Supreme Satyr

Chapter 479

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm really bored and tight in Las Vegas. I'm interviewed by those idiot reporters every day, and I just fade out of the birds. The gamblers in Las Vegas don't forget their God, the God of gamblers... Ah, why do you cover my mouth." the man's mouth was suddenly blocked by yunmenglong, and he was very puzzled.

"Haha, haha, (* ^ ^ *) hee hee... Nothing. The weather is good today. Let's go out for a walk and I'll show you our beautiful campus." yunmenglong smiled and changed the topic.

At the same time, yunmenglong whispered into the secret: "day, your uncle's mouth is as loose as his belt. Brother, I came to school as an ordinary person, and I don't want to be the focus person." yunmenglong said this is bullshit. Yunmenglong's three words are the focus. How can he not be the focus person, That campus wedding is enough to make yunmenglong a well deserved focus. Yunmenglong is like the cherry blossom path in the slam dunk master. It will not become the focus all the time. It is a genius temperament and the light of hooligans. But then again, the shameless Cherry Blossom path is still a little better, because there are too many Yunmeng Longgao in terms of ability.

"Oh, that's right. Hehe, you said it earlier. How can people know if you don't say it?" the man whispered beside Yun Menglong.

For all that.

"God, gambling God? Is he Yunmeng dragon who just won the honor of gambling God not long ago?" the interested person thought to himself: "but how did he come to Qianlong college? What's his purpose

However, most of the flower crazy girls were attracted by the new boy. Their eyes stared at the man and murmured, "how handsome, really handsome, as handsome as teacher yunmenglong. Who is he? Yunmenglong, I have no chance, but this new handsome boy, ha ha, I have to come on." The girls had made the new comer their target, and they were wondering how to catch the handsome mess.

I saw the freshman wearing a sky blue sportswear, full of sports style, looking so sunny in this solemn late autumn season. He is tall and handsome. His face can be said to be flawless. His side face like a knife radiates strange beauty in their eyes. From the side, the bridge of his nose higher than that of an Oriental is really charming. He also has a pair of talking eyes. Those eyes look at him with a smile, and the blue pupil is different from yunmenglong, Although not as deep as Yunmeng dragon, it is more gentle, with slender eyes. The sight swept over the place and attracted a group of screams. His skin is more delicate than ordinary women. Fortunately, it is not so white, but a healthy wheat color. Otherwise, he will be regarded as a little white face. His long curled hair lay casually behind his head, gently shook it, and brought a gust of elegant wind. It's really time to advertise Piao rou.

Yunmenglong turned around and walked out of the door in full view of the public. Yunmenglong made a slight effort. The handsome man immediately blushed and approached yunmenglong with a thick neck. Yunmenglong whispered: "You fool, do you need me to say that? I'm the boss of the largest underworld in the sea of clouds. I'm a godfather of the underworld. If I come to school, it's not very serious if the students know and the people outside know?"

The man nodded and said hard, "OK, Menglong, I know I'm wrong. If you try harder, I'll be strangled by you. I don't want to die young. I haven't soaked so many beautiful little girls yet."

Yunmenglong made more efforts. The man stuck out his tongue and screamed repeatedly. Yunmenglong said in a low but firm voice, "Jin Bingying is mine."

The man nodded immediately, "yours, yours."

"Tan Weiwei is mine." yunmenglong continued.

"Yours yours." the man nodded like mashing garlic.

"Lu Jiayao is mine!"

"Ah..." the man was stunned and said, "Menglong really has an idea. The teachers bubble. Well, yours, yours." the man continued.

The students looked at the two as if they were alone and said as they walked. It seems that they are the only two of them in the world. They laugh and flirt like their good friends they haven't seen for many years. Oh, no, it's a harmonious fight. They really don't know the situation.

Seeing the two go farther and farther, Lu Jiayao couldn't help saying, "stop, classmate Yun Menglong and classmate Zhou Yihong, where are you going?"

Yunmenglong looked back and smiled: "go to pick up girls, Yao Yao also want to go?"

Lu Jiayao blushed and said angrily, "this is class. You can't do this. It's against..."

"Jingling jingling..." just then the bell rang.

Yunmenglong pointed to the sound source: "class is over." then without waiting for Lu Jiayao to speak, the two good brothers left with their arms around their shoulders.

Lu Jia and Yao helplessly spread out their hands, which means that God has helped yunmenglong. I really have nothing to say. The others are staring at them and don't know why.

Everyone except the tiger is thinking, who is this handsome and messy beautiful man?

The tiger thought, "Zhou Yihong is also here. Now the school is lively."

Yun Menglong and Zhou Yihong wandered around the school. Wherever they went, they would cause glances and onlookers. After all, they were so handsome. One was the super rogue Yun Menglong and the other was Zhou Yihong, known as the first beautiful man. This was similar to the effect of Wang Leehom and Jin Chengwu walking around the campus, or to exaggerate, the Buddha and the Jade Emperor walking around, If you want to say women, you have to say Xi Shi and Diao Chan.

They hugged each other very affectionately and walked at the same pace. Seeing that they were surrounded by beautiful eyebrows and praised and screamed, they could not help but feel a great increase in their inner vanity. In fact, both women and men are very vain.

"Wow, it's really handsome. Everyone is so handsome. It's a pity that they seem to have a penchant for short sleeve peach splitting."

"Yes, it's a pity. Why should such a handsome man carry the mountain?"


Yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong looked at each other, sweating. They pushed each other away at the same time, one meter away from each other, and the province was regarded as BL.

As they strolled around, yunmenglong took Zhou Yihong to the ghost land. A gust of Yin wind came to his face. Zhou Yihong shivered. He tightened his collar and asked, "Menglong, where is this place?"

"This is a ghost place. It is said that there are many ghosts. Maybe there is a ghost behind us. It's cool?" Yun Menglong asked.

Zhou Yihong stood upright with cold hair. He looked back and saw nothing. He said with a strong smile: "Menglong, this place is too cool. It's a little cold. Can we change to a slightly warm place?"

Yunmenglong's joke is just right. There are ghosts behind them, but not one, but two. This is how the two ghosts talk. Ghost a said, "why is this man coming again? It's really annoying. Let's change places, honey." ghost B said approvingly, "well, well, really, shall we go out to scare them?" ghost a shook his head immediately: "Don't, you didn't see it. This man is very powerful and shameless. Not long ago, he knocked hundreds of people down on the ground and couldn't move." ghost B was startled: "it's so powerful. Ghosts are afraid of villains and ghosts are afraid of hooligans. Honey, we'd better change a place." Two male ghosts vaguely held hands and left. Well, two ghosts with back mountain emotion, it can be seen that this trendy love has passed through the world to the ghost world.

Yunmenglong had a pretty young face in his heart. He nodded and said, "let's go. I'll take you to a good place."

Yunmenglong took Zhou Yihong to the typhoon shelter. They sat on the transparent horizontal stool above. Yunmenglong said: "Yihong, tell me, what are you doing at school? Didn't you stay well in Las Vegas? Well, speaking of Las Vegas, I miss the big wave of foreign girls there. Alas, it's a pity that they are in a hurry and don't have time. It's a pity. You're good. It's great to have foreign meat every day."

Zhou Yihong sighed and said, "Oh, Menglong, don't you find that I'm thin? Those foreign girls have a big appetite and it takes a lot of energy to cook foreign meat every day. I brought some for you if I knew you liked it. Foreign girls eat too much and are too tired. I still prefer Oriental beauties, which are more graceful."

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "it doesn't matter if you are thin. As long as your bird is not thin. Ha ha."

Zhou Yihong said reluctantly, "you licentious hooligan. You still talk so licentiously, but I like it. It's much better to be with you than with those fools."

"By the way, you didn't come back to China to pick up girls. Didn't your father let you manage the family? Did you get your father's approval to come back?" yunmenglong asked.

"Alas, speaking of this, I'm depressed. The old man is too stubborn. I won't let me return home anyway. Thanks to LAN hengyubin's phone call, I can come back smoothly. Only when I came back did I know that you came to Qianlong college, so I followed."

"Lan hengyubin?" Yunmeng Longxuan frowned slightly: "I haven't heard from this boy for a long time, and I don't know what's going on in that mobile casino. By the way, what did LAN hengyubin call you to say, so that I can let the old man agree that you don't care about the family business."

Zhou Yihong pinched his thumb and middle finger together, played it and said with a smile, "yes, it's a mobile casino."

Yunmeng dragon was overjoyed: "has the mobile casino been completed?"

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