my bottom card is not a spade K?" yunmenglong's eyes were shining. He leaned over and looked at Zhou Yihong with a confident smile on his mouth.

Twenty internationally renowned asset appraisal experts accurately calculated yunmenglong's assets. In less than a minute, they reported the figure that yunmenglong's real estate could offset US $1.236 billion in cash. The banker also confirmed yunmenglong's deposits in Swiss banks and other banks.

Zhou Yihong was stunned, put on the card and said with a bitter smile, "Menglong can really scare people. I know I can't get so much money. If I bet my father's capital, my father will spank me if I lose. It's not worth it!" Zhou Yihong shook his head and sighed: "Yunmenglong is worthy of yunmenglong. Leng is the only descendant of my Stephen family who is afraid to bet. I'm afraid no one will believe it. However, well, I won't follow."

Yunmenglong rubbed his hands and said with a smile, "this is all my possessions. You think I'm not afraid to gamble. However," yunmenglong paused, "but fortunately Yihong didn't follow, otherwise..." yunmenglong stopped talking.

Because Zhou Yihong gave up, yunmenglong won this game. And the bottom card, yunmenglong didn't open, and no one could open. Everyone was itching to guess what the last card was. Someone said, "it must not be K spades, yunmenglong is a little Steven, or he doesn't have to take out $3 billion to scare Steven away."

Others said, "it must be K. spades. Yunmeng dragon's trip is unexpected, and he himself has good gambling skills. What he is best at is Jedi counterattack and turn defeat into victory. Therefore, if Steven follows, he will lose his pants."

No matter how people guess, they can only guess. Because yunmenglong didn't open the bottom card.

Zhou Yihong was unwilling. He smiled bitterly and asked yunmenglong, "Menglong, to tell you the truth, I really want to know what your cards are. Now I feel that there is a kitten in my stomach. It is tickling my heart with its little claws."

Yunmenglong laughed: "if you want to know, ask your father for 3 billion to see. My card is worth more than 3 billion. How can you read it casually."

As they talked, the time had pointed to ten o'clock. According to the regulations, the gambler competition was over. France's Revenge war against Italy also ended. France lost again. Zhou Yihong was stunned. Thanks to yunmenglong, he said he didn't know he didn't gamble with him, otherwise he would lose.

After they left the stage, the charge officer took away the cards and destroyed them. He secretly glanced at Yunmeng dragon's cards, and then looked silly. She practiced very fast, and almost no one saw it. She said that when she looked at Yunmeng dragon, Yunmeng dragon was blinking at her. She was startled, and her eyes moved to another place. She didn't dare to look at Yunmeng dragon again.

The full-time staff calculated their chips and fainted: "they piled 500 million chips in front of each other. The chips were stacked while being calculated. Finally, they looked like they had never gambled.

Yunmeng dragon, 500 million!

Zhou Yihong, 500 million!

And the game, gameover!

People all over the world are completely stupid, and the debate between the God of gamblers is half weight. The judges are even more stupid: "shit, the God of gamblers competition has been held so many times, and none of them has been leveled. What can we do?" those old people scratch their ears and scratch their cheeks one by one. They are melancholy. They don't know how to solve it.

People all over the world are waiting for an answer!

Now there are n schemes to decide whether to win or lose. First, stone scissors and cloth. Two wins in three games. Who wins is the God of gamblers! This scheme has been ruthlessly crushed. God of gamblers, shit, it's not a child's game. Stone scissors and cloth decide to win or lose. Go to hell!

Second, the player who has the most points will win the dice. This scheme is pure nonsense. Two gamblers, who want to throw dice, will not win or lose until next year.

Section * * * K. two people can choose to attack from a long distance with lethal weapons such as cabbage, cucumber and radish, but they should clear the site. If they hit the children, it's not good. If they can't hit the children, it's not good to hit the flowers and grass. Or they can fight hand to hand. Whoever kills the one is the God of gambler! This scheme is nonsense. The God of gambler is not the God of war. Do you want to fight life and death?


The judges, the chairman and the original gamblers were at a loss.

Yunmenglong pinched Xiao Yating's small hand and said lazily, "what are you muttering about? Now the game is over. Announce the result of the game."

The chairman wanted to cry without tears: "brother, how do you announce?"

"Juxtaposition gambling God, needless to say, people all over the world have seen it." yunmenglong said solemnly.

"Juxtaposition gambler? Khan... There can only be one gambler in each competition. How can we juxtapose?" the chairman's forehead began to glow.

"Why not juxtapose? Which law says that there can be no two gamblers?" yunmenglong asked.

"But..." the chairman still didn't think so.

"But you big watermelon, there's so much nonsense when people are old. Really, there were no two gambling gods before. Can't there be two now? The times are progressive and society is developing. Why don't you let me be the gambling God and I'll play with you." yunmenglong finally threatened the chairman of the gambling Association.

"If you don't let me be the gambling God, I'll play with your life." Zhou Yihong couldn't help smiling. He also learned to threaten the old boy, the chairman of the gambling Association.

The chairman of the gambling Association looked at both of them. No one could afford to offend them. He pointed to the trophy and gambler's ring and said, "but there is only one trophy and ring respectively. Now there are two gamblers. How do you divide them?"

Yun Menglong said impatiently, "you're a big head ghost. Of course, we'll rebuild two. At present, we'll make do with it first. I'll keep it in one three five, and he'll keep it in two four six. It's decided by stone, scissors and paper on Sunday."

The audience were all facing yunmenglong. Now they won both yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong, because they were both gamblers. For fear that the world would not be chaotic, they shouted: "what the gambler said is, quickly announce, two gamblers, two gamblers!" the cry shook the sky.

With a helpless expression on his face, the chairman of the gambling Association stood up, walked to the microphone, cleared his throat and said: "this gambling God competition is the most wonderful and unexpected one in the previous gambling God competitions, because it has produced two gambling gods! Now I announce that the gambling God winners of this gambling God competition are Mr. yunmenglong and Mr. Steven!"

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