Supreme Satyr

Chapter 433

Yunmeng dragon and Zhou Yihong stand side by side. They look at Yunmeng dragon, look at all living beings, jade trees face the wind, and Zhou Yihong. They look up, natural and unrestrained.

All the audience were satisfied with the result. They stood up, cheered loudly and clapped desperately. My hands are rotten. The judges looked at each other and wanted to cry without tears. But there are people who want to cry and have tears. Not only tears, but tears flow into a river and flood. Those people are the contractors of peripheral gambling. They originally wanted to make a lot of money by using the gimmick of yunmenglong. As a result, yunmenglong created two gambling gods. Shit, the whole world is satisfied, and they are miserable! I'm afraid I'll go out and beg for a living in the future.

Yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong embraced warmly in applause, and their feelings grew dark between them. The glasses were finally able to stand up and be human. The two big gamblers are back mountain. How glorious they are. I wonder if it will trigger a revolution in sexual orientation. Since then, Brokeback Mountain has become a new trend and has been popular. The slogan is, did you carry the mountain today? If you don't have one or two homosexuals you like, you don't dare to go out to see people. If you die, you can't afford to lose that person.

"Congratulations, Mr. gambler." yunmenglong held Zhou Yihong's small hand and smiled.

"Happy together, Mr. gambler." Zhou Yihong also smiled like flowers.

LAN hengyubin sat under the stage, shook his head and smiled bitterly. At the same time, he also had a trace of doubt. However, he opened his eyes to yunmenglong's ability.

LAN hengyuhuan was furious when he heard the result of the game. "It's impossible, it's impossible! I don't believe I killed yunmenglong. How can yunmenglong take into account the casino battlefield at the same time? Does he have separation?" Lan hengyuhuan almost wanted to break his scalp. At last, he almost ran away.

"Yunmenglong, are you really my nemesis?" Lan hengyuhuan sat on the sofa, his eyes as cold as the cold autumn moon, thinking of yunmenglong's unique face and the lazy smile around his mouth. "In fact, it's good to have such an opponent, isn't it? Yunmenglong, I'll let you die in my hand sooner or later!" LAN hengyuhuan swore to himself.

Half an hour later, yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong were interviewed by reporters respectively.

"Mr. Steven, you took part in this gambler competition, finally won the position of gambler and earned light for our America. What do you say?" a reporter asked.

Zhou Yihong smiled and said, "I'm very grateful to someone. Without him, I wouldn't get the gambling God. It can be said that he gave it to me."

"Is this Mr. yunmenglong?" the reporter hurried.

"Yes, it's Menglong. He's the most unfathomable and incredible man I've ever seen." Zhou Yihong nodded.

"Oh!" all the reporters nodded thoughtfully, with a sharp voice in their heart. They have come to the conclusion that Zhou Yihong and yunmenglong are in love!


"Mr. yunmenglong, you are our well deserved God and the God of gambling. People all over the world must want to know what your last card is. Can you tell the world?" asked a reporter who thought he was very smart.

After Xiao Yating translated, yunmenglong showed a cunning smile and approached the reporter: "do you want to know?"

The reporter thought there was a door and nodded hurriedly: "think and think."

"Take 3 billion and I'll tell you." yunmenglong stretched out a hand and smiled like a little fox. "You know, my card needs 3.3 billion to see. You want to see me charge you 3 billion and charge you 300 million less. Is it generous enough?"

The reporter opened his mouth and looked angry. He could put a goose egg in his mouth. He smiled and said, "Mr. gambler is really joking. Where will I have three billion?"

"Don't be so depressed, you also have three billion." Yun Menglong patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Do I have three billion? Why don't I know?" the reporter opened his eyes and was very puzzled.

"You have three billion sperm worms." Yunmeng dragon whispered in his ear.


The reporter was completely speechless.

"Mr. gambler, it was revealed that you cheated when gambling cards. Is there any such thing?" another reporter said sharply. At first glance, the man was, uh, a thief with a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheek. At first glance, he was not a good thing, and strangely, he was not a westerner. He should be a Japanese.

"Ah, you can fart freely, but you can't talk nonsense. Although I know Mr. big ghost well, I will sue him for slander. However, it's understandable that the dog is crazy and bites people indiscriminately. At most, you'll be given a lighter punishment and sentenced to three or five hundred years." yunmenglong pointed to the Japanese, shook his head and said.

The Japanese's face changed slightly and pretended to be stupid and said, "Mr. big ghost, I don't know what you said, Mr. gambler?"

"I told you to eat shit. Is that clear?" yunmenglong said with a smile. The smile was really unspeakable and cold, without any meaning of happiness. Although yunmenglong's voice was not small, he was the only one to hear it.

The man's face changed greatly. He looked around. No one dumped him. Obviously, no one stood out for him. He dared not ask any more, so he went away with his tail in his hands.

"Mr. gambler, a secret source revealed that your card was not a spade K, but a picture of yourself. Is it true that it said, 'Miss, what's your mother's name?' at this time, a reporter came out of nowhere and asked.

"Hehe, this brother is really joking. Which pair of Poker will be like this?" yunmenglong smiled.

"Do you have anything to say about the rumor that you have an affair with Stephen gambler?" the reporter asked the question of risking universal condemnation.

"You also said it's a rumor. What else do you want me to say? Don't you see the beautiful women around me? Do you have a secret love for me?" yunmenglong smiled.

The man choked half to death, but he still didn't give up: "can you prove that you're not... So?"

All the reporters looked at the reporter like a fool. I didn't expect him to be so bold. Aren't you afraid of death? Yunmenglong is now red and blue. That's everyone's idol, although only his back is on the camera. But everyone knows that the gods of gamblers in the world gambler competition are yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong. Isn't it too tenacious for such a small reporter to ask such a private and sensitive question? Of course, other journalists also have this doubt. What a gimmick it is, but no one dares to ask. The love of the two gamblers is the new broken arm mountain in reality after director Ang Lee! How desirable!

Yunmenglong glanced at the reporter, hugged Xiao Yating, who glared at the reporter, and kissed her hard on her small mouth.

"Ah!?" all the reporters and the surrounding audience were shocked and turned to joy. One after another thumbed up and praised: "Mr. gambler is really good-natured. This affectionate kiss under the flash will be handed down forever."

After a long wet kiss, Xiao Yating almost couldn't stand steadily. She breathed the air, her pretty face turned red, her breasts fluctuated, her body leaned against Yunmeng dragon, her delicate body was fragrant and soft, and her long eyelashes covered her pupils. A confident and capable beauty hung her head shyly and didn't dare to see Yunmeng dragon at all.

Yunmenglong sniffed Xiao Yating's slender white swan like neck and said, "it's your tenderness that makes my heart palpitate endlessly!"

Those reporters greatly appreciated yunmenglong's eloquence and called yunmenglong "unparalleled literary talent and unique gambling skills in ancient and modern times". Yunmenglong shook his head and said modestly, "Mu Zan, Mu Zan, I'm not the gambling God."

"Mr. gambler, some people say that you manipulated the gambling game to make the juxtaposition of gamblers happen. Is this true?" a reporter took the opportunity to ask.

"Alas, who do you think I am? I'm a gambler, not a God. Can I control the result of the game? You say so, but you suspect another gambler's gambling skills. Can you provoke the Stephen family?" Yun Menglong warned kindly.

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