Supreme Satyr

Chapter 480

Zhou Yihong touched his nose, coughed deliberately, and said slowly, "well..." yunmenglong stared at yunmenglong and put on a look of listening carefully. Seeing his anxious expression, Zhou Yihong was very happy. It's almost enough to have enough appetite. He can't hang directly. Who knows, Zhou Yihong glanced at yunmenglong and said, "Guess!"

Who knows that yunmenglong is also extremely boring, and his idiot master played with Zhou Yihong: "guess, I guess or not."

Zhou Yihong was stunned for a moment and was very excited. ABC and yunmenglong, which are not very standard in Mandarin, played a tongue twister: "guess, I guess, do you guess!"

Yunmenglong's mouth can't be compared with that of Zhou Xiaozi, a little foreign devil who has lived in the United States all the year round. Yunmenglong said with a smile, "you guess, I guess, I guess, I guess, I guess, I don't guess." yunmenglong said this sentence very quickly, and he couldn't hear anything at all. Zhou Yihong was completely devastated by yunmenglong's sentence, He looked at Yunda hooligans and was completely convinced. He said with a bitter smile: "Menglong's eloquence is inferior. He is ashamed to be inferior. Please Menglong explain one or two. Why did he just say?" the boy just returned home. He really doesn't know how to say people's words. He made this half white words. This may be extremely awkward if others listen to it, but yunmenglong is kind and tight when he listens to it, which reminds him of his memory.

Yun Menglong patted Zhou Yihong on the shoulder and said, "I've been a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation for 5000 years. Yi Hong doesn't understand. It's normal. After Ben adds punctuation for you, the original profound meaning will become clear immediately. The sentence is like this: do you guess... Do I guess... Do I guess, do I guess... Guess? Now, brother Zhou understands?" Yun Menglong shamelessly called that stuttering remark profound. He really laughed off his teeth, but Zhou Yihong?

Zhou Yihong stood up, bowed and said sincerely, "thank you Menglong for solving my doubts. I'm deeply impressed and dare not forget it for a moment. In addition, brother Menglong is talented and knowledgeable. My admiration for you is like a flowing river and the Yellow River. It's out of control!"

Yunmenglong waved his hand and said modestly, "it's just a small scene."

While Zhou Yihong was still praising, a small head appeared behind the screen, and two braids tied like guns facing the sky were very ostentatious. Zhou Yihong shouted coldly, "who eavesdropped on my conversation with Menglong? Is it because I'm impatient? Come out!"

Cheng Qiqi came out from behind the screen and looked at Zhou Yihong, a beautiful man of this generation, with a look of fear in his eyes. Seeing that there was less fear in Yunmeng dragon's eyes, the little girl ran behind Yunmeng dragon, took Yunmeng dragon's big hand with her small hand, and quietly said to Yunmeng dragon, "brother long, this brother is so fierce, and Qiqi is so afraid!" Cheng Qiqi blinked at Zhou Yihong with innocent big eyes, I thought I was looking at a fierce beast. Who knows I was looking at such a super invincible handsome man.

In the process of running to the back of Yunmeng dragon, Zhou Yihong has seen the appearance of Qiqi. Qiqi's pink face is childish, her Yao nose is tall and straight, her small mouth is red, and her rosy clouds are as tender as white clouds. Her big black and white eyes are so clear and transparent, which makes people feel pity. The little girl has picturesque, charming and moving eyebrows, Although the body is still green and astringent, it already has the style of super beauty. It's only a teenager, it's about 1.60 meters, and its two legs are long and straight. It's the best style.

Zhou Yihong was stunned. He couldn't help clapping his hands and saying, "what a punctual little Lori. Now she can reverse all living beings and grow up well! Menglong, isn't this little Lori your sister? If so, I have to be your brother-in-law!"

Yunmenglong shook his head and smiled: "how unfortunate that such a beautiful and naive girl is not my sister, but how unfortunate that such a beautiful girl is not my sister!"

Zhou Yihong shook his head and sighed: "Menglong occupies all the beautiful women in the world. There is no limit to Yanfu. Yihong envies it!"

Although Cheng Qiqi is a genius in learning and has a high IQ. It is said that he is only a few tenths lower than Einstein AI, who is the world's most outstanding IQ and the highest appearance, but his emotion is a piece of white paper. Cheng Qiqi has a special identity. Besides, he has been with young geniuses since childhood. Those geniuses are different from ordinary people. Those with high IQ are dying and those with low EQ are dying. No matter how beautiful Qiqi is, they can't find it. Besides, they're not the old hooligan yunmenglong. They're not so beautiful. They are still interested in Goldbach's conjecture, black holes and white holes, positive matter and antimatter, ten difficult problems in mathematics, etc. if you give them a few beautiful women, they will only wonder what causes the difference between men and women. It's a monster.

How could she understand the debauchery dialogue between yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong, two flower experts and masters in color, when she was with such people every day.

Cheng Qiqi pulled yunmenglong's big hand and said, "brother long, what are you talking about? Unfortunately, I'm not your own sister. Are you happy? I know you don't like others and don't think they're cute!" Xiao Qiqi couldn't help but feel sad. The glittering precious beads were born out of thin air and filled his eyes. When they were saturated, they burst into tears!

Yunmenglong was startled when he saw the little beauty crying. Yunmeng dragon is not afraid of heaven and earth. Heroes and hooligans are not afraid. They are afraid of women's tears! Although Qiqi is not a woman, it also belongs to women. It's terrible to cry.

"Qiqi is good, Qiqi is wonderful, and Qiqi quacks. My brother knows wrong. My brother doesn't mean that. Why doesn't my brother like Qiqi? Qiqi is so cute that everyone likes it." yunmenglong squats down, holds Qiqi's small hand, coaxes and quacks, and regards other people's Qiqi little beauty as a duck.

Qiqi stopped crying immediately after hearing yunmenglong's praise and apology. Two lines of clear tears hung on his pink face, which was called a ChuChu poor man. Qiqi looked at Yunmeng dragon and said, "really?"

Yunmenglong nodded and said, "it's true. It's true. It's more true than pearls."

"Does that brother like me too?" Qi Qi stretched out his small hand and pointed to Zhou Yihong and asked Yunmeng long.

Yunmenglong didn't want to think about it. He nodded immediately: "of course, he likes Qiqi too. If he dares not to like it, his brother will teach him a lesson for you."

Zhou Yihong immediately stepped up two steps and came over with a spring flower like smile on his face. A row of white and neat teeth were slightly exposed. Coupled with his rare dimples for boys, it was really beautiful. Zhou Yihong pretended to be kind and said, "your name is Qiqi. It's a lovely name. I'm better than Zhou Yihong. You can compare me with brother Hong, just like brother Yunmeng long. I'm really sorry just now. My brother was so cruel to you, and my brother thought he was a bad man. Who knows that I scared the beautiful little Qiqi. I know I'm wrong and should be punished." Zhou Yihong said, sticking his right hand to his left face, With his left hand beating his right hand, Zhou Yihong gave a crisp sound of "pa!". At the same time, Zhou Yihong swung his face to the right and gave an exaggerated scream of "ah".

Zhou Yihong moves too fast. How can Qiqi see clearly? She thought Zhou Yihong slapped herself. The sound startled the little girl. Qiqi "ah" shouted softly, "what are you doing, big brother? It hurts. Qiqi just wants to know whether you like Qiqi or not, and it's not for you to beat yourself."

Zhou Yihong said, "my brother is wrong. I deserve to die for causing little Qiqi to shed tears. Of course, my brother likes Qiqi, otherwise I wouldn't beat myself to make amends to Qiqi."

Qiqi came up to Zhou Yihong's left cheek, pecked it gently with his small mouth and said, "does my brother still hurt now?"

Zhou Yihong's color is affected by the soul. A soul almost flew into the air and floated out of the sky. He hasn't played with little Lori, but he hasn't seen such a top-grade little Lori. The small lips are tender, like water tofu, soft and like marshmallow. It's called an intoxicating person. Zhou Yihong secretly decided not to wash his face for three days. Qiqi asked if it hurt. Zhou Yihong thought that if she said it hurt, the little girl would kiss him again, so she frowned and nodded, "it still hurts!"


Yunmenglong and Zhou Yihong didn't expect it. Qiqi's small hand hit Zhou Yihong's left face. Zhou Yihong's face, which has been protected by Junyi, appears a surrealist work, a five finger mountain leaps up, vivid and profound. Zhou Yihong was stunned, and yunmenglong, who was just very depressed, was also stunned: "77, what is this?"

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