Supreme Satyr

Chapter 441

Yunmenglong smiled in his heart: "some people have really lost their money. They used more than a dozen high-tech fighters to deal with an aircraft without combat ability. Is it too overqualified?"

Don't think Lao Yun kicked shuisha down because he was a lighting tool. In fact, he asked shuisha to solve several fighter planes. If there was enough distance from Las Vegas, those fighter planes falling far away would start to fight. Can the Boeing 777, like yunmenglong, withstand the bombardment of fighters used as aircraft carriers? It is estimated that the Boeing 777 will become scrap iron. Yunmenglong doesn't want to be beaten in the air. Even the cells decompose, and she doesn't want so many beautiful women to be buried with her. Even she doesn't want to disturb those beautiful women. Suddenly, beautiful women deserve to die.

Therefore, yunmenglong wants to start first. You can't deal with those fighters. The fuselage and glass are extremely strong. Let alone people, you just throw a fighter there. Hundreds of people drive tanks and crash for an hour, and then take shells for an hour. It's estimated that there's nothing wrong with them. It's so awesome. Yunmenglong asked shuisha to go inside and paralyze it. Although the radar scanning of the fighter is powerful, shuisha is not invisible. How can you scan it? It can be scanned. So what? You fire a shell? Not afraid to scare the snake? I'm not afraid. How can the speed of that shell compare with the raging water evil spirit, one of the four evil spirits of magic robbery. Water fool only needs to go inside the fighter, which is easy to do. Although he has low human feelings, his IQ is not low. Water fool told yunmenglong that he would drive this fighter. Yunmenglong asked him how he could drive. Water fool said, I just need to enter the control room, I can open it. Yunmenglong said, go and drive.

This is not, just kick people out of the sky.

Yunmenglong's dirty thought temporarily stopped running, and he lay down. Lying on the wing, the Boeing 777 is flying at high speed, and the vigorous wind makes a sound. This wind in the high altitude is unimaginable. Yunmenglong is only 75 kilograms, or 750 kilograms. It should be blown upside down. I don't know where to fly. But yunmenglong didn't. He lay flat and stable. He didn't use any skill to absorb the wing, nor did he grasp the wing. He just lay casually and looked at the shining stars in the sky. He was comfortable as lying on his own soft and loose bed. Yunmenglong opens his five fingers, and there will be clouds with the smell of night passing through. It feels cool and comfortable.

Yunmenglong has no sorrow or joy in his heart. What is hidden in the thousands of miles of endless sky? Why is there a familiar feeling just now? For the sky, he has a feeling of going home. Here, it seems more suitable for him, because it is more free and unrestrained. Yunmeng dragon felt it quietly, and the void contracted sharply from infinity to a little. That is the source of emptiness. Yunmeng dragon seems to be familiar with it. He sees a lotus, a purple lotus

"My son, in the name of eternal supremacy, you save the universe and restore our rivers and mountains. Within the three realms, you are the only one..." an ethereal voice seemed to be issued from the most difficult depths at the bottom of Yunmeng dragon's heart.

The cloud dream dragon's closed eyes suddenly opened, and the brightest stars in the sky seemed to lose some color.

Yunmenglong could only grasp the direction of the 13 planes, but now he opened his eyes and looked at them casually. He knew the specific position of each fighter clearly. Even he could see through the structure of the whole fighter and understand the structure. Yunmenglong's thoughts extended infinitely and walked around the power system of the fighter and the brain of the pilot, He thought he could fly a fighter skillfully.

Yunmenglong "saw" shuisha approaching a fighter at the speed of one tenth of the light. The fighter's radar observed shuisha, quickly adjusted and sent out an interest free laser gun. The laser gun chased shuisha's ass and vowed to burn shuisha's ass. shuisha's head didn't turn back. It approached the fighter quickly, and the fighter fired more than a dozen shells in one breath, These shells are only for someone who can't do it in a nightmare! Shui silly's face showed a cruel smile. He turned to meet the shell and caught one with his left and right arms. The driver was shocked and didn't believe his eyes for a moment. He was completely stupid. Yunmenglong also looked silly. He didn't expect that he would see so clearly. He didn't expect that shuisha had such a speed that can be described as terror! This speed is still beyond his reach. But we can see clearly whether this is a breakthrough? Yunmenglong now challenges the speed limit with human flesh. How is it possible? But eyes, human eyes are the most powerful.

The next second yunmenglong was really stunned: shuisha threw two shells at him, and the two shells flew towards a plane near the fighter firing at shuisha. The two shells had eyes, and the speed of shooting at the plane was faster than that of the fighter! For the remaining ten shells, Shui silly showed his best kicking skills in the universe, hanging gold hooks upside down, rotating side kicks, strong volleys, and even a header. For no reason, three nearby fighter planes were hit, "boom"! With a loud noise, they exploded one after another. A big explosion rarely seen in a thousand years appeared in the air. Xiao Yating was very excited. She heard the noise and saw such a beautiful mushroom cloud. She thought it was a red superstar, so she took out her camera and kept shooting. This is a reporter's occupational disease. When you see something new, you always have to shoot every other time, whether it's dangerous or not.

"Shit, am I keeping such a powerful fighting machine around?" yunmenglong asked himself.

At this time, shuisha has occupied the fighter he wants to rob. The strong fighter is smashed into a big hole by shuisha's fist. Shuisha pulls out the frightened pilot and kicks him away like yunmenglong. Then he drives like a model inside and bombards other fighters.

The remaining eight fighters found that the situation was wrong and decided to start immediately, whether it was far enough from Las Vegas or not.

The cloud dream dragon pulled out a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth: "do you want to kill me? It's so easy. Haven't you heard the saying that the disaster has been left for thousands of years?"

Yunmenglong thought that octopus generally extended to the brain of the pilots of each fighter. Yunmenglong controlled their thoughts and gave them an order: "if you see the same fighter, fight me and die together!"

As a result, the remaining eight fighters began a scuffle. You hit me and I hit you. Although Shui silly didn't know the specific reason, he also knew that yunmenglong did it. While admiring yunmenglong in his heart, he swam around in a fighter and fired guerrilla cold artillery.

"It's silly of him to fly a plane by himself." yunmenglong shook his head and sighed while lying on the wing and enjoying the air war.

The air hegemony battle didn't last long. Was it impressive? Well, it was pretty good. It was like watching a movie.

In the first ten minutes, these fighters were still perfectly demonstrating their combat performance, just like a drill. They attacked each other, and all kinds of missiles rushed towards each other. Instead of avoiding, they gladly accepted the attack of shells. It's a pity that these fighters with incomparably high scientific and technological content have no technical content. You punch me and I kick you. That's all. Yunmenglong fell asleep.

Suddenly, without warning, those fighters began a thermal collision. The two fighters flew relatively at a high speed to wipe through the void, and then -- "bang!" a loud noise. The two fighters collided with death into two huge pieces of scrap iron. Then, boom! A huge white cloud wrapped in red light exploded in the center of the two fighters. The shape is very abstract and surrealistic.

Yunmeng longxuanmei micro lock: "these people are clearly controlled by me. How can they suddenly drive the plane and collide with passion? Is it xiufunny, or..."

Inside the engine room.

"Brother, how did you explode all those metal guys, meow?" said cat classmate.

"I can't watch them fight so stupid, Wang!" the dog classmate shook his head.

"Oh, well, I can't watch it for a long time, so I don't watch it. I've been thinking about a problem, meow." the cat classmate became very deep.

"What's the problem?" the dog asked.

"I'm going to change my name, meow!"

"Change your name?" the dog student was puzzled: "what name?"

"From today on, my name is Yun Miaomiao! Meow..." cat classmate suddenly made a gorgeous rotation in place. She shook the dog's tail and said happily.

"It's so interesting. I also want to have the surname yunmenglong. It's so kind. What's my name? Wang..." the dog classmate's extremely high IQ is next to the Idiot's Eq.

"Your name is ah Wang, Yun Wang Wang, nicknamed ah Wang. Meow..." Yun Miaomiao suggested.

"Wang, Wang Wang, good name, ha ha." Yun Wang Wang smiled foolishly, "you can't call me ah Wang. Ah Wang is called by Yun Menglong. You have to call me brother Wang." ah Wang said to Yun Miaomiao.

"Meow, brother Wang, I want to eat ribs." Miaomiao touched her belly and said pitifully.

"Wang, you're a cat. What kind of ribs do you eat? Isn't it good to eat fish?" ah Wang was very strange.

"Every time you eat spareribs, you eat so hard. I want to eat them too." Miaomiao learned to be coquettish.

Yunwangwang's classmate was helpless. As soon as he shook his mouth, a piece of ribs with attractive fragrance appeared in the dog's mouth out of thin air.

"Eat," said yunwang.

The dog's mouth turned into a cat's mouth, and the ribs were slowly swallowed, making a creaking sound.

"Good... It's terrible. I don't know how you like this kind of Dongdong. It's still Wuchang fish..." Yun Miaomiao finished the ribs and set off a hindsight.

"Wool," said Yun Wangwang angrily, "Wuchang fish is delicious?" Yun Wangwang tilted his mouth. "I ate several Wuchang fish, but I didn't feel any delicious."

"Oh!" Yun Miaomiao suddenly realized: "I said why my Wuchang fish is missing three. It turned out that you ate it. I thought I was bad at math and counted wrong. You compensate me..." Yun Miaomiao suddenly stopped.

"Eh? You..."

"Yunmenglong is coming. People are shy. Face it yourself." yunmiaomiao runs away without loyalty, but she doesn't know where she has gone.

Originally a monster of half cat and half dog, it has become a big black dog with dark and shiny fur, strong muscles and huge size. The dog's facial features are very harmonious, and his eyes are bright and shining. Among dogs, he should also be a dog with a good appearance. It's not too much to call him a handsome dog.

Yunmenglong doesn't know when he entered the cabin. He is looking at the big black dog with kind, gentle and loving eyes like small animals, that is, yunwangwang. Yunmenglong has a famous saying, "we should love small animals because they are delicious."

Yunwangwang analyzed yunmenglong's eyes. He only saw the friendship inside, but didn't see the treachery behind the friendship. The so-called nothing courteous, either rape or theft. However, Yun Wangwang is so careless and innocent. How can he understand the shameless thought of Yun Menglong?

"The whole body is black and there is no miscellaneous hair. Each hair is so healthy and shiny. Well, the muscles are very powerful, there is no excess fat, the perfect proportion and the perfect structure..." yunmenglong watched and appreciated yunwangwang. Finally, yunmenglong rolled his throat and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, He rubbed the liquid randomly discharged from his mouth due to psychological activities, that is, the saliva in the common saying, and his eyes began to shine. He rubbed his eyes and determined that this is indeed a dog, a big black dog, a very fat and beautiful top-grade big black dog. Yunmenglong shouted in his heart and came to the conclusion: "this dog with unfathomable power must be delicious to bake!" Thinking of this, yunmenglong smiled more friendly. He had suspected that Lin Wan was a certain number. After all, Lin Wan was also a hidden figure. However, when he got into the plane, Lin wanruo didn't speak, but glanced at the lower cabin. Yunmenglong was extremely exquisite, so he came quietly.

With innocent eyes, yunwangwang looked at yunmenglong without blinking. Seeing that yunmenglong smiled as comfortable as the spring breeze and as warm as the scorching sun, yunwangwang was relieved: he was not as expressionless as the people sent by his father. In that way, he would only be the boss with a straight face. In that way, he just wanted to catch them back for reward. Yunmenglong is really friendly and kind. This is the conclusion of yunwangwang. Yun Miaomiao hid from looking at yunmenglong. Seeing that he smiled so handsome, she was going to faint happily.

Yunwangwang sees shuisha who has become very human. He is different in his heart: "why did a Shui follow yunmenglong and be so determined? Did he betray? Yunmenglong is really charming..."

"My dear brother, what's your mother's name?" yunmenglong leaned close to the dog's head and smiled very cheap.

"Wang!" yunwangwang didn't dare to speak, for fear of frightening yunmenglong. In fact, it's impossible. Yunmenglong's thought is not so rigid. There are old immortals and old hooligans like Wei Ya. What does a talking dog count.

"Oh, your mother's surname is Wang." yunmenglong nodded. "What's your name?" yunmenglong decided that the dog could talk.

"Woof woof." the dog barked again.

"Wang Wang, I'll call you ah Wang." Yun Menglong affectionately touched the dog's head. "If you can get on the plane unconsciously, it shows that you are smart. You don't talk in front of people. My name is Yun Menglong."

Yunmenglong said the name that yunwangwang had just taken, which really surprised yunwangwang and worshipped yunmenglong more.

"I know your name is yunmenglong. I like you very much. My name is yunwangwang." the dog finally spoke.

Although yunmenglong had expected that the dog would speak, it was really hard for yunmenglong to accept that he really spoke with the dog's mouth open.

"Hehe," the muscles on yunmenglong's face beat irregularly, "your surname is Yun. What a coincidence. We are all Lao Yun's family. Oh, no, you're a dog..."

"You... Hello, my name is Yun Miaomiao..." seeing the right person, Miaomiao rushed out and introduced himself to Yun Menglong with a little shyness.

Yunmenglong saw that the long face of a beautiful big black dog turned into the round face of a little cat, and the body was still dark and shiny, with a thin and long tail and a cat tail. It's acceptable for dogs to talk and cats to talk, but such a half cat and half dog monster

Yunmenglong instantly recovered from the shock: "a talking and changing dog and cat, I found the treasure this time, ha ha......" yunmenglong laughed wildly at the bottom of his heart.

Yunmenglong has been in love for nearly a thousand years. Although he has been buried for more than 900 years, comrade Lao Yun still claims to be the holy drop of millennium love. From this, yunmenglong heard that the kitten was interested in him. Yunmenglong couldn't laugh or cry. It turned out that his charm really exceeded the boundaries of species. There was a dolphin MM who didn't like him. Now there is another cat. Yunmenglong sighed in his heart, "is it spring? Why does she call it that?"

"Hello," said yunmenglong with a charming smile, "can I call you Miaomiao?"

Yun Miaomiao was almost overwhelmed by the tenderness of Yunmeng dragon. She was about to faint happily. The cat kept nodding: "of course, I just want you to call me miaomi."

"Her name is Miaomiao, my name is awan, and I'm her brother." the cat head turned into a dog head again. "We all like you very much." yunwangwang sincerely announced his favor for yunmenglong.

Yunmenglong couldn't cry or laugh: where did such a monster come from? However, this big black dog really looks delicious. I must find a chance to roast him. Stick? Rat poison

Seeing that yunmenglong didn't speak, yunwangwang continued, "I want to worship you. Miaomiao wants to be your woman. Do you have any opinion?"

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