Supreme Satyr

Chapter 442

Worship a dog, or his favorite big black dog. Can yunmenglong do such nonsense?

"What if I don't agree?" yunmenglong asked carefully.

"Then I'll eat you." the dog head announced the result of yunmenglong's opinion.

"I don't mind." he who knows current affairs is a Junjie, and yunmenglong is definitely a Junjie. But he scolded in his heart: "you stinky dog, dare to threaten me, I'll roast you sooner or later..."

Yunmenglong asks about the origin of the two people (well, be adults for the time being). Although yunwangwang and yunmiaomiao are idiots, they bite to death about their identity.

"Let me introduce you to a friend?" yunmenglong saw that he couldn't find out anything, so he didn't entangle in it. Anyway, the days are still long. Yunmenglong is confident that he can know what he wants to know.

"What friend?" said Wang Wang.

Yunmenglong took out the heaven and earth bag and said, "son, come out."

"Do you have a son?" the dog's head turned into a cat's face, talking to Miaomiao's classmate.

"Yes," said yunmenglong.

"I'll have a son for you, too." Miaomiao said with longing.

Having a son with a cat, yunmenglong forced him not to think about what virtue the son was. Yunmenglong didn't answer, just fooled around.

"Whoosh!" a heat wave pressed over, and the little Kirin's four meter long body crossed the cabin, almost filling the whole space.

"Son, I'll introduce you two friends," said yunmenglong, pointing to the cat's face. "This is Miaomiao, i... um, my woman." and pointing to the dog's body, "this is your second uncle, Wangwang, my sworn brother."

Yun Qi shook his head angrily and looked at the cat and dog monster with hostility. The yunwangwang brothers and sisters were not afraid at all and asked provocatively, "can you speak, big guy?"

Beyond yunmenglong's expectation

"Of course, I can not only talk. I can also sing," said Qilin, opening his huge mouth and singing: "touch my little sister's sideburns, touch my little sister's white rabbit..." after singing, yunqi looked at the cat and dog monster proudly: "my father taught me to drop, and newly made 18 touch, can you?"

Dog: "

"Yun Qi, you can talk. Why don't you talk to me?" Yun Menglong recovered from his shock and accused Qi Lin loudly.

The little Kirin dropped his big head and said, "people are afraid to scare you."


Outside the door, Chen Shaoyang was running east and West in front of the servants of a beautiful woman. Water silly ran to one side and slept like no one else.

"Sister Wan Ruo, what's brother Menglong doing?" dai'er didn't see yunmenglong. She went to Lin Wan Ruo and asked.

Lin Wan pointed to the back of the cabin and said naturally, "well, talk to a dog."

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Dale opened her eyes wide.

Lin Wan smiled gently: "nothing, tease you. I don't know where he is."

Dai'er looked at Lin wanruo suspiciously and went elsewhere to find yunmenglong.

The day gradually brightened. When the sun brother strolled out in the first half, the sea of clouds was in sight.

Yunmenglong became a hamburger sandwiched between little Qilin and the cat and dog monster. If he hadn't been a peacemaker, yunqi and yunwangwang would have demolished the plane. After a long confrontation, the two sides shook hands and made peace under the mediation of diplomat Mr. Yun Menglong, and jumped into the bag of heaven and earth together.

The news of yunmenglong's return to Yunhai is blocked. However, there are more than 40000 people waiting at the airport. They are waiting for a common person, yunmenglong!

Yunmenglong looked down through the wide and bright aircraft glass and looked at the dark crowd. Yunmenglong was excited. He opened the door and stood on the head of the aircraft. The strong wind filled his clothes and threw his 3000 hair behind his head. Yunmenglong has a great sense of freedom in his heart. This is his nest.

"Dear big hooligans, little hooligans, no big hooligans, I'm yunmenglong, back again!" yunmenglong laughed and shouted.

Of the 40000 people, 20000 are fully armed soldiers, while next to them is the underworld that is supposed to be born against them. 20000 people have black suits, black sunglasses and a serious face. Such natural enemies stand so close together that they are very harmonious, because they have the same Qi. They are all disciples of yunya emperor sect and come from Weiya together.

At the front of the crowd is long Mengyun. Long Mengyun is picturesque and beautiful, but passers-by dare not stay on her more. The killing gas emitted by those soldiers and underworld almost suffocated those who passed by. Long Mengyun is surrounded by Xue Piao in plain clothes, Feng Ling in hot and sexy clothes, as well as spring orchids and autumn chrysanthemums, and Lily sisters with half victory.

Chu Jingfeng is the leader in the army. Chu Jingfeng, dressed in military uniform, is unrestrained and unrestrained. He has the flavor of a mature man. His aura is very strong. It is obvious that he enters the country quickly in cultivation. In front of the other side are members of the dragon and tiger gate led by Wei Ya, wind and thunder tigers like iron towers, Firebirds jumping up and down, thunder leopards walking back and forth, and electric donkeys with a dull face. There is Xiao Fan. His eyes are bright and restrained, his temperament is uncertain, and he has a confident smile on his face. For the changes of these people, yunmenglong nodded with satisfaction.

As for Wei Ya, he sat on a big black dog with a height of more than one person. It seemed that he was ready to pick up yunmenglong at the airport. Yun Menglong couldn't help laughing when he saw Wei Ya: you know me best, old boy!

Yunmenglong calmed down his excitement, made a dive and flew down like superman. What's the difference between yunmenglong and Superman? It's estimated that only Superman wears underwear outside, while yunmenglong doesn't wear underwear.

As soon as long Mengyun's eyes brightened, Yun Menglong had fallen in front of her. With an intoxicating smile, yunmenglong looked at longmengyun's unparalleled pretty face, brushed away her suddenly falling tears and said softly, "wife, I'm back!"

Long Mengyun nodded: "I know, I know, my Menglong is back. I've been waiting for you for thousands of years."

Yunmenglong gently grabbed Xiaohui's chin, lowered his head and kissed her sweet, incomparable soft and fragrant cherry lips.

A gentle kiss that lasted for a century fixed time at that moment. Long Mengyun's eyes were half open and half closed, and his long eyelashes gently fanned, like two thick small brushes.

"Such a kiss like nobody else is worthy of being the boss..."

"As expected, you are a hero. The boss's lust is immortal. I admire you..."

The dialogue was completed by wind Thunder Tiger and Firebird.

Then yunmenglong officially turned to face everyone and smiled: "brothers, I'm yunmenglong, back."

"Long live the boss! Long live the boss!..."

As good as Jay Chou's concert, the shouting voice of fans in the 80000 people's gymnasium was shouted by the soldiers of the whole division and the gangsters in longhumen.

Yunmenglong's hands were in one fell swoop, and the audience was silent: "don't be so loud. Loud noise will scare children."


At this time, the plane officially slid from the runway to her death. The door opened and Ling Xueqi came out first. Chu Jingfeng's hanging heart finally fell to the ground. He turned back and made an OK gesture. Behind the army is a military vehicle. You can't see who is inside from the outside. At this time, the door opened and Ling aopeng, the commander of niucha, walked down. Yunmenglong felt an aura pervading the audience. He looked up and saw Ling aopeng. Yunmenglong's face showed surprise: "Dad, why are you here?"

Ling aopeng laughed: "today is the day when my gambling God son and my daughter return. Why don't I come?"

Ling Xueqi has a feeling of vicissitudes when she sees Ling aopeng. Originally, all the grievances had fallen with Yun Menglong, but Ling Xueqi couldn't help seeing her closest relatives. She was stunned at first, and then turned into a gust of fragrance. She threw herself into Ling aopeng's arms. It was her father's chest and the thickest and safest harbor. In such a warm place, Miss Ling opened her mouth and cried, "Wow!".

Ling aopeng gently patted his daughter's powder back and kept comforting: "daughter is good, daughter is good, don't cry, cry again, the big gray wolf is coming."

"..." Yun Menglong was speechless.

Ling Xueqi burst into tears and smiled: "you hate it. For more than 20 years, Dad, you still scare me with a big gray wolf."

Jiang Tang and seven other beauties rushed out. Every time, 40000 people want to say "Wow, beauty", and then "Wow, another beauty". Their admiration for yunmenglong is like endless saliva, and like a flood of character.

Wei Ya nodded secretly: "yes, Menglong has both fame and wealth this time. He has both hands and hard hands. I'm very glad that his kung fu in picking up girls has not been abandoned.

With a spoiled smile, long Mengyun gently pinched yunmenglong's palm and said with a smile: "it's cool again this time. Take four and bring back eight. Menglong is really endless to pick up girls."

"Where, where, I just take picking up girls as my lifelong career, but these beauties are not made by me, but by chance." yunmenglong said modestly.

Xue Piao saw that there were four more beauties around yunmenglong. She could not help but feel a little sad and her small mouth gently tooted. Feng Ling stared at yunmenglong with copper bell like eyes and wanted to kill yunmenglong. Lily always had a fresh and soft smile and followed yunmenglong's figure. In her eyes, there was only this man. What about other women? She was just a female slave, Are you qualified to manage? Baihui quietly compared her middle finger to yunmenglong's romantic behavior and said to her heart, "men don't have a good thing."

Seeing that Xue Piao was unhappy, yunmenglong hurried to appease Xue Piao's beauty. Although Xue Piao was in his twenties, he was white eyed about love and finally liked yunmenglong. Yunmenglong was a real romantic seed.

Men are romantic, women are tearful.

"Piao'er, do you miss me? I miss you very much." yunmenglong whispered in her ear holding Xue Piao's delicate body, and blew into Xue Piao's ear intentionally or unintentionally.

The hot gas mischievously got into Xue Piao's ears, making her body a little hot. Xue Piao's little girl had a tender face. She dodged a little and looked at yunmenglong: "will you still miss me, so many beautiful women around you?" in a sour tone, she said, thinking that her mother was abandoned by her father and clenched yunmenglong's hands with her slender hands for fear that yunmenglong might run away: "Brother Menglong, will you leave me?"

Yunmenglong felt a pain in his heart and shook his head: "of course not. No matter how many women there are around me, piao'er will always be my beloved baby."

"Hum!" a cold hum sounded behind Yunmeng dragon, and the cold wind blew through the cold hair of Yunmeng dragon. Yunmenglong turned around and Feng Ling, holding her chest in her hands, looked at yunmenglong with interest. Two white rabbits squeezed out a beautiful gully. Yunmenglong focused on the two protrusions. People say that when you look at women, you see appreciation above and hooligans below. Yunmenglong is undoubtedly a hooligan, but he can't blame him. Although Fengling is petite, she has given birth to a pair of proud milk that despises the East. Fengling usually dresses very avant-garde, and she knows her own capital very well, so it's normal for yunmenglong to think so. But Feng Ling is very upset.

"What are you looking at, rotten eyes, eloquent obscenities?" Feng Ling angrily said.

"Don't say rotten eyes, even if you die," said yunmenglong with a smile.

"Hum," Feng Ling hummed, "OK, yunmenglong, bring back three beauties. Your Kung Fu in picking up girls is really admirable."

Yun Menglong held Xue Piao in his arms, glanced at Feng Ling and said with a smile, "Yo, how can I sound so sour? Aren't you eating?"

Feng Ling was said to be the central thing. She blushed. She covered up: "cut, eat you big head ghost, eat your vinegar, aunt. I'm not free. You can be with whoever you like, and we have nothing."

"Do we really have nothing?" yunmenglong smiled licentiously and his tone was very ambiguous.

Feng Ling felt her face burning: "you say again, I castrate you."

Yunmenglong smiled and looked at Fengling provocatively: "are you willing?"

"You... Ah!" Feng Ling angrily pointed to Yunmeng dragon and suddenly screamed.

Yunmenglong arrogantly wiped Feng Ling's side and deliberately pinched her chest.

Starting with greasy and elastic, yunmenglong is reluctant to let go.

"Still so ecstatic." Yun Menglong sighed.

"Master." lily Baihui bowed down.

Yunmenglong waved: "don't worship." originally, yunmenglong was deliberately indifferent to them, but when he saw the strong joy and affectionate eyes of lily, yunmenglong softened his heart and said, "are you okay?"

Cloud Lily was flattered and nodded hurriedly: "thank you, master. Baihe Baihui is OK. Just miss your master very much." at last, the sound of lily is like mosquitoes and flies, which can hardly be heard. Look at the beauty, a pair of clear eyes are already full of pearls.

Yunmenglong stroked a handful of Lily's hair and asked Baihui, "do you still hate me?"

The light in Baihui's eyes flashed: "Baihui dare not. Baihui is the master's slave. How can she hate the master."

"When you are so hypocritical, hate and hate. I said you can kill me at any time. Of course, you should have this ability." yunmenglong stared at Baihui's eyes and sneered.

When Baihui was seen by Yunmeng dragon, half of her body was like falling into an ice cellar and half of her body was like being burned by fire. Yunmeng dragon is now like a God, a God above, and she feels powerless. Does she still want to kill him? Although yunmenglong raped them, they were their own masters at that time. Now yunmenglong is very kind to them. It's better to be treated by yunmenglong than those dirty ugly monsters. After all, yunmenglong is a real man, handsome and strong, and has Kung Fu in bed... To put it another way, do you want to kill and kill? Take another step back, even if you kill her, she will die. No doubt, she will also implicate her sister lily. Baihui hesitated and looked at yunmenglong with complicated eyes.

Yunmenglong touched her face and walked towards Wei cliff late.

"Hua Hua, I haven't seen you for a long time. Do you want to be an apprentice?" yunmenglong smiled like a flower.

"Think and think, since you took the little Kirin away, it's much harder for me to roast dog meat, and I can't bake it as delicious as you did." Wei Ya nodded.

Yunmenglong stretched out his middle finger: "call! Did you teach our brothers well?"

"You still call, I fucking depend on you. You really want to break up the old bones of Shifu. I'm an immortal, not a migrant worker. But look, they're more than a hundred times stronger than when you left. I'm miserable. I can't eat well and sleep well. You've never seen such a worried immortal, sobbing." speaking of sadness, Wei Ya and Yang Bai Lao shed muddy old tears.

"All right, all right, I'm old. I'm crying in front of so many brothers. Are you lost?" Yun Menglong glanced at the big black dog under Wei Ya's ass: "I'll roast the big black dog you're sitting on when I go back. It's a reward for you. How about it?"

After Wei Ya's debauchery goal was achieved, he broke his tears into laughter. An old face with a pear blossom and rain looked at yunmenglong: "really?"

"Sure!" yunmenglong stayed in Las Vegas in vain.

"Say? Say what?" Wei Ya frowned.

"I speak English, which means of course. You are an old illiterate. If you have nothing to do, learn more and watch less Jin Ping Mei ah * * * ah." yunmenglong shook his head and sighed.

"I don't read that now. I find the current online novels very interesting. Recently, I've been studying a masterpiece." Wei Ya mysteriously approached Yun Menglong and said.

"Great works? What great works, four famous works?"

"Yes, of the four famous works, I see the golden scales. Is it something in the pool? It's well written. It makes me dream about spring every night. It's much better than those * * * ah, Jin Ping Mei, vinegar gourd and Pan Jinlian's biography." Wei Ya sighed very much.

"Aren't the four famous works' outlaws of the marsh, a dream of Red Mansions, a journey to the West and the legend of cloud dream dragon '? What are the four famous works you said?" cloud dream dragon asked.

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